Dear Sangom Ji,
You have touched upon the concept of Collective Karma and Individual Karma in your reply when you are speaking about Karmic Layers.
I have this info regarding Collective Karma which could help us understand it better.
Taken from the article:
Collective Karma
Theosophy:- Karma
Before completing this imperfect study we must consider what is termed Collective Karma, the complex into which are woven the results of the collective thoughts, desires and activities of groups, whether large or small.
The principles at work are the same, but the factors are far more numerous, and this multiplicity immensely increases the difficulty of understanding the effects.
The idea of considering a group as a larger individual is not alien from modern science, and such larger individuals generate karma along lines similar to those which we have been studying. A family, a nation, a sub-race, a race, are all but larger individuals, each having a past behind it, the creator of its present, each with a future ahead of it, now in course of creation.
An ego coming into such a larger individual must share in its general karma; his own special karma has brought him into it, and must be worked out within it, the larger karma often offering conditions which enable the smaller to act.
Smt. Renukaji,
For a brief period (a few years) I had studied (rather attempted to study) Theosophy in all earnestness, due to my father-in-law's association with the Theosophical Lodge. Somehow their claims of superhuman abilities and infallibility, for some of their prolific writers did not quite gel with me. I am aware that they have this concept of "collective" Karma, etc., and, if my memory serves me right, there was one line of thought that corruption in India was a result of a gargantuan collective Karma and will take ages to work itself out, etc.
When even a personality like Lord Krishna stops short of saying anything about how the Law of Karma operates and just says "mā phaleṣu kadāca na", I do not think we should venture into further details of the Law of Karma.