If you really wish to re-write history, you may find many things that may go against the interests of present day communities. And there will be plenty waiting to take advantage of it. To a dalit, the dharmasutras cud come across as his biggest curse. Can you prevent a dalit from getting enranged and seeking revenge, if he so wishes to settle his score in the present time; if reasoning out does not work... (??)
Another example was the LTTE. One wud think why did a tamil nationalist group display a shade of anti-brahmanism as an integral part of ancient-tamil-pride. Many hill tamils (ltte cadres) are / were ppl who wud come under the so-called 'low caste' category in the current period, though their past was rather different in terms of not being restricted to rigid varna (it seems that the whole idea of rigid varna set in from the time of medieval cholas, not prior to that)..whether true or not, whatever may be old history, it is not meant to rake up emotions or create a vengeful attitude, but how many in the common masses have that emotional maturity? And if it does lead to formation of ideology groups seeking redemption of old pride (like ex-ltte guys), will it not result in bloodshed?
I do not think that re-writing history can actually help anyone improve their life in the present time. It has nothing to do with dharma or ahimsa as possibly selective history against muslims alone. I have said my end. And herewith conclude my postings in this thread.
If you really wish to re-write history, you may find many things that may go against the interests of present day communities. And there will be plenty waiting to take advantage of it. To a dalit, the dharmasutras cud come across as his biggest curse. Can you prevent a dalit from getting enranged and seeking revenge, if he so wishes to settle his score in the present time; if reasoning out does not work... (??)
Another example was the LTTE. One wud think why did a tamil nationalist group display a shade of anti-brahmanism as an integral part of ancient-tamil-pride. Many hill tamils (ltte cadres) are / were ppl who wud come under the so-called 'low caste' category in the current period, though their past was rather different in terms of not being restricted to rigid varna (it seems that the whole idea of rigid varna set in from the time of medieval cholas, not prior to that)..whether true or not, whatever may be old history, it is not meant to rake up emotions or create a vengeful attitude, but how many in the common masses have that emotional maturity? And if it does lead to formation of ideology groups seeking redemption of old pride (like ex-ltte guys), will it not result in bloodshed?
I do not think that re-writing history can actually help anyone improve their life in the present time. It has nothing to do with dharma or ahimsa as possibly selective history against muslims alone. I have said my end. And herewith conclude my postings in this thread.
Also, the fact that we follow (or at least try to) 'dharma' cannot be equated to mean that we cannot go offensive... ahimsa is indeed a great virtue, but there are phases when mere ahimsa would not work...
Dharma works only when everyone discharge their duties sincerely... But when the doer fails in his duty, what should one do? Is it not his duty to take steps to correct it?
Similarly, when we have a maligned and fabricated history upon which a certain group place their claims, their stance needs to be corrected... and rectified - to show the correct perspective, so that we may learn the right thing!
Sanathana dharma does not imply on us not to use force; neither does it imply that we have to remain a mute spectator hoping that eventually things might turnaround...