So the original monkey man hailed from Europe and NOT Africa! 
Science Newsweek
First Human Ancestor Came from Europe Not Africa, 7.2 Million-year-old Fossils Indicate
The first hominin species, a line that eventually leads to humans, may have emerged in Europe 7.2 million years ago and not Africa-the most widely accepted starting point for our ancestors. An international team of scientists has presented two studies that suggest the divergence point between chimpanzees and humans took place in the Eastern Mediterranean rather than East Africa. Previously, scientists had thought hominins and chimps split between seven and five million years ago, with the first in the hominin line emerging in Africa.
A 3.3-million-year-old fossil with a missing rib tells us a lot about human evolution
The Verge
This fossilized tooth might prove humans came from Europe, not Africa
New York Post

Science Newsweek
First Human Ancestor Came from Europe Not Africa, 7.2 Million-year-old Fossils Indicate
The first hominin species, a line that eventually leads to humans, may have emerged in Europe 7.2 million years ago and not Africa-the most widely accepted starting point for our ancestors. An international team of scientists has presented two studies that suggest the divergence point between chimpanzees and humans took place in the Eastern Mediterranean rather than East Africa. Previously, scientists had thought hominins and chimps split between seven and five million years ago, with the first in the hominin line emerging in Africa.
The Verge
New York Post