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Quite interesting and Highly effective.

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Dear Friends after a long break am into Tamil Brahmins Forum now.
Best wishes to all of you.
Now the topic :
One of my cousin was bed ridden for almost 3 months bcoz of high Sugar and was suffering from all other related ailments. She took treatment at a private hospital to control Sugar , only control , and was back home after few days. One of the Homeopathy Doctor advised her to make 8 every day before going to bed at least for 15 minutes. Making 8 means keep 2 chairs at a distance just go around that like 8. In a span of 2 months the sugar level is down to 200 + from earlier 350 which was recorded when she got discharged from the hospital. Of course she is continuing her medicines.
8 is not only for getting Driving license it is also for keeping good health.
All the best and why not to try this best way
Dear Friends after a long break am into Tamil Brahmins Forum now.
Best wishes to all of you.
Now the topic :
One of my cousin was bed ridden for almost 3 months bcoz of high Sugar and was suffering from all other related ailments. She took treatment at a private hospital to control Sugar , only control , and was back home after few days. One of the Homeopathy Doctor advised her to make 8 every day before going to bed at least for 15 minutes. Making 8 means keep 2 chairs at a distance just go around that like 8. In a span of 2 months the sugar level is down to 200 + from earlier 350 which was recorded when she got discharged from the hospital. Of course she is continuing her medicines.
8 is not only for getting Driving license it is also for keeping good health.
All the best and why not to try this best way

I remember having read that this was known in olden days as எட்டு நடை போடறது (eṭṭu naṭai poṭaṟatu) which got morphed in course of time to எட்டி நடை போடறது (eṭṭi naṭai poṭaṟatu). In the villages any two trees situated some distance apart would suffice for this. But one point to note is you should go clock-wise and anti-clock-wise (see attached) equal number of times to get maximum benefits.


  • ettunadai.webp
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I got this in web search! Shall post the article in two parts.

Part 1:

எட்டு' போட்டால், வாகனம் ஓட்ட "உரிமம்' கிடைக்கும் என்பது தான் நமக்கு தெரியும். ஆனால், "எட்டு' வடிவத்தில்

நடை பயிற்சி மேற்கொள்வதால் உடலுக்கு ஆரோக்கியம் கிடைக்கும் என்கிறார், யோகா ஆசிரியரான சண்முகம்.

சென்னை ராயபுரம் அண்ணா பூங்காவில் மாலை நேரத்தில் சென்றால், தரையில் எட்டு என்ற எண்ணை எழுதி,

அதன் மீது தொடர்ந்து நடந்து செல்வதைப் பார்க்கலாம்.

சர்க்கரை தீரும்:

இது குறித்து அவர்களிடம் விளக்கம் கேட்ட போது, "எட்டு' வடிவில் நடந்து செல்வதால், சர்க்கரை வியாதி

சிறிது சிறிதாக விடுபடுவதாகவும், மூட்டு வலியும் குணமடைவதாகவும் கூறினர். "எட்டு' வடிவ நடைபயிற்சி

வழங்கி வரும், வண்ணாரப்பேட்டை யோகா ஆசிரியர் சண்முகம் கூறியதாவது:

சித்தர் கால வைத்தியம்:

எட்டு' வடிவ நடைபயிற்சியை, புதுச்சேரியில் உள்ள இயற்கை உணவு வைத்தியர் மாணிக்கம் என்பவரிடம்

கற்றுக்கொண்டேன். "எட்டு" போட்டு, அதன் மேல் கால்களை எட்டி வைத்து நடப்பது, பார்ப்பதற்கு நகைச்சுவையாகத்

தெரியலாம். ஆனால், சித்தர்கள் காலத்தில் பரிந்துரைக்கப்பட்ட இயற்கை வைத்திய முறைகளில், இதுவும் ஒன்று.

சென்னையில் 20 ஆண்டுகளாக இப்பயிற்சியை அளிக்கிறேன். ஆயிரத்துக்கும் அதிகமானோர் "எட்டு' நடை


To be continued.....

Part 2:

பயிற்சி முறை:

ஒரு அறையில் அல்லது வெட்டவெளியில், கிழக்கு மேற்காக கோடு வரைந்து, 10 அடியில், வடக்கு தெற்காக

"எட்டு' எண் எழுத வேண்டும். அதன் மேல், தொடர்ந்து 10 முதல் 15 நிமிடம் வரை தெற்கில் இருந்து வடக்கு

நோக்கியோ அல்லது வடக்கில் இருந்து தெற்கு நோக்கியோ நடக்க வேண்டும். பயிற்சியின் முடிவில்,

உள்ளிழுக்கப்பட்ட முழு மூச்சுக் காற்றையும் உணரலாம். பின் இடைவெளி விட்டு மீண்டும் 15 நிமிட நடை

பயிற்சியைத் தொடரலாம். இடைப்பட்ட நேரத்தில் மார்புச்சளியை தானாகவே வெளியே உமிழ்வதாலோ

அல்லது கரைந்து இருப்பதையோ உணரலாம்.

குதிகால் வரை:

இப்பயிற்சியால், குதிகால் முதல் உச்சந்தலை வரை பயன் பெறுகிறது. குளிர்ச்சியால் ஏற்படும் தலைவலி,

மலச்சிக்கல் தீரும். கண் பார்வை மற்றும் செவி கேட்புத் திறன் அதிகரிக்கும். உடலினுள் செல்லும் ஐந்து

கிலோ பிராண வாயுவால் உடல் சக்தி பெறுகிறது. குடலிறக்க நோயும் இதனால் குணமாகும். ரத்த அழுத்தம்


எட்டு நடைபயிற்சியை தினமும் அரை மணி நேரம் செய்தால் மூட்டு வலியும், 40 நிமிடம் செய்தால் ரத்த

அழுத்தமும், ஒரு மணி நேரம் செய்தால் சர்க்கரை வியாதியில் இருந்தும் விடுபடலாம். மற்ற நடைபயிற்சியை

விட நான்கு மடங்கு இது சிறந்தது. இப்பயிற்சியில் சிறுநீரகத்தின் "பாய்ண்ட்' என்று சொல்லப்படும் குதிகால்,

அதிக பயன் பெறுகிறது. மன அழுத்தமும் குறையும். இவ்வாறு அவர் கூறினார்.

வரவேற்பு :

எட்டு நடை பயிற்சி குறித்து நாகேந்திரன் கூறும்போது, "60 வயதான எனக்கு, இந்த பயிற்சியை மேற்கொண்ட

பிறகு, படபடப்பு குறைந்துள்ளது; சர்க்கரை அளவும் படிப்படியாகக் குறைந்து வருகிறது,'' என்றார்.

பள்ளி தலைமையாசிரியர் மனோன்மணி, "இந்த பயிற்சியை கடந்த ஆறு மாதமாக செய்து வருகிறேன்.

இதனால், எனது ஊளை சதை வெகுவாகக் குறைந்துள்ளது. கண்களுக்கு நல்ல பயிற்சியாக உள்ளது,'' என்றார்.
Dear HK Sir, Sangom Ji and RR Madam, Thanx for the tips. This exercise appears to be very simple for daily practice. Good thing aimed at long and healthy living. During my recent health check up, Doctor advised me to desist from taking medicines as for as possible, instead practice simple exercises like walking, breathing exercise, laughing, etc All execises I can do it alone, except for laughing. If I laugh alone, certainly I will become a laughing stock.
.............But one point to note is you should go clock-wise and anti-clock-wise (see attached) equal number of times to get maximum benefits.
Dear Sangom Sir,

If a person walks one half of the shape 8 in clock-wise direction, the other half will automatically be in the

anti clock-wise direction. So why the above condition in your post? :confused:
Dear Raji Ram you are right . I was little confused after reading Sangom sir's Mail. When you make 8 one half is clock wise and the other half is CCW.
This I was discussing with my Friend's son , now practicing as house surgeon after completing MBBS.
He agreed that most of the general diseases starts with wrong or untimely food habits. Two organs namely Lever and Panthreas are responsible for normal processing/ digestion. abnormal function of lever will lead to minor disorder and may lead up to Jaundice. Panthreas for generation of insulin and disorder here will lead to Sugar diabetics etc.
Now you imagine while making 8 , during clock wise movement the right half of abdomen is pressed and during CCW left half is pressed. of course these are the location of these two organs. As you walk fast the pressure on either side also increases, making it more effective.
OMG it is scientifically true friends.
8 Vazhga.
.......... 8 Vazhga.
Here are some more fascinating facts of numer 8 in our life!

எட்டில் அடங்கிய வாழ்க்கை!

எட்டு வயதிற்குள் செய்யாத குட்டிக் குறும்புகளும்,

ஈரெட்டு வயதிற்குள் கற்காத அடிப்படைக் கல்வியும்,

மூவெட்டு வயதிற்குள் அமையாத நல்ல வேலையும்,

நாலெட்டு வயதிற்குள் செய்துகொள்ளாத திருமணமும்,

ஐயெட்டு வயதிற்குள் கிடைக்கப் பெறாத பிள்ளைகளும்,

ஆறெட்டு வயதிற்குள் சேமிக்காத பொருட் செல்வமும்,

ஏழெட்டு வயதிற்குள் போகாத தொலைதூரப் பயணமும்,

எட்டெட்டு வயதிற்குள் மனத்தில் கொள்ளாத துறவும்,

நலமே தராது போகும்!

Smt. Raji Ram :)

I suggest you wear a bluetooth earpiece and do the 'laughing' exercise. It will look natural. Don't you find hundreds of walkers, bus/train commuters talking and laughing all the time with their mobile in hand and hands free device in the ear.

Dear HK Sir, Sangom Ji and RR Madam, Thanx for the tips. This exercise appears to be very simple for daily practice. Good thing aimed at long and healthy living. During my recent health check up, Doctor advised me to desist from taking medicines as for as possible, instead practice simple exercises like walking, breathing exercise, laughing, etc All execises I can do it alone, except for laughing. If I laugh alone, certainly I will become a laughing stock.

We can even read a book and laugh out loud!

I remember my dad laughing out loud till tears appeared in his eyes,
while he read some portions of the books by P G Wodehouse! :pound:
I suggest you wear a bluetooth earpiece and do the 'laughing' exercise. It will look natural. Don't you find hundreds of walkers, bus/train commuters talking and laughing all the time with their mobile in hand and hands free device in the ear.
Sir, Suggestion is good. But, IMHO, will it not be too odd to see a senior citizen much busily communicating with a Bluetooth, more especially in bus/train and public places? For me anything can wait. I consider talking and laughing loud in public places as a nuisance. Better to join the 'Laughing Club' and do the exercise at Mariana Beach. But distance factor is there. I live 20 KMs away from Marina.
Me too. Once, in a train journey, when I read the line - 'he looked more like a parrot than most parrots do' - I burst out stop laughing. PGW is infectious.

We can even read a book and laugh out loud!

I remember my dad laughing out loud till tears appeared in his eyes,
while he read some portions of the books by P G Wodehouse! :pound:

I do this type of walking, after dinner, in our hall! :cool:

Raji Madam

Thanks; started y day under the watchful eyes of my wife and DIL.
Is there any condition that it should be done only after Dinner?
Because we have a back yard, with fenced compound here. and i did it there for about 30 minutes!!
Making a Trail!! I did it in the evening.
My grandsons also joined me and told them also the importance of this 8>

They were asking many questions!!

Kindly pl let me know.
Also fwded your instructions to my friends and relatives mentioning source as " Raji Madam, Chennai"

Dear P J Sir,

My doctor brother is very careful to maintain his size always! He usually advises a 20 - 30 minutes walk,

after relaxing for about half an hour after dinner. I added this '8 shape' later on, to get rid of my knee pain.

I have already written in another thread that wearing elastic knee caps for four to six hours a day reduces

knee pain. When wear them when I cook, go out or walk after dinner. A smear of anti fungal cream behind

the knees will save from skin infections.


Dear P J Sir,

My doctor brother is very careful to maintain his size always! He usually advises a 20 - 30 minutes walk,

after relaxing for about half an hour after dinner. I added this '8 shape' later on, to get rid of my knee pain.

I have already written in another thread that wearing elastic knee caps for four to six hours a day reduces

knee pain. When wear them when I cook, go out or walk after dinner. A smear of anti fungal cream behind

the knees will save from skin infections.


Raji Madam

Thanks; i have no knee problem, but only Sugar.
I go for a walk in the morning around 7 am about 4 Miles

You still did not answer my question.
Can i do this 8 walk any time or i should do it only after dinner?
In the evening i normally again go for a walk, and after completing the walk , i can do this 8 in our back yard itself.
Raji Madam

Thanks; i have no knee problem, but only Sugar.
I go for a walk in the morning around 7 am about 4 Miles

You still did not answer my question.
Can i do this 8 walk any time or i should do it only after dinner?
In the evening i normally again go for a walk, and after completing the walk , i can do this 8 in our back yard itself.

Shri PJ,

The best time is before breakfast or in the evening (sandhyA). You can mark this 8 on your terrace and it will be very convenient. I know people who follow this 8 and have benefitted but personally I do not believe in this walking "fad".

Dear P J Sir,

Sangom Sir has given the reply to you. FYI, I walk just with an imaginary 8 and do not have any markings.

I guess the clockwise and anticlockwise walking might be the secret. Please continue your usual walk. :)

My brother has time only at night for walk. Early dinner; some relaxation; walk for 30 minutes, is his routine

which I too follow. Up to two floors, he doesn't use the elevator. He is also very strict in his diet. :thumb:
Shri PJ,

The best time is before breakfast or in the evening (sandhyA). You can mark this 8 on your terrace and it will be very convenient. I know people who follow this 8 and have benefitted but personally I do not believe in this walking "fad".

sangom Sir

thanks; i have started doing it in our back yard in the evening as we do not have any terrace; in fact most houses in US /UK do not have any terrace.

Dear P J Sir,

Sangom Sir has given the reply to you. FYI, I walk just with an imaginary 8 and do not have any markings.

I guess the clockwise and anticlockwise walking might be the secret. Please continue your usual walk. :)

My brother has time only at night for walk. Early dinner; some relaxation; walk for 30 minutes, is his routine

which I too follow. Up to two floors, he doesn't use the elevator. He is also very strict in his diet. :thumb:

Raji Madam

Thanks; i do more walking and now added to my regular walking , i will do this 8 in the evening.

I am also very strict with my diet ; maintaining my weight.

May be if we are able to walk 8 on a slanting wooden roof, the effect will be much more! :lol:

Photo courtesy: Google images.

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