The West in general and the U.S. in particular is no slouch when it comes to violence against women and they have a lot to answer for. But, at least, they don’t blame the victim and that is something that West can tell other nations and cultures to adopt.
best ...
Dear Shri Prasad,
I know you live in the US and may at best visit India occasionally.
You are not quite correct when you declare, without any basis, "Indians are far more advanced and emancipated to accept your 14th century views." The reality is very different although, egged on by media hype and strident, so-called women's empowerment notions, many females today, even in India, seem to believe in "minimum cover and maximum exposure". Contrary to what yourself and people of your kind (whom I call our expat gurus) seek to advise us, Indians, there still is a good cross section of women around here who believe that revealing clothes will titillate male minds and some of them may be driven to the extreme of rape. (Kindly see the attached press cutting scan.)
India (and perhaps China) are yet underdeveloped countries and for most menfolk, rape is not any different from sexual intercourse, one in which "he" has his way. Realizing this situation only, our Parliament kept out "marital rape" from out of the purview of the latest legislation, probably. Again, the possibility of misuse of any legal provision by women themselves is also very high and concrete in India. (Please see Ravi's post here.) Even the psychologists do not seem to think that a rapist is a genetic aberration as some of you hold, based on some so-called learned studies (again, see the attachment).
China knows what is good for that country just as the Taliban knew what was good for Afghanistan, some years ago. Let Indians in India be left to fend for themselves.
I will therefore request that the western standards of women's freedom and equality may not be imposed from above on under-developed countries like India, China, etc. You will notice from the attachment that even the avant garde womenfolk, psychologists, etc., here have yet to be completely proselytized to the western ways of thinking on this issue.
Yesterday, I was remarking to someone that the Shannar women fought for their right to cover their breasts once upon a time but now women of all categories are fighting to go almost naked!! Moral of the story — women will always ask for the impossible.
Why? Simply because "we do so and hence it must be good for you too and so should be followed!"
Colonial superiority!
I usually admire your post, I may not agree with it all the time.
I do not appreciate your condescending tone, when you want to contradict any one living in USA.
You have a chip on your shoulder, and hatred towards people living in USA or west in general.
You talk as if you speak for all Indians. I want to tell you that you are wrong. You may know the opinion of a portion of people living in one corner of Kerela, so please do not generalize on that basis. Surprisingly most of the NRI are well versed and well informed about India and Indians. We get to sample a wider audience, and also get a better picture. You are living among the trees in a rain forrest, and are not able to see above the trees, we on the other hand can get the picture of the whole forrest.
Please brush that chip of your shoulder. I know your kids live abroad, but may be you are so strong in your opinion that they can not influence your views.
Dear Sangom, I think you have it backwards, it is like this -- they are right about not blaming the victim, so, let us also not blame the victim because it is the right thing to do. We Tamils believe "எப்பொருள் யார் யார் வாய் கேட்பினும் அப்பொருள் மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்பது அறிவு" no?Why? Simply because "we do so and hence it must be good for you too and so should be followed!"
Colonial superiority!
Ravi, I am baffled by this statement. Yes, of course, consent is crucial, if there was consent then how could that be rape? The standard in the West is a woman can withdraw consent at any time, even during the love making and the man has to stop (pun word not used).Rapist has to be legally punished ONLY because he has attacked her without her consent, otherwise it would have been fine.
Rapist has to be legally punished ONLY because he has attacked her without her consent, otherwise it would have been fine.
Ravi, I am baffled by this statement. Yes, of course, consent is crucial, if there was consent then how could that be rape? The standard in the West is a woman can withdraw consent at any time, even during the love making and the man has to stop (pun word not used).
IF YES, police complaints are made on these grounds and legal actions are taken, then all I can say is, such ladies are cruel, crooked or mental and such law makers are dumb!!
How many bf/gf one wishes to have is irrelevant to the principle that a victim should not be blamed for an assault. It is baffling to me that this simple concept is so hard to appreciate....There are people with multiple bf/gf, having multiple sex partners, with knowledge of bf/gf or without the knowledge of bf/gf.
Take it easy policy. Girls and boys can sleep with any one they "like" as bf/gf and marry any other person. They are even proud to say how many EX boyfriend/Girl friend they have and how experienced they sexually are. A husband/wife is just one among many such EX with only exception to legal wedding and giving birth to a legal child.
Rapist has to be legally punished ONLY because he has attacked her without her consent, otherwise it would have been fine.
I am kind of surprised as how people who want to be logical are so off in the positions they take.
It occurs to me that this may have to do with the way one is taught to understand the Tamil word - karpu (கற்பு).
A rapist can take that away from a woman without her consent and a woman herself can give it up by being immoral (sleeping with many guys etc).
In the end some people cannot see the difference between the two way of losing கற்பு.
Sexual Promiscuity and Rape are 2 different matters all together.
Sexual Promiscuity with CONSENT is not a CRIME.
Rape is a CRIME.
I wonder why is it so hard for some people to understand this.
How many bf/gf one wishes to have is irrelevant to the principle that a victim should not be blamed for an assault. It is baffling to me that this simple concept is so hard to appreciate.
If bf/gf is a really really bad thing, still violence against women is to be condemned without blaming the victim.
If bf/gf is a really really great thing, still, still, violence against women is to be condemned without blaming the victim.
Even if the woman is a prostitute, if the John or the customer beats her up, it is not her fault.
Yes!! Parents, siblings, relatives and even outsiders in India put the blame on the rape victim who are against the girl's choice of wearing exposing costumes or being the girl non considerate towards any other suggestions/advises (like taking a wrong rout, late night roaming etc..etc) . The people who could understand the cultural make up of India and are aware of existence of plenty of Hungry Men of this densely populated, poor and corrupted India would certainly object a girl who chose to wear revealing costumes, opposing the caution given. When such revealing girls are raped, they would be certainly blamed by these folks. Every one knows the basic fact that, a person who does the act forcefully upon other is the culprit and to be legally punished. As such, every one would be against the rapist and would like to see him legally taken to task. The blame on these girls is for not giving considerations to the cautions/advises given to them and this would naturally come from people who cared her.
My statement of mine in post no. 84 that you have exclusively quoted was to further elaborate on my my point that, Sex with multiple bg/gf is not an issue for those Western folks and seems anything related to SEX is not a big issue unless its not done without the consent of a female.
The above statement of mine was first posted (quoting Shri Sangoms's statment) stating that, for matters related to SEX in Western World its a "Take it Easy policy" and boy and girl don't mind having multiple sex partners. They are even proud to say how many EX partners they have and how sound their Sexual experience and Expertise is.And that, Marriage is just a legal formalities for the benefits it offers and nothing else. A spouse is as same as any other EX the person have with whom they shared everything.
The above statement of mine was first posted (quoting Shri Sangoms's statment) stating that, for matters related to SEX in Western World its a "Take it Easy policy" and boy and girl don't mind having multiple sex partners. They are even proud to say how many EX partners they have and how sound their Sexual experience and Expertise is.And that, Marriage is just a legal formalities for the benefits it offers and nothing else. A spouse is as same as any other EX the person have with whom they shared everything.
I adultery is removed as legitimate cause for seeking divorce, then, more couples will not go to court. More the merrier.
Dear Sangom, I think you have it backwards, it is like this -- they are right about not blaming the victim, so, let us also not blame the victim because it is the right thing to do. We Tamils believe "எப்பொருள் யார் யார் வாய் கேட்பினும் அப்பொருள் மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்பது அறிவு" no?
Ravi, I am baffled by this statement. Yes, of course, consent is crucial, if there was consent then how could that be rape? The standard in the West is a woman can withdraw consent at any time, even during the love making and the man has to stop (pun word not used).
Shri Sarang,
Westerners certainly condemn adultery after marriage as an extra marital affairs and would seek divorce. All I said is, for them sharing physical intimacy long with emotional intimacy with any no of partners is perfectly fine until they get wedded to 1. And a spouse is just as same as EX with only exceptional legal benefits that is offered in a legalized spouse relationship.
In short, marriage & divorce is a "home-industry" which may yield fabulous dividends if the woman knows when and where to invest!![]()
This kind of equivocation is unacceptable. To bring up girls and boys to be vigilant is a universal good, whether in India or China, or Sweden. But, blaming the victim after the attack is just not acceptable, it is cruel and inhumane.The blame on these girls is for not giving considerations to the cautions/advises given to them and this would naturally come from people who cared her.
........ One could see this in the aftermath of the Delhi rape case. However, it seems there is a sizable population, probably from the older generation, who are able to perpetrate this victim blaming nonsense with impunity.
.... In such a densely populated China, to what extent the police can protect each and every girl? How many rapists in every new case every day has to be prosecuted in the court of law for months together?
As I noted earlier, in the U.S., and I am sure in many western countries as well, come summer time young women wear really very skimpy clothes, yet, none of the virile young men go into uncontrollable primal urge and violate the skimpily clad women. This includes Indian young men living in the U.S. as well.Among many of the reasons behind rape and sexual abuses/molestation, wearing skimpy dress is also one of the reasons.
This is fresh, telling women what they can fight for and what right they cannot have. If fighting poverty, corruption etc. is of higher priority how about spending less time trying to tell women what they can wear, etc., and go fight for all the other social evils of higher priority. With less time spent on worrying about skimpy clothes there will be more time to fight for social justice.Girls can fight for the Rights to avail Education opportunities, Job opportunities, Scholarship opportunities, Property Sharing, Social recognition etc.etc. The right, liberty and the pressing need to expose her Body can neither be considered as the Top Priorities of women empowerment nor can be considered as the basic needs of the Women, in a developing countries like India and China where there is no dearth of population, poverty and corruption.
Herein after the post gets depressingly even more offensive, I have to leave it here.Women need sense of social responsibilities.