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Think or sink!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

486a. Wer für seine Mutter nutzlos ist, wird auch für alle anderen nutzlos sein.

486b. He who is useless to his mother will be useless to everyone else as well.

Wer = Who
ist = is
nutzlos = useless
für = for
seine = his
Mutter = mother
wird = will
auch = also
sein = be
für = for
alle = all
anderen = the others
nutzlos = useless.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Lerne jede Kunst und Wissenschaft unter der Sonne.
Wissen ist Macht.

Learn every art and science under the sun.
Knowledge is power.

Lerne = Learn
jede = every
Kunst = art
und = and
Wissenschaft = science
unter = under
der = the
Sonne Sun.
Wissen = Knowledge
ist = is
Macht = power.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

488a. Schmerz folgt dem Vergnügen, da das Vergnügen einen Stich am Schwanz hat.

488b. Pain follows pleasure since pleasure has a sting on its tail.

Pleasure and pain go hand in hand like Day and Night.

They are like the crests and troughs of a wave - following each other.

If you want a crest you will have to accept a trough as well!

Schmerz = Pain
folgt = follows
dem Vergnügen = the pleasure
da = because
das Vergnügen = the pleasure
hat = has
einen = a
Stich = sting
am = at the
Schwanz = tail.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

489a. Ein Versprechen, das Sie gemacht haben, ist eine Schuld, die Sie gemacht haben
489b. A promise you have made is a debt you have made

A well respected businessman revealed to his son his secret of success.
"Never make a promise! But if you have made one, fulfill it by all means!"

Ein = A
Versprechen = promise
das = that
Sie = you
haben = have
gemacht = made
ist = is
eine = a
Schuld = debt
die = which
Sie = you
haben = have
gemacht = made.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

490a. Höflichkeit kann gewinnen, wo Konfrontation kann nicht.

490b. Courtesy can win where confrontation cannot.

Courtesy is the magical key which can open the
toughest lock of a mind closed and double barred!

Höflichkeit = Courtesy
kann = can
gewinnen = win
wo = where
Konfrontation = confrontation
kann = can
nicht = not.

These four simple words can one's life so different!
[ Only Time can tell us the outcome of this]

At First we were doubting the very existence of God !!!

[ We don't doubt about the existence of things which don't exist.
Does anyone worry why we don't have X Ray vision or Ultrasonic hearing?]

Now we are doubting whether God is Good or bad???

[ So God's existence has been accepted ! Thank God!!! God is great!!!
But whether or not God is good ... is the million dollar question now!!!]

What will be the next very original doubt and discussion about???
[ ANY predictions from anyone who thinks in the same manner???]
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A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Es ist gut, für deine Sünden Buße zu tun.
Es ist besser, keine Sünden zu begehen.
Es ist am besten, ein Vorbild für andere zu werden.

It is good to repent for your sins.
It is better not to commit any sins.
It is best to become a role model for others.

Es = It
ist = is
gut = good
Buße zu tun = to repent
für = for
deine = your
Sünden = sins.
Es ist = It is
besser = better
zu begehen = to commit
keine Sünden = no sins.
Es ist = It is
am besten = best
zu werden = to become
ein = a
Vorbild = role model
für = for
andere = the others.

If you can't become a role model and show others what a man MUST BE,
at least become a terrible example and show what a man MUST NOT BE!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

492a. Sagen ist anders als tun

492b. Saying is different from doing.

Is Talking the easiest thing next to breathing!
I guess so!
Why else would people be talking all their waking hours?

"Vaayil vaDai chudubavargaL" is a famous expresin in Tamil.
No need for batter, oil or a stove.
They can produce a 'maalai' or even a 'malai' of vadais.

Sagen = Saying
ist = is
anders = different
als = than (from)
tun = doing
Shape wears are now available both for men and women.
Women become curvy like cute mermaids and men with a fantastic V shaped torso.

I could not stop laughing when I thought what would be the reaction of such a man and a woman who date and happen to watch their awesome handsome body collapse into
a mass of flesh and fat!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Ein gut begonnener Job ist ein Job, der bereits zur Hälfte erledigt ist.
Eine gut begonnene Schlacht ist bereits eine halb gewonnene Schlacht.

A job well begun is a job already half done.
A battle well begun is already a battle half won.

Ein = A
gut = well
begonnener = begun
Job = job
ist = is
ein Job = a job
der = that
ist = is
bereits = already
zur Hälfte = half
erledigt = finished.
Eine =A
gut = well
begonnene = begun
Schlacht = battle
ist = is
bereits = already
eine = a
halb = half
gewonnene = won
Schlacht = battle.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

494a. Kleine Striche fielen große Eichen.
494b. Little strokes fell great oaks.

The ocean is made up of thousands of little droplets.
The atmosphere is mad e up of thousands on air molecules.

The distance between two places is made up of thousands of tiny steps.
Every small step contributes to a larger victory or a greater achievement.

Kleine = Small
Striche = strokes
fielen = fell
große = great
Eichen = oaks.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

495a. Die Hunde bellen vielleicht weiter, aber die Karawane bewegt sich weiter.

495b. The dogs may keep barking but the caravan keeps moving.

A person who works towards a goal with a single minded concentration,
does not get distracted from his goal by the praise and the criticism he receives.

No one CAN please everyone else and no one NEEDS to please everyone else.
World and the people living in it are as varied as they can possibly be.

So keep moving on - in spite of everything!
Keep chasing your dream - in spite of likes and dislikes!

Die = The
Hunde = dogs
bellen = bark
vielleicht = maybe
weiter = more and more
aber = but
die = the
Karawane = caravan
bewegt sich = keeps moving
weiter = farther and farther.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!


496a. Eine kleine Taube kann die wichtigste Kommunikation tragen.
496b. A little pigeon can carry the most important communication.

God is very thrifty with His materials and is very efficient.
So there is NOTHING unimportant or useless in His creation.

Eine = A
kleine = small
Taube = pigeon
kann = can
tragen = carry
die = the
wichtigste = most important
Kommunikation = communication.

Find 2000 + proverbs in two languages here!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

497a. Kleine Diebe werden gehängt. Riesige Betrüger entkommen der Bestrafung.

497b. Little thieves will get hanged. Giant swindlers escape punishment.

Bees get caught in the web. Drones tear up the web and escape!

Kleine = Little
Diebe = thieves
werden = will get
gehängt = hanged.
Riesige = Giant
Betrüger = swindlers
entkommen = escape
der = the
Bestrafung = punishment.
Three different races of people find it impossible to get long well

and yet a single tree has accepted three hundred different varieties!

Nature is awesome! Humans are awful!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

498a. Ein williges Herz erleichtert die Aufgabe.
498b. A willing heart renders the task easier.

That "Mind has power over matter" is a well known factor.
Mind can make a mountain of a molehill and a molehill of a mountain.

Ein = A
williges = willing
Herz = heart
erleichtert = makes easier
die = the
Aufgabe = tough tasks
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Eine grausame Zunge kann tiefer schneiden als eine Peitsche.
Ein grausames Wort kann tiefer schmerzen als ein Schwert.

A tongue can cut deeper than a whip.
A word can hurt deeper than a sword.

Eine = A
grausame = cruel
Zunge = tongue
kann = can
schneiden = cut
tiefer = deeper
als = than
eine = a
Peitsche = whip.

Ein = A
grausames = cruel
Wort = word
kann = can
schmerzen = hurt
tiefer = deeper
als = than
ein = a
Schwert = sword.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Eine grausame Zunge kann tiefer schneiden als eine Peitsche.
Ein grausames Wort kann tiefer schmerzen als ein Schwert.

A tongue can cut deeper than a whip.
A word can hurt deeper than a sword.

Eine = A
grausame = cruel
Zunge = tongue
kann = can
schneiden = cut
tiefer = deeper
als = than
eine = a
Peitsche = whip.

Ein = A
grausames = cruel
Wort = word
kann = can
schmerzen = hurt
tiefer = deeper
als = than
ein = a
Schwert = sword.
To have a peaceful life, learn to be deaf when such persons talk to you!
We have to learn to live like a turtle
which can draw inwards its five limbs.

We pretend NOT to see what we find disturbing.
We pretend NOT to hear what we find disturbing.

We DON'T speak / do / eat what we find disturbing.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Aus einer Tasche kommt nichts als das, was sich darin befindet.
Erwarten Sie also keine Perlen der Weisheit von einem verdammten Narren!

Nothing comes out of a bag but what is inside it.
So don't expect pearls of wisdom from a damned fool!

Aus = Out of
einer = a
Tasche = bag
kommt = comes
nichts = nothing
als = but
das = that
was = something
sich befindet = that is
darin = in there.
Erwarten = Expect
Sie = you
also = therefore
keine = no
Perlen = pearls
der Weisheit = of wisdom
von = from
einem = a
verdammten = damned
Narren = fool!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

501 a.
Wie Vater wie Sohn ist nicht immer wahr!
Viele gute Kühe haben schlechte Kälber.

Like father like son is not always true!
Many good cows have bad calves.

Wie = As is the
Vater = Father
wie = so is the
Sohn = son
ist = is
nicht = not
immer = always
wahr! = true!
Viele = Many
gute = good
Kühe = cows
haben = have
schlechte = bad
Kälber = claves.
The man who made knowledge available to all the people!

Johannes Gutenberg - Wikipedia​

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Johannes_Gutenberg

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenbergwas a German goldsmith, inventor, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe with his ...
Occupation: Engraver, ‎inventor‎, and printer‎
Died: February 3, 1468 (aged about 68); Mainz‎, ...‎
Known for: The invention of the movable-type ...
Born: Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum G...
Early life · ‎Printing method with... · ‎Legacy · ‎References
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Bienen suchen Honig.
Menschen suchen Geld.
Der gelagerte Honig bringt die Bienen um.
Das gespeicherte Geld bringt die Männer um

Bees seek honey.
Humans seek money.
The stored honey gets the bees killed.
The hoarded money gets the men killed

Bienen = Bees
suchen = seek
Honig = honey.
Menschen = Humans
suchen = seek
Geld = money.
Der = The
gelagerte = stored
Honig = honey
bringt um = brings death to
die = the
Bienen = bees.
Das = The
gespeicherte = hoarded
Geld = money
bringt um = brings death to
die Männer = the men.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Wenn Sie versuchen, alle zufrieden zu stellen,
werden Sie am Ende niemandem gefallen.

If you are trying to please everyone,
you will end up pleasing no one.

Wenn = If
Sie = you
versuchen = try
zu stellen = to make
alle = everyone
zufrieden = pleased
Sie = you
werden = will be
am Ende = in the end
gefallen = liked by
niemandem = no one.

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