getting medically treated in singapore is a big hastle.firstly ,one cannot get medicines over the counter at a chemist shop without prescription. one has to take an appointment even from a GP to get treated who will decide when to meet you.charges are exorbitant besides poor quality of doctors. but their speciality hospitals for specific treatment such as kidneys etc are good. many in india go there for it.Despite all the attractiveness after retirement Singapore is not the best place in terms of cost of living, unless you have some dependents who will take care of you!
Medical costs especially if you take the private ones are exorbitant..
The Government doctors are not that good and you will be forced to go to Private...One of my relations had a severe inflammation of the eye and it was very badly treated by Government doctor , that it relapsed after some time and affected the other eye too..Ultimately they had to go to another private specialist who saved the eyes!
Also getting servants is not easy as mentioned earlier! So at old age doing all the house chores is very strenuous!
getting medically treated in singapore is a big hastle.firstly ,one cannot get medicines over the counter at a chemist shop without prescription. one has to take an appointment even from a GP to get treated who will decide when to meet you.charges are exorbitant besides poor quality of doctors. but their speciality hospitals for specific treatment such as kidneys etc are good. many in india go there for it.
the cost of living matches western countries. it is n open economy with high salaries and high costs. but inflation is low ,tax rates 10 percent and interest rates 4 percent.
so living is costly and not good for senior citizen to live there . but OK for a holiday ifyou would like to stay for a couple of weeks or so . since it is a small city state ,after a week or so you would have a mad desire to escape to a neighbouring country to breathe free and feel like a human being. if you are from india. the rules,regulations and discipline will not suit you and you would miss the disorganised ,noisy environment of free india
vganejiDear Krishji,
The Coimbatore ones are really good..Some of my friends have taken up retirement villas there...Villas by Serene etc are class...Please have a look at them..Even in NDTV Profit there is a mention of these communities....When I go to Coimbatore next , I plan to see some of them!
...senior citizens may end up exchanging bad services [lack of servants etc] in cities with equally bad services at these retirement flats with loneliness and death in proximity also thrown in . I do not know if it is a good exchange
Dear Kunjuppu Sir,
You will be happy to read this post! During my recent visit to Bangalore, my niece told me that the committee
of the servants maids of her colony have a rule, to refer any servant maid as 'her name + aunty' to the kids!
So, when the door bell rang, one of the kids ran shouting, 'Amudha aunty vandhaachchu!'![]()
Kunjuppu jidear krish,
with increased overall prosperity, it is only a matter of time, before the concept 'servants' fades from our society.
for example, british society had the 'servant class' distinct, till after the world war 2, when massive social changes brought out the demise of the same. the mid to upper classes, who then , viewed having servants as a 'right' went through a massive mental shift, and today the only ones in britain who can afford servants are the mittals and arab chiefs.
i have laughs when my elderly relatives in india growl in anger at the 'thimir' of the servants, demanding a few thousand rupees for a few hours a day, and walking off even at the slightest correction.
each time we go to chennai, we bribe my mother in law's servant. mil is of the old school, constantly finding fault, paying least and overall a micro manager. this time, i found some of her words to her servant, so offensive, i apologized to that young lady, and asked her not to take to heart some of the exhortations from an 80 year old.
'dont worry saar, i too have a mother in law' replied the 30 something, and went about her way, doing exactly what she did. dont know how long this one would last.
in my younger days, 60 year old men servants used to be addressed by young kids, by their first name without respect. same went for old ladies too. when i think about all that now, i shudder, at our insensitivities.
here in toront we have cleaners come regularly to clean our homes. not daily like india. we treat them like humans, offer coffee in the same mugs that we drink, have given them samples of dosai and upma. these are whites, ukrainians, very amenable to indians and hard working. they leave the house spotlesslessly clean, 2 women in 21/2 hours. it does not take long for my children to mess it up again. but that is another story...
back to india, do we ever wonder, what happens when the servants themselves get old. do they hire servants too?my singapore relatives used to hire malay maids years ago, when malaysia was still relatively poorer than now. and in turn, the malay maid used to import maids to indonesia or philippines to look after HER kids and household. was fascinated by it all .. ie the need to have servants.
my mom never had one. cleaned the toilets herself, and i never knew the 'significance' of it, till much later, when i came to understand 'caste'. to me, even now, though we have maids, i clean, and tell my kids, to brush the toilets clean, after use. i dont think it is anyone's job but our own, to clean up after our own mess. the one exception being the infirm.
though i address this to krish, it is not for him and do apologize to krish, if it sounds rather abrasive. not meant to be, but need to get the idea across, that 'servants' is not a right. it is a privilge than money can buy.
hi K sir,neeya naana with p.a.krishnan and bharati mani
very poignant show. heart warming..and satisfying too.
related to the topic of this thread.
God Bless..
Dear Kunjuppu Sir,
You will be happy to read this post! During my recent visit to Bangalore, my niece told me that the committee
of the servants maids of her colony have a rule, to refer any servant maid as 'her name + aunty' to the kids!
So, when the door bell rang, one of the kids ran shouting, 'Amudha aunty vandhaachchu!'![]()
still in india it is more a realty play. big builders like tatas , etc are buying huge parcels of lands outside cities and building gated high rises with flats and villas along with swimming pool,gym,clubhouse with a few senior friendly facilities and selling them at fancy prices. services as such of least concern to them. senior citizens may end up exchanging bad services [lack of servants etc] in cities with equally bad services at these retirement flats with loneliness and death in proximity also thrown in . I do not know if it is a good exchange
thank you for your post regarding the facilities at one of the retirement homes you have stayed and liked .Dear Shri Krish44,
Please pardon me when I say that your comments tend to go negative and seems one sided. Yes - we agree Indian metros have maid (we don't call them sevants nowadays) or assistance problem . The reason could be taken in a positive manner to say that many poor children are getting educated and go in for better jobs or in a negative manner that today's youngsters may even go for bullying or stealing than doing hard work.
Coming to the maid problem, that is more prevailing in single households than in retirement homes. I can say authoritatively as myself and my hubby stay in a retirement home .If one maid is absent, then they sent a different maid for that day. Sometimes when many are absent like pongal or deepavali festive season, then dusting the windows/ bathroom cleaning are done to the minimum. I am quite satisfied with the maid system because when we lived in our own accommodation, we always had the maid problem. This was particularly when we return from abroad after a long stay and the house remaining a mess. Even though we had paid for the absent period so that when we come back she will be there, still on the day of return she will not be there and we are made to clean the house. Now I find it very comfortable when after a long journey staying with grandchildren, the joy is kept alive by ready food waiting for you on your return and the thought that a maid will be there to clean the apartment is in itself very comforting.
So please visit some senior citizen homes, stay there in the guest rooms provided, see the facilities given and then please feel free to air your views.
I am not saying that retirement homes are heaven.. yes there is something amiss.. however much you keep active, there is still time to think.. but if you weigh the pros and cons, I would say the pros weigh more when we take into account, the security, comforts and food.
Sometimes I tell myself 'choti mooh badi baath' (you are too small to talk on this issue) stilll my two cents thoughts.
thank you for your post regarding the facilities at one of the retirement homes you have stayed and liked .
I saw your earlier post with a you tube video where many senior citizen were joyfully doing rope walking.
I had requested you for the details of the home to try a stay there for a few days during summer holidays to allay my apprehensions about these homes.
I do not want my posts to give a one sided impression about these homes.
for me experiencing it would be believing and I am open to correction
I am delhi based and normally I spend 6 weeks in south india every summer . from may15th.I would like to stay in one of the homes for a few days to enjoy a different experience
Pl recommend me one in coimbotore/bangalore/chennai. pl PM me if you would not like to post it directly in the thread
with best wishes
sushi jiIn our retirement home, the guest room charges are 1800/- for a couple per day inclusive of full day food ecpenses. lovely AC rooms, with gym facillity , indoor games , library etc are included. I don't want to mention the name of the retirement lest I am seen as propagating the retiring home where we stay. If you can send me a private message I will give you the name and even book the guest rooms for a couple of days whenever you need. During vacations many children come and stay with their parents and many a times guest rooms are full too. So let me know or if you want to make just a visit then let me know so that i can give a guided tour of the retirement home. This invitation is for all those who wanted to experience the retirement room facilities.