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Think or sink!

Unexpected humor from unexpected corners!

I got my first COVID 19 vaccine yesterday. Just to divert my mind from the dull pain in the arm, I decided to watch a dance drama video. I had hilarious laughter due to many reasons. I will list a few of them below!

The main character was missing a prominent tooth - every time the person tried to smile.

The main character could not get on or come down from the peetam during the coronation.

The soldiers and charioteer were so much younger and more beautiful than the main character.

The conquest of the world was a farce when the conqueror could neither bend nor jump!

Indian audiences have enormous patience - which provides courage for staging such performances.

Once writer Sujatha had written that "All the aunties over 40 should NOT be allowed to go on the stage!"

He had a point in that sterling statement but it has had no effect on either the audience or the organizers!

It WAS an entertainment no doubt - but not in the manner I had expected it to be!
A proverb a day to brighten the day

448a. Jede Mutter denkt, dass ihr eigenes Gänschen ein Schwan ist

448b. Every mother thinks that her own gosling is a swan.

Jede = Every
Mutter = mother
denkt = thinks
dass = that
ihr = her
eigenes = own
Gänschen = gosling
ist = is
ein = a
Schwan = swan.

A story comparing a swan and a duck.

A proverb a day to brighten the day

449a. Jede Bohne hat ihr Schwarz und jeder Mann seinen Nachteil

449b. Every bean has its black and every man his drawback

Nothing and no one is really perfect.
Nothing and no one can be perfect.
Perfection can only be in God and nowhere else.

Jede = Every
Bohne = bean
hat = has
ihr = her / its
Schwarz = black
und = and
jeder = every
Mann = man
seinen = his
Nachteil = drawback

A proverb a day to brighten the day

450a. Das Geheimnis der Haushaltsführung: Alles hat einen Platz und alles ist an seinem Platz.

450b. The secret of house keeping: Everything has a place and everything is at its place.

Order is the first law of Nature.
Some households resemble a scene after a tsunami.

Try to restore some order in that confounding chaos...
the people will feel completely lost in the new found order!

Das = The
Geheimnis = secret
der = of the
Haushaltsführung: = house keeping:
Alles = everything
hat = has
einen = a
Platz = place
und = and
alles = everything
ist = is
an = at
seinem = its
Platz = place
A proverb a day to brighten the day

451a. Alles hat seine Zeit. Alles zu seiner Zeit.
451b. Everything has its time. Everything in its time.

The Creation itself is decided by The Time Factor.
The fate everything created is decided by The Time Factor.
We are just puppets controlled by the strings held by Time.

Alles = Everything
hat = has
seine = its
Zeit = Time.
Alles = Everything
zu = in
seiner= its
Zeit = Time
The power bad time has over good people is best understood
by reading the episodes about King Harichandran from # 17c to # 27b

A proverb a day to brighten the day

452a. Fakten brennen, da Fakten hartnäckig sind

452b. Facts burn since facts are stubborn.

Fakten = Facts
brennen = burn
da = since
Fakten = facts
sind = are
hartnäckig = stubborn
A proverb a day to brighten the day

453a. Ein undankbarer Mann ist schlimmer als ein gieriges Schwein.

453b. An ungrateful man is worse than a greedy pig.

A man owns his dog.
A cat owns its master and his home as well!

Pigs are the worst.
They can eat off the master's wealth and still remain ungrateful.

Often we find men who are worse than even those greedy pigs!
Man is supposed to have one sense more than the pig! Right?

Ein = A
undankbarer = ungrateful
Mann = man
ist = is
schlimmer = worse
als = than
ein = a
gieriges = greedy
Schwein = pig

A proverb a day to brighten the day

Schön in der Haut.
Foul in der Seele.
Fair in the skin.
Foul in the soul.

Schön = Fair
in = in
der = the
Haut = skin.
Foul = Foul
in = in
der = the
Seele = soul
A proverb a day to brighten the day

455a. Schöne Worte brechen keine Knochen.

455b. Fair words break no bones.

The secret of good relationship lies in the right choice of
the right words we use to
communicate with the others.

We are supposed to talk with good feelings and with good intentions.
Even unfavorable things can be conveyed favorably, with the right words.

The now popular word road-rage is the result of the wrong choice of words.
When two head-strong-people argue, road-rage becomes unavoidable.

Schöne = Fair
Worte = words
brechen =break
keine = no
Knochen = bones.

Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by motorists. These behaviors include rude and verbal insults, physical threats or dangerous driving methods targeted toward another driver or non-drivers such as pedestrians or cyclists in an effort to intimidate or release frustration. Wikipedia

A proverb a day to brighten the day

456a. Die falschen Freunde sind gefährlicher als die wahren Feinde

456b. One's False friends are more dangerous than one's true enemies

Die = The (One's)
falschen = false
Freunde = friend
sind = are
gefährlicher = more dangerous
als = than
die = the (one's)
wahren = true
Feinde = enemies
A proverb a day to brighten the day


457a. Fasten folgt Schlemmen!
457b. Fasting follows feasting!

Do opposites always cancel out each other?
YES.... unless they form a couple by
not acting through the same point!

Fasten = Fasting
folgt = follows
Schlemmen = feasting!
A proverb a day to brighten the day

458a. Wo Liebe dünn ist, sind Fehler dick.

458b. Where love is thin, faults are thick.

Love if blind - have no doubts.
Love makes one blind to the serious faults of the loved ones.

But lack of love places the unloved person under a microscope -
magnifying everything being said and done by that person.

Wo = Where
Liebe = Love
ist = is
dünn = thin,
Fehler = the faults
sind = are
dick = thick.

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Alle Straßen führen nach Rom. Alle Flüsse führen zum Meer.
Folgen Sie einem Fluss, um an ein Meer zu gelangen.

All roads lead to Rome. All rivers lead to sea.
Follow a river to get to a sea.

Alle = All
Straßen = streets
führen = lead
nach = to
Rom = Rome.
Alle = All
Flüsse = rivers
führen = lead
zum = to
Meer = sea.
Sie + You
Folgen = follow
einem = a
Fluss = river
um an zu gelangen = to reach
ein Meer = a sea
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

460a. Geschenke von Feinden sind gefährlich

460b. Gifts from enemies are dangerous.

Gifts fall under many categories.

Some are recycled - since the person doesn't need it.
Some are given - since they are inevitable and must be given.

Some are given matching the status of the giver.
These are expensive gifts for impressing the others.

Some others are given matching the status of the receiver.
These are indirect insults to the poor relatives and friends.

But gifts from known and sworn enemies
are the most dangerous among all types of gifts!

Geschenke = Gifts
von = from
Feinden = enemies
sind = are
gefährlich = dangerous
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Wer wartet, bis das Essen gekocht ist, muss auch warten, bis das Essen abgekühlt ist.
He who waits until the food get cooked, must also wait until the food gets cooled.

Wer = He who
wartet = waits
bis = until
das = the
Essen = food
gekocht ist = gets cooked,
muss = must
auch = also
warten = wait
bis = until
das = the
Essen = food
abgekühlt ist = gets cooled.
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

462a. Große Geldgeber sind schlechte Kreditgeber.

462b. Great spenders are bad lenders.

BUT it hardly matters! If you become his trusted friend
then there will be no more real need to borrow money.
Everything will be gifted by him generously and freely!

Große = Great
Geldgeber = spenders
sind = are
schlechte = bad
Kreditgeber = lenders
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

463a. Hasen können einen toten Löwen an den Haaren ziehen!

463b. Hares may pull a dead lion by its hair!


Hasen = Rabbits
können = can
ziehen = pull
einen = a
toten = dead
Löwen = lion
an den = by the
Haaren = hair
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

464a. Teure Kleidung öffnet alle Türen
464b. Expensive clothes open all the doors

A rich man went for a wedding dressed in very ordinary clothes and was denied entry into the hall.
Later he came back richly dressed and was lead to the most important seat in the dining hall.

He took the food and smeared it all over his expensive clothes. The onlookers were stunned by this!
He explained the incident and concluded saying the feast being offered for his clothes and not for him!!

Teure = Expensive
Kleidung = clothes
öffnet = open
alle = all
Türen = doors.

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