The cute little darling said, 'Because it doesn't have its own chair!'May be to hide them or to keep them hot......I don't sure it's a cute answer from your granddaughter
Double fortified milk ?...Here is one: 'What does a pampered cow give?'![]()
:lol: But the answer given is something else. Think a little more, please!Double fortified milk ?![]()
A funny/punny answer for clue 17 Across (indirect clue - needs lateral thinking) in today's (9/27/2016) Washington Post crossword puzzle:
(US)Constitutional justification for sleeveless garments? (15 letters )
[ The answer is a phrase - - the number of words in the answer is not indicated in the clue itself—so a one-word clue can mean a multiple-word answer]
Thank you Prof. Sir. I am waiting for Auh ji to answer the new riddle.![]()
Assuming that at least one in this august forum likes word plays and crossword puzzles, here are a couple of clues:
Source: Chronicle of Higher Education October VII , 2016 - Theme of the puzzle: Caeser Cipher
17. 4? (15 letters , 2 words - The first word has 11 letters)
47. 105? (14 letters, 2 words - The first word has 8 letters)
[ ? means out of the box thinking along the theme]
Is it 5*4*3*(2+1)=180