As usual you are nunipul meyara type, write without thinking, with offensive language to the boot.
What is given in the above post is hindu marriage act. Read points iv and v of the hindu marriage act. Your peek, above or below is irrelevant, if there is one.
What is the sampradayam followed in the fourteenth century. It is obvious that your knowledge or learning does extend to pre-fourteenth century. Of course, with limited capabilities, one can't soar.
What is given in the above post is hindu marriage act. Read points iv and v of the hindu marriage act. Your peek, above or below is irrelevant, if there is one.
What is the sampradayam followed in the fourteenth century. It is obvious that your knowledge or learning does extend to pre-fourteenth century. Of course, with limited capabilities, one can't soar.
Mr. Sarang,
You are very quick to show some "sampradayam" that was followed in 14th century. You try to remain in that century if possible. Sagotram marriage has been discussed in this site so many times. Gotheram has been discussed many times. What population of the worlds 8 billion people know of Gothram? And you think that is important than the happiness of couple? The Tamil custom of marrying cousin (may be maternal), which is considered as incest in North India.
So sometimes it helps to peak out and see the world, and then pronounce your opinion.
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