At school, my English teacher used to translate “These grapes are sour” as சீசீ இந்த பழம் புளிக்கும்105 (a). கிட்டாதாயின்வெட்டனமற.
105 (b). These grapes are sour.
At school, my English teacher used to translate “These grapes are sour” as சீசீ இந்த பழம் புளிக்கும்
couple of more to the list ...What a Nice policy...
What can't be mastered;
what can't be secured;
what can't be earned;
what can't be won
MUST BE belittled.
couple of more to the list ...
what cant be appreciated
what cant be accepted
But the fox which tried every thing from standing on its two hind legs
to jumping up and down in vain to taste the grapes.
But before it left the place, it did say, "These grapes are sour."
meaning that it was not worth the efforts being made.
yes any thing is possible till you thing that is impossible to do .couple of more to the list ...
what cant be appreciated
what cant be accepted
I was remembering this incident today.I sometimes feel that men can actually be too soft in approach at times.
A few years ago my husband and I purchased a double story shop lot and wanted to rent it out.
My husband engaged a real estate agent to look for a potential tenant.
When I met the real estate agent I somehow didn't like his face.He reminded me of Pattasu Balu gangster face.
I did ask my husband if this real estate agent was the right choice cos I personally prefer chinese real estate agents cos they are more professional and treat clients well.
My husband said this Pattasu Balu look alike is an Ok guy and don't worry.
Ok when we went to see the shop lot since it was a construction area we didn't want to take our new car so we drove our old car.
The real estate agent passed a remark on the car laughing sarcastically and telling my husband that "sir as an engineer I am sure you can afford a better car..even I drive a better car than you"
I really didn't like that statement and whispered to my husband that just do not engage him cos he is rude and his background shows.
If someone is judging anyone based on the car he drives that means this person has no values in life.
My husband still didn't listen to me.
Then Pattasu Balu tells my husband to sign the document to engage him as the sole real estate agent.
I disagreed and told my husband..keep options open,engage others too so that there will be healthy competition and this guy won't slack and take advantage of the situation.
Again my husband did not agree with me.
Ok then this agent was totally not committed to find a client.
He used to find all real weird clients who wanted to have a market that slaughter chicken in my shop lot.
I said No..I do not want any killing in my shop lot.
Then the agent would call up my husband to meet him at the shop lot and when my husband reached there he would not turn up.
He would phone after 1 hour and say he was busy etc.
This went on and on for many weeks and I thought it's high time Pattasu Balu gets a dose from me.
I told my husband to give me his number.
I called him up and was not at all polite in my choice of words.
I was using words like "enna da!" left right centre and told him if one more time you make my husband wait like that I will be engaging another agent and right now I might just toss the agreement my husband signed with you in my dustbin!
Cos I didnt sign it.As co owner I will engage another person soon.So if you value your income you better behave.
I even used words like Mavane gaali da ni if you make my husband run around again.
He didn't say a word to me except repeat ""
I think he didn't expect a doctor to speak like a Swarnakka.!!LOL
I didn't tell my husband that I screwed up the guy on the phone.
Within 2 days he called my husband and told him he found a client and was right on time to see my husband.
My husband asked me "what did you tell him over the phone? Cos he was extra polite and very punctual"
Only then I told my husband how I fired that guy over the phone.
So the moral of the story is "Ahimsa doesn't work all the time"
Sowbagyavathy VR, Greetings.
The title of this thread is 'Think it over'. I refer to post #1538. So, that fox tried all it can but failed to get those grapes. Disappointed, it said ' these are sour grapes".... but does that comment make those grapes sour? Let us say, by a twist of events, on the very next day there was a storm and the support for that grape vine came down.. now those grapes are on the ground... would the fox say 'those are sour grapes' and walk away? I don't know about you, but I think not. In that event, those grapes are noty sour anymore. Initially that fox said 'those grapes are sour' just to fool itself although it really did not know.
But the proverb 'கிட்டாதாயின் வெட்டன மற' is much more deeper than the fooling one self by saying 'those grapes are sour'. That proverb is meant for more heavier subjects than just 'sour grapes'. Oh well, I am not going to get in to a debate for this silly subject anyway.
Amma Kaliyaatha, Nee Vazhgha, indha madhiri porikithanam panna pakira ellorukkum unnai pola oruthi nalla dose vittadhaan budhi varum.. I am so happy after I read this.. Ahimsa is my way but when adharmam makes a mockery of you.. never bend down and hit it with the same stone..
I am so proud of you Renu.. god bless you deary..
Excellent Ravi ji, Mrs. Visala and Renu, for such a lovely treat..
What is this life after all without such wonderful people like you in this world..![]()