Has anything got left out by mere chance??? :decision:
[h=3]What the Hell Just Happened?! Clinton, Trump and the Death of the Party[/h] Computer hackers, Kremlin conspiracies, dynastic restorations, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a socialist revolution, the Ku Klux Klan, Twitter trolls, a lascivious ex-congressman with a suspect last name and an egomaniacal reality TV tycoon with a lust for power and molesting women-if that sounds like a U.S. presidential election to you, congratulations! You’re alive on planet Earth in the year 2016. Yes, if you’re reading this right now, you survived political doomsday and are here among the rest of us to pick through the ruins. Somewhere amid the wreckage of smashed conventions and exploded institutions, you might find the tattered remains of predictions made just 18 months ago. All
The New York Observer