Sorry for being pedantic
I looked at the video given in post That is not the way a value of an expression is computed. The order of evaluation is always left to right according to the operator precedence.
So in 6/2*(1+2) since / and * are the same precedence 6/2 is evaluated first giving 3. Now next two operators * and + , plus inside parenthesis, so 1+2 is evaluated next and finally the results of the first two operations are multiplied. Postfix notation (what the pocket calculator does) for this expression is 6, 2, / ,1 ,2 ,+ ,*
Answers to my questions in post
a) 3 ( 2,3,-,4,+)
b) -5 (2,3,-4, -)
c) 256 (2,2,3,^,^) - Exponentiation (operator ^) is right associative - you go from right to left - so 2[SUP]3[/SUP] is evaluated first to 8 then 2[SUP]8[/SUP] is evaluated next to get 256.
For details on associativity of operators please see
Answer to
is roughly 2.71 (value of e) - to see this note 4[SUP]6*7[/SUP] is evaluated first to 4[SUP]42[/SUP].
Since 4 = 2[SUP]2[/SUP]. Hence 4[SUP]42[/SUP] becomes 2[SUP]84[/SUP]. next 9[SUP]-2[SUP]84[/SUP] [/SUP]becomes
1/9[sup]2[SUP]84[/SUP][/sup]. Since 9=3[SUP]2[/SUP] that expression becomes 1/3[SUP]2[SUP]85[/SUP][/SUP].
So the expression is of the form (1+1/n)[SUP]n[/SUP] where n =3[SUP]2[SUP]85[/SUP][/SUP]
Since n is very large, from your calculus 1, we know that it becomes Euler's number e = 2.71...
( )
By the same token the value of (1.001)[SUP]1000[/SUP] will be approximately 2.71 (verified here^1000 )
Going back in the past the question I raised (two years ago ) here (You have to mouse over to get the puzzle )- what is the value of 0.999 [SUP]1000[/SUP] will be approximately 0.367 which is 1/e (verified here^1000 )