Generally, study reveals the factor of jealousy is on the higher side with the women.
In fact, if I am correct, I read in some books. Are women more prone to jealousy
than men, or does it depend on person or vary from person to person. From the
articles and stories, we read that women seem to be more jealous, if she thinks
that her man has an emotional attachment with another woman. Perhaps, she
just wants to make sure that her man cares for her only. It is quite natural. It can
not be termed as jealous only. As far as jealousy is concerned, it wanes with time.
Sowbagyavathy VR, Greetings.
It seems, it would be very interesting to live in your 'colony' ( or is that a block of apartment buildings?). I understand one thing though; unreasonable persons will not understand reasonable grievances. One has to adopt அடாவடி in such circumstances. It is easy to become an unreasonable person. It is always nice to make unreasonable persons to taste their own medicine. Just a thought.
Dear sir,
I have come to believe over the years that jealousy is actually the same for both sexes but may be females show it openly and hence its thought that females are more jealous types.
Men somehow conceal that feeling well cos they would not want to show that anything affects them partially due to the cultural conditioning that males shouldnt display emotions as much as females.
Most jealousy motivated murders are committed by males but now we have "Swarna akka " types of females too so anything is possible these days.
Men and Women both want their partners to be emotionally attached to them most of the while.
But men mostly jealously guard their wives but they dont mind being emotionally attached to another woman.
Males are driven more by physical appearance but females are driven more by emotions.
I feel if a person is emotionally attached to another person besides his/her spouse he/she should be fair and just enough to allow freedom to his/her spouse to be emotionally attached to another person.
I have seen and felt the sparks of jealousy from old forum friends-
when we make new Forum friends!!! :faint:
Do they think we BELONG exclusively to them under any category like
I have seen and felt the sparks of jealousy from old forum friends-
when we make new Forum friends!!! :faint:
Do they think we BELONG exclusively to them under any category like
One honest doubt!! Can the pen pals be real pals? They disappear so suddenly without prior notice! :bolt:
I post once a day and not for the next 24 hours - on most days!
So a honest, straight forward and point blank question
to the person(s) who posts unrelated things
JUST after I post , everyday in every thread of mine...
Is IT because you want your name to be there for the full day
till I make a fresh post on the next day
and then you can repeat your performance??? :moony:
Brrrrrrrrrrrrr....... now I shiver entering this thread!!! And your Q is a point-to-ponder over too!!!!!!!
I post once a day and not for the next 24 hours - on most days!
So a honest, straight forward and point blank question
to the person(s) who posts unrelated things
JUST after I post , everyday in every thread of mine...
Is IT because you want your name to be there for the full day
till I make a fresh post on the next day
and then you can repeat your performance??? :moony: