So you are DETERMINED to a make a doctor into a teacher??? 

Ok, then try
Teach Patients how to be 'good to a Doctor'
Ok, then try
Teach Patients how to be 'good to a Doctor'
Dear Renu,
I have never heard of japtap swamiji. Sai lives on through him and many more devotees like you.
. How many Arjun have reborn bcz i am also Ambidextrous only......
Oh! Here is one of the other brothers of Arjun (or himself perhaps?)
If someone modifies a 'kuraL', will ThiruvaLLuvar become SEkkizhAr? :drama:
I was born as a left hander.. In younger days because of coercion by parents I started using right hand for writting, eating, giving, taking etc.. but I depends upon my left hand mostly for all other activities ..In sports I can use my left hand for batting and right hand for bowling.. similarly both hands used on different sports...
Now how I will be called ? ..
"both sides of brain working very fine." This is not correct as most of my associates will vouch I don't have anything by such name ..
Sowbagyavathy VR, Greetings.
I may have an extra long arm! I can hug her with hand ( with room to spare too!).
Wow!!! Are you so tall with extra long arms or is she so thin??? :shocked:
Added advantage... you can hug two persons at the same time!!! :dancing:
To hug some of the spouses I know, one WILL need more than two hands!![]()
Sowbagyavathy VR,
Hug two persons at the same time! :scared: I will be skinned alive, salt water thrown after skinng!:scared: No, thanks!
I ONLY said two person and NOT to wives!!! :becky:
You can hug your wife and also your daughter/son! :grouphug:
The spelling 'kaamura' made me............. All of them were the traditionally prepared items except the ' kaamura' mixture. .........
Luckily the date is NOT 13!! :behindsofa:............ An unforgettable Friday! Whew!
Uyir Ezhuthu | ஆத்திசூடி | English translation |
அ | அறம் செய விரும்பு | Desire the righteous deeds |
ஆ | ஆறுவது சினம் | Anger is to be controlled |
இ | இயல்வது கரவேல் | Help others in ways you can |
ஈ | ஈவது விலக்கேல் | Never refrain from charity (Always be charitable) |
உ | உடையது விளம்பேல் | Do not boast about what you have |
ஊ | ஊக்கமது கைவிடேல் | Do not give up hope/effort |
எ | எண் எழுத்து இகழேல் | Respect learning |
ஏ | ஏற்பது இகழ்ச்சி | Accepting alms (begging) is despicable |
ஐ | ஐயமிட்டு உண் | Before you eat, share your food with the needy |
ஒ | ஒப்புர வொழுகு | Act virtuously |
ஓ | ஓதுவது ஒழியேல் | Do not give up learning |
ஒள | ஒளவியம் பேசேல் | Do not talk bad about others |
ஃ | அஃகஞ் சுருக்கேல் | Never cheat on grains (Food) |