My husband is Ambidextrous..he uses both right and left hand.
Right hand he uses for writing.
Left hand he uses for drawing and cutting.
I have seen him sometimes when playing badminton using both right and left hand alternately.
If one uses his left and right it means his both sides of brain working very fine.
Must be Arjun reborn !!!![]()
That is DasAvathAram! OK.It was a real MIXTURE of ten different kaarams /snacks!!!![]()
Let me answer this, Renu!....... Hey VR ji..if he is Arjuna reborn where are my other 4 Poorva Janma Patis?
Let me answer this, Renu!
If Mr. J K is Arjuna reborn, it does not necessarily mean that you are Draupati reborn! Right?
P.S: There is a saying in Tamil - "Aththu manalai eNNinAlum, Arjunan .... " :blah:
Both the hands are used for praying god, hugging spouse, etc. also.
Hands can be used to hold a gun and shoot too!
Hands are just the instrument of the mind.
Hands do what the mind desires.
Yyyyyyyyyyah!!So that means I do not have to look for the other 4!LOL
Sowbagyavati someone? Have you tried addressing your house-maid (say, Kuppayee), when she goes off for a few days without warning, like: "Hey Sowbaghyavati Kuppayee, how come you absented yourself without informing me?
Dear Renu,........ Wonder what can I work as?
Teach How to be a good patient to a DoctorI am seriously considering changing my profession.
I think I will only work for another 8 years as a doctor and then think of some other profession.
Wonder what can I work as?
Teach How to be a good patient to a Doctor
Teach How to be a good patient to a Doctor
Dear Renu,
No worries! You can start an academy to teach Sanskrit! :angel: