Is our country spiritual yet...Yes, after seeing the countless images and reports of 10 crores people participating in the Kumbh Mela in Prayag
But the frequent spike in criminal incidents makes be ponder like yourself, whether we are genuinely spiritual.
To me the whole thing looks like a :drama:
Spirituality CAN NOT be a mass mania.
It is to be undertaken at individual level
and in perfect silence and solitude.
Spirituality must add a new dimension to the personality,
a new glow in the face of the person,
a new almost visible halo round the face.
If people remain the same before and after their so called
spiritual conquest, then it a perfect waste of everything!!!
I remember a very young pujariji I saw in one of the temples of Kerala.
When he looked at me, I felt as if fresh, fragrant jasmine flowers were
strewn on me from above.
I have never like that either before or after that solo incident.
NOW that is what shall I call as spirituality... to raise above the rest of the
humanity and shower God's grace by a mere glance! :hail: