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Think it over!

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1. First of all, you're a great thinker. Many of the world's intellectuals are Geminis. Your mind is insatiable—it's so quick

on the uptake that you can't understand why everyone else is just now grasping what you got in a split second. In fact,

by the time it takes them to catch up with you, your mind has become bored by the inactivity. You've already turned

and twisted the knowledge around just to see what would happen, and to keep your mind active.

Some people mistake this playful brilliance as deception or dishonesty, because they can't keep up with you. But you're

just trying to keep things interesting. Your mind needs to be fed with new ideas on a constant basis. Having recognized this

at an early age, you've become remarkably adept at satisfying it. Wit is your forte. You love to laugh, because you're so good

at sharp humor. You're particularly fond of puns and wordplay—Mercury rules writing, language, and a love of words—

so you're quite the social charmer.

You're popular, and you know it. You enjoy people, and you love to watch them to keep your mind busy. You're at your best

at parties, bars, the office water cooler—anywhere you can find people with whom you can laugh. You thrive on gossip and

news—you need information constantly, more even than food.

You're an avid reader—again, because of your need for ideas and your love of words. In fact, you're one of the few people who

can read a book, watch TV, and talk on the phone all at the same time—you relish thinking on several levels at once. Many

Geminis are multi-talented. :high5:

2. My translation was much more forceful!! :blah:

Ok now hear about Librans!

[SIZE=+2]Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Venus which rules the natural seventh house. When a planet or house cusp contains Libra, it will show where one will strive for harmony, creativity and balance as indicated in the natal chart.[/SIZE]
Its glyph represents the balance of the scales. Its meaning is equilibrium and justice. It is considered to be the sign of cosmic reciprocity, of cooperation rather than competition.
[SIZE=+2] Personal Traits

The basic Libran nature is diplomatic and charming. Libras have an idealistic and generally peace loving nature. They are easygoing and sociable.

Librans are considered by many astrologers to be among the most civilized of the twelve signs.

Often good looking, they exude certain elegance, charm and fine taste.

As lovers of beauty and harmony, both in art and life, their nature is gentle and kind. Pleasure oriented people, Libras are intuitive and very aware of the power of image. They are happiest when socializing,and at the top of their social strata. You will find many Librans in local organizations volunteering their time and services and rising to a position of prominence. They are fence sitters and will not take a stand on an issue, but prefer the middle of the road, until they are forced to choose. They make good diplomats .
They are known to be objective and impartial in making judgment calls. They are more interested in making friends than enemies, and are willing to go along with others and do whatever it takes to maintain a relationship.

Very sociable, they abhor cruel or vicious actions, and shy away from vulgar and offensive behavior. They prefer to cooperate and compromise, and will give up, even when they feel they are in the right, rather than put up with the ordeal of an argument. Discord makes them totally insecure, and uncomfortable. They need and want harmony in their lives, and will do whatever it takes to have it.


[SIZE=+2] Positive Traits[/SIZE]
T hey are gifted with a strong sense of justice and fair play, and have fine analytical abilities. Librans are sensitive to others and understand the emotional needs of their associates.
They are optimistic and cheerful people and have an ability to charm and delight their friends and acquaintances. Librans are not loners, and do better in partnership both in their personal, and in their business life.

Main positive traits: Romantic, cooperative, gracious, sociable, tactful, diplomatic.

Negative Traits

The more negative Libran character can be frivolous, flirty and quite shallow. In romance they can be indulgent to the point of hedonistic.

Librans can be changeable and indecisive,impatient of routine, boringly conventional and timid . Because they are slow to anger, Librans will shock everyone around them with their sudden outbursts of rage. Many Librans have been known to be hopeless gamblers.They are seldom happy in marriage.
Main negative traits: Fickle, dependent, indecisive, sulking, Peace at any cost.

In a profession or business, Librans often succeed as administrators, lawyers, antique dealers, civil servants. Finance is also a fair field, as Libras are trustworthy in handling other people's money. Naturally creative and artistic, some Librans are gifted fashion designers. Librans make good doctors.Large number of them also drift into the law field.Others may find success as artists, composers, critics, writers, interior decorators, or managing various areas of public entertainment. Some work philanthropically for humanity with great self-discipline and significant results. Those with a gift for finance sometimes make good speculators, for they have the optimism and ability to recover from financial setbacks.

Libra zodiac sign, Libra astrology, Libra Horoscopes, Traits, Celebrities, Mythology
Before another set of ????????? Here is the explanation:

We can type whatever we like to blabla and announce that we are angels!!

PS: My nap time. :)
Apparently the crafty couple passed on the sin to an unsuspecting poor brahmin !

Hello very good morning VR Mam .very well said your post 2620.which is 100% true. Inspite of knowing the bad effects ,just to safe guard /get rid off it and doing such things can be an eye wash ,ATMA THIRUPTHY.BOTH GOOD KARMIC EFFECT AND BAD KARMIC EFFECT WILL NEVER TALLY.both are different account.I just remember KASAIKU POONALUM KARMAM POOGADHU. so one has to be careful in the things involving.WHAT WE SOW ,WE REAP.
Probably he did not know about the evil deed behind the gift.

Or his greed and need were more than what his conscience would heed to!

Sowbagyavathy VR, Greetings.

The guy who received the land as 'dakshina' knew it was ill gotten property. Possibly he could not live with that guilty feeling. He became psychologically disturbed due to that. If he did not know when he recieved it, then he should have returned it once he realised it; or should not have accepted it at the first instance when he knew about that land. Greed.... But guilty feeling is quite bad. I think I know about that feeling.

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He is needed for any ad and also for holding the torch.
A real torch-bearer!!! :)

Hello all ,a good news .MR.AMITHAB BACHAN ,BIG-B,is being invited to hold the olympics torch.wow ,what a great identification for ,to INDIA.:thumb:.His dress sense,attitude which I watched in early morning news channel too good.
I would have told the patient with the sweetest smile,
"Apparently YOU ARE the one who needs to be recharged and not my batteries!!!" :)

When I am older and done with seeing patients I want to write a book called "What I really wanted to tell my patients!"

Most patients have no idea what goes on in a doctor mind.

Ok some years back I had this patient who an irritating specimen who was asking irrelevant questions.

I was about to check his ear with the Otoscope and he was asking me why my Otoscope still ran on two size C batteries and not using the rechargeable battery.

You see I have my own reasons why I prefer not using the rechargeable model cos if you forget to charge it you can't use it.

But this guy was still bugging me to know why I chose this model.

Guy: Doc why are you not using the rechargeable model.

Dr R: (ignores his question and proceeds to examine patient)

Guy: Doc I would like to know why you are not using the rechargeable model.

Dr R: I have my own reasons.

Guy: What are your reasons?I want to know them now.

So get the picture now?

In my mind I was getting pissed and I felt like saying "hey is this your father's property or what that you want to know why I have personal choices..am I going to ask you why your father chose your mother to father his children and why your mother chose to give birth to a person like you?"

But becos I am a doctor...I had to only say this:

Dr R: As said I have my personal reasons for my choice and the most important thing is the battery whether rechargeable or not is not going to change the diagnosis..can I now proceed to examine your ear fully?
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His secret signature it had became!!! :rolleyes:
Helps to remain incognito. :spy:

Dear Raghy,

I must tell you this funny incident.

Once I went out of my clinic for a few minutes to go get a drink.
When I was out a phone call came for me and I got to know much later that it was my former classmate who is an ENT Surgeon who had called.

My malay nurse took the call and told the caller that Dr Renuka has gone out for while and will come back shortly and she asked for the callers name.

Then the caller gave his name as Dr.$%#@#(tamil swear word).

Since she was a Malay girl..she didn't know the meaning and innocently wrote it down and even asked him to spell it for her and the ENT surgeon also spelled it for her.

Then when I walked into the clinic..my nurse innocently reads the message to me at the counter and said.."Dr.$%#@# had called"

I was shocked and said 'What??"

My nurse thought she had pronounced an Indian names incorrectly and started saying it even louder and slowly she said "Dr.$ % # @ # had called"

I started laughing and told her "OMG do you know what that means?"

She was "No..its some Indian name isn't it?"

I said "No..it's a swear word"

I knew for sure which doctor had called cos that word was used frequently by that ENT surgeon even when he was in college!
The first line / word and the last line/ word must be very interesting.

Otherwise they go unheard/ read.
That is why they are called the punch dialogues :boxing:

Dear Raghy,

Haven't you heard about First Impression is the Lasting Impression.
So same way..the 1st word itself has to leave a maximum impact.
I think we are two crazy persons. Here we are discussing about 'pettai rowdy language and pettai fights' and in a different thread, simultaneously discuss about the power of mind. I think we need our head checked out. ( I may get a session with Nicky!).


Head shrinkers vs hard thinkers!!! :rolleyes:
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Imaandhar = a respectable person.

beimaan x imaandhar.

beimaan = a rogue/ cheat/ cunning fellow. :spy:

naam = name

benaam = without a name

benaami = property registered in the names persons other the real owners.

The place where beimaans and benaamis abound...:evil:....:flock:

the political circles of course!!! :rolleyes:
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I also happen to be one among the 1000s of Geminis in the forum. :)

I love people and I love watch the way they behave. :roll:

It is interesting to figure out why they do what they do!

We always seek what we do not posses!!!

Seekers are finders.

Finders are keepers.

:cool: is it not??
Can you guess the names of the weird things given below???

jugu jugu A, jugu jugu B, jugu jugu C, jugu jugu D and jugu jugu E!!!

I am sure they are all shivering in the severe winter of Colorado! :)
அதிலென்ன சந்தேகம் ???

"அதிலென்ன சந்தேகம்!" என்று கேட்கும்

பேசும் கிளியின் கதையை நான்

ஏற்கனெவே சொல்லி விட்டேன் .

இது சற்று வேறுபட்டது!

"அதானே பாத்தேன்!" என்பதன் கதை இது!

"அதானே பாத்தேன்!" என்று :high5:

அடிக்கடி சொல்லானான் குட்டி.

பொருள் தெரிந்து சொல்கிறானா இல்லையா என்று

புதிராகவே இருந்தது எங்களுக்கு. :confused:

விரைவிலேயே நிரூபணம் ஆயிற்று

பொருள் தெரிந்துதான் சொல்கிறான்.

"அதானே பாத்தேன்" என்று! :moony:

நான் சொல்கிறேன் இப்போது,

"அதானே பாத்தேன்!

யாரோட பேரன்?" :rolleyes:
கலக்கல் = mixing.

குழப்பல் = confusing.

Both involve the same movement...disturbing the contents of a container.

The first one renders the contents uniformly enjoyable! :hungry:

The second one manages to make the clarification disappear :confused:

by it kilarufication!

Some of the punchlines I love to use!

இதுஎப்படி இருக்கு?

அதானே பாத்தேன்!

அதிலென்ன சந்தேகம்?

Go and jump!

Keep wanting!!!

Tackle or buckle!!!

Take control or be controlled!!
This thread is on steroids and is averaging 7 pages (or 70 messages) per day approx. It is hard to keep up with this thread even for an Olympian.
Whoever loves, if he do not propose :tape:
The right true end of love, he's one that goes
To sea for nothing but to make him sick. :sick:
John Donne.

In the spring a young man's fancy :llama:
lightly turns to thoughts of love. :love:
Alfred Lord Tennyson.
கலக்கல் = mixing.

குழப்பல் = confusing.

Both involve the same movement...disturbing the contents of a container.

The first one renders the contents uniformly enjoyable! :hungry:

The second one manages to make the clarification disappear :confused:

by it kilarufication!


Sowbagyavathy VR, Greetings.

I think your message in quotation is குழப்பல் or confusing. You are confusing everyone about கலக்கல்.

A concoction of over ripened fruits, sugarcane pieces, battery acid, some rice and jaggery mixed and buried just below the ground to maintain about 50-60 degree centigrade to get an optimum fermentation. After about a week, this concoction is known as கலக்கல். This gets diluted in warm jaggery or sugar mixed water to produce arrack or better known as சரக்கு. It is also known as மில்லி, சாராயம், சல்பேட்டா! Is that uniformly enjoyable? Quite possible! You have evidence on your side about சரக்கு is enjoyable anyways.... Here....

Kamal Hassan - Singaari Sarakku - Kakki Chattai - YouTube

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