no sense in being emotional.
it is known that many protected politicians have a criminal records.
many have heinous criminal cases pending against them like molesting ,rape , kidnapping , murder etc.
only they have not been convicted .
initially politicians had a nexus with criminals . now criminals have joined politics and become politicians.
common people like you and me have nothing to do with them . our lives can go on in case we do not cross their path
we are all insignificant for them.
if we are middle class we are not even vote banks for them .
the political class does not campaign for our votes. they know where to go.
so why be sensitive and over react and not face facts.
there is no meaning in arguing for argument sake.
I see only positive things happening around me everyday and feel happy.
I don’t get emotional and grudge about the politicians, criminals, court cases, etc
I know there are things which I cannot change.
I am proud about my mother land and its recent achievements in all fields.
There is lot of things which one can be proud of.
To sum up, I go by this:
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr
But love to deal with pessimist characters.lol