Thanks to the generous Santa!!! 

Rare 'golden ticket' £5 note found in Christmas card
A rare U.K. £5 note thought to be worth tens of thousands times more than its face value has been found in a Christmas card. The note is one of only four engraved with an image of Jane Austen, with each featuring a quotation from one of her novels. They are the work of Graham Short, a British artist specializing in miniature engravings, in a project launched by the Tony Huggins-Haig Gallery in Scotland. The notes are intended to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Austen's death later this year. Tony Huggins-Haig, speaking to CNBC via telephone, described the notes as "almost a Willy Wonka golden ticket." He explained that the notes - being of low monetary value - were "likely to end up in anybody's