Long live Thulsi Gopal..

ray2:அன்புள்ள அம்மாவிற்கு ,
இந்த poem நான் வேறொரு
தளத்தில் எழுதியது.
இதிலாவது தங்களிடம்
குட்டு வாங்காமல்
என்று நம்புகிறேன்.
Author :Sivashanmugam.(shivayadav) Title : Long live Thulsi Gopal..
These words from the bosom cometh
beholdin tis wondrous dancing world
Gopal weaveth legends in His camera...
And readers are thumpeth by thee!
Thulasi is the name of travel..
Dhalam gets fortunate by her!
Words are rolling in your papers..
Collecting hearts of our peoples..
You are paving path to the world!
Opened a window to seeing the world!
Cambodia to Amister..
Eendeavor voyager and an excitement trips,
How many miles and how many peoples?
Oh! you have crossed and succeed in this..
Thulasi and Gopal you are an endless story!