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The magic of spiritual energy

Thanks for all that could be read by me today in this site.

"आत्मा इस शरीर का use कर परमात्मा द्वारा प्रस्तुत situation में अपने नियत (destined) भाव व्यक्त करती है" |
इसी "भावना" को conscious में लाना है कि आत्मा, परमात्मा द्वारा प्रस्तुत/ created situation में प्रत्येक क्षण है |
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Sravna..why do you focus a lot on scenes that potray conflict of the good vs bad kind?
An overdose of anything isnt advisable.
What is overdose is relative Renuka. For a sattvic person like you I understand. But for those soaked in negativity this is not going to cause any flutter. But eventually God can work in ways that is not understandable by us humans. Let's see.
What is overdose is relative Renuka. For a sattvic person like you I understand. But for those soaked in negativity this is not going to cause any flutter. But eventually God can work in ways that is not understandable by us humans. Let's see.
Sravna..Whatever we type in Google search,after a while we would notice advertisements popping up that match whatever we typed.

Like wise whatever we "type" in the search engine of our minds, eventually we would have " advertisements" pop up in our mind too that matches the input..so if we keep typing all these fight scenes our mind gets fights/violence " advertisements" and the cells in our body reads these adverts as a command to follow and cells rearrange themselves to allow ourselves to be conflict and violence prone.
Medically all our cells have biomemory and what we feed our mind that what our cells become.

Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavati( you become what you identify with)

We have the free will to " type" conducive words in the search engine of our minds.
Once we utilize our free will well, Divine will takes over our search engine.
Think about it.
Yes Renuka . In a conflict between good and bad, God allows the bad to triumph initially but subsequently turns the table in a nuanced way and let the bad meets it's due fate. This though not ideally reflected in films yet shows an approximate trajectory of justice. I am so fascinated by this good vs bad that I don't find myself tired of uploading the clips.

We really have not seen cinematic climaxes happening in real life but what if? Wouldnt that be exciting? I am hoping that such an ending happen in reality and the mechanics would be equally mesmerising as the justice meted out.
Yes Renuka . In a conflict between good and bad, God allows the bad to triumph initially but subsequently turns the table in a nuanced way and let the bad meets it's due fate. This though not ideally reflected in films yet shows an approximate trajectory of justice. I am so fascinated by this good vs bad that I don't find myself tired of uploading the clips.

We really have not seen cinematic climaxes happening in real life but what if? Wouldnt that be exciting? I am hoping that such an ending happen in reality and the mechanics would be equally mesmerising as the justice meted out.
Good Vs Evil is usually totally based on our perception.
Why get hooked on duality.
Just " witness" any situation without taking sides but work on balancing the scales back to equilibrium.

I will give you an example.
I know an elderly woman who keeps living in the past lamenting how she went through suffering in the hands of her in laws.

I never told her her inlaws are bad and she is good.
I told her..everything that happens happens for a reason.

Harsh reality could be that she had done the same to her daughter in law in a previous life.

I told her Karma records everything so in the future lives of her in laws they might face consequences of their actions too in you reap what you sow format.

I told her her suffering could be part of the greater plan to make her stand up to injustice whenever she sees injustice..once we go through suffering we can stand up for others.
For eg Mahatma Gandhi was thrown out of the train coach by whites and then he realized discrimination and started a revolution.
So take everything in life as lessons to be learnt.

I also told her that her in laws ill treated her for a few years but she keeps torturing herself by reliving the experiences daily and victimizing herself.
God has given us free will to help ourselves but not lamenting about bad times and not be thankful for good times.

But the elderly woman didnt like what I told her.
All she likes to here is "she is good and her in laws are bad"

Do you see the futility of being in the trap of the game of Good vs Evil?
It's not worth it.
Yes Renuka good point made. From everything there is lesson to be learnt. The good learn but the bad don't. Harmony appeals to the good but the bad react only to force. It is indeed a fight between harmony and force. The people who use force and make others suffer don't realize the good can also acquire the weapon of force but for harmonious ends but the bad will never come near harmony. So the scales will be tilted eventually in favor of the good.

History has shown that force is a very effective weapon to control others but the reason why harmony is not viewed as favorably is because firstly our history captures just a slice of reality and doesn't show all the possibilities and secondly God wants the bad to use and exhaust all their weapons when the real fight starts. Force will be made ineffective. It will take a while but justice will be meted out. As you say there is nothing more impeccable than the laws of karma.

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