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Think or sink!

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

466a. Liebe ist blind. So ist Hass!
Wir scheinen aus unbekannten Gründen zu lieben oder zu hassen

466b. Love is blind. So is hatred!
We seem to love or hate for unknown reasons.

Love and Hate known as the 'rAgam' and 'dhwEsham' in spiritual language
appear to be the two sides of the very same coin called 'kAmam'.

When the unlimited love is dead, immediately infinite hatred is born.
We know how cruelly the ex lovers punish their once beloveds!

Liebe = Love
ist = is
blind = blind
So = So
ist = is
Hass = hatred!
Wir = We
scheinen = appear
zu = to
lieben = love
oder = or
zu = to
hassen = hate
aus = for / out of
unbekannten = unkown
Gründen = reasons
Siva raathri special to keep you awake and think of Lord Siva and his leelaas.

This is the link to the 64 Thiru viLayAdalgaL of Lord Siva



Welcome to read the Periya purANam in the form of simple Tamil poems by me. 🙏
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

467a. Er kann nicht gut sprechen, der seine Zunge nicht halten kann
467b. He cannot speak well who cannot hold his tongue

For some people the tongue seems to run ahead of the thoughts.
They end up speaking out - what should not be spoken out!

Er = He
kann = can
nicht = not
sprechen = speak
gut = well
der = who
kann nicht = can not
halten = hold back
seine = his
Zunge = tongue
A proverb a day to brighten the day.


468a. Eine zerbrochene Freundschaft kann wieder verbunden werden,
aber es wird niemals dieselbe sein

468. A broken friendship may be reattached, but it will never be the same.

Eine = A
zerbrochene = broken
Freundschaft = friendship
kann = can
werden = be
verbunden = attached
wieder = again,
aber = but
es = it
wird = will
niemals = never
sein = be
dieselbe = the same.
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

469a. Ein reines Gewissen lacht über die falschen Anschuldigungen

469b. A clear conscience laughs at the false accusations.

True accusation hurt!
False ones fizzle out!

Ein = A
reines = clear
Gewissen = conscience
lacht = laughs
über = over
die = the
falschen = false
Anschuldigungen = accusations.
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

470a. Ein helles Gesicht kann ein schlechtes Herz verbergen!

470b. A fair face may hide a foul heart!

People love fair skin - on themselves and on everyone they come across.
The color of skin had created more problems than any other physical feature.

Those dancers had practiced for months and years to give a sterling performance.
But all one can comment after seeing it is "All the dancers are dark skinned!!! :(

Ein = A
helles = fair / bright
Gesicht = face
kann = can
verbergen = hide
ein = a
schlechtes = foul
Herz = heart

Lovely brown​

Brown is beautiful!

White men want their skin turn brown;
For hours they roast under the hot sun!

Wearing next to nothing for uniform tan;
Yet we dislike our natural color a brown!

Fairness creams are on the sale;
For not just female but also male!

Why this craze for what we is not ours?
Why do we crave for what is not ours?

Skins are made just the body to protect;
And help the change in temperature detect!

To keep away the crows, flies and fleas;
From filling with flesh & blood their bellies!

Think no more on the color of outer skin;
Just make sure that it is healthy and clean!

Half the problem in this world are born;
From the next door girl to Troy’s Helen;

Out of the color of the skin on the exterior!
None bothers about the mind in the interior!

(A poem from my blog of Naughty Poems

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

471a. Wer wird einen Berg entwurzeln, um eine Maus zu fangen?

471b. Who will uproot a mountain in order to catch a mouse?

In every action The Means must justify The End!
One can't use a crowbar as a toothpick! Right???

Wer = Who
wird = would
entwurzeln = uproot
einen = a
Berg = mountain
um zu = in order to
fangen = catch
eine = a
Maus = mouse?
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

472a. Das Unterrichten der Schüler perfektioniert das Lernen des Lehrers.

472b. Teaching the students perfects the learning of the teacher.

Whenever I want to learn something, I try to teach through my writing.
This makes the learning process much easier and more interesting!


To teach someone else something, we must have a thorough knowledge.
We can't teach something to someone, which we ourselves do not know!

So the new German sentence I learned today resonates the same idea.
Lehren heißt Lernen = Teaching is called Learning (How short and sweet!)

I made it even shorter and sweeter thus!
Lehren ist Lernen = Teaching is Learning!

So whenever something is being taught,
both the teacher and the student benefit!

Das = The
Unterrichten = teaching
der Schüler = the students
perfektioniert = makes perfect
das Lernen = the learning
des Lehrers = of the teachers.
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

473a. Start eines Kriegsschiffes zum Fangen eines Welses

473b. Launching a warship for catching a catfish.

The effort put in much be proportional to the task being performed.

Here is another classic example for
wrong means being followed for a wrong end.'

Start = Launching
eines Kriegsschiffes = of a warship
zum = for
Fangen = catching
eines Welses = of a catfish
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

473a. Start eines Kriegsschiffes zum Fangen eines Welses

473b. Launching a warship for catching a catfish.

The effort put in much be proportional to the task being performed.

Here is another classic example for
wrong means being followed for a wrong end.'

Start = Launching
eines Kriegsschiffes = of a warship
zum = for
Fangen = catching
eines Welses = of a catfish
Parallel in Tamil:
மலையைத் தோண்டி எலியைப் பிடித்தல்.
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

474a. Die Kälber wagen es, wo die Kühe Angst haben.

474b. The calves dare, where the cows scare.

Very similar to the famous quote
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread"

Ignorance is bliss. The less we know the happier we are!
Ignorance infuses one with courage - often misplaced!

Experience keeps a hard school...
but fools will learn nowhere else!

Die = The
Kälber = calves
wagen es = dare
wo = where
die = the
Kühe = cows
haben = have
Angst = fear.
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Hinter jedem Wahnsinn versteckt sich eine Methode.
Hinter jeder Bewegung versteckt sich ein Motiv.

There hides a method behind every madness.
There hides a motive behind every movement.

Hinter = Behind
jedem = every
Wahnsinn = madness
versteckt sich = hides
eine = a
Methode = method.
Hinter = Behind
jeder = every
Bewegung = movement
versteckt sich = hides
ein = a
Motiv = motive.
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

479a. Ein König bleibt ein König, auch wenn er keine Krone trägt.

479b. A king remains a king even if he wears no crown.

Man remains what he is or who he is despite the
attires and accessories he does or doesn't wear.

Ein = A
König = King
bleibt = remains
ein = a
König = King
auch = even
wenn = if
er = he
trägt = wears
keine = no
Krone = crown
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

480a. Wer braucht einen Schleier, nachdem jeder weiß, dass er gemein ist?

480b. Who needs a veil after everyone knows he is vile?

A veil helps only when a truth remains hidden.
Once the truth is known to everyone, a veil is of no use.

Wer = Who
braucht = needs
einen = a
Schleier = veil
nachdem = after
jeder = everyone
weiß = knows
dass = that
er = he
ist = is
gemein = vile.
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

481a. Große Männer denken gleich. Dummköpfe haben keine solchen Einschränkungen.
481b. Great men think alike. Fools have no such limitations

The probable reason for this???

Great men arrive at the truth.
Truth is always remains the same.

Fools CAN get lost on their way in different ways
The non-truths aka falsehoods can be unlimited!

Große = Great
Männer = Men
denken = think
gleich = alike.
Dummköpfe = Fools
haben = have
keine = no
solchen =such
Einschränkungen = limitations.
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

482a.Leider hat Genius seine Grenzen.
Zum Glück hat Folly keine solchen Einschränkungen!

482b. Unfortunately, Genius has its limitations.
Fortunately Folly has no such limitations!

Leider = Unfortunately
Genius = genius
hast = has
seine = its
Grenzen = limitations.
Zum Glück = Fortunately
Folly = foolishness
hat = has
keine = no
solchen = such
Einschränkungen = limitations.
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Nichts zu tun?
Wie sehr schön!

Nothing to do?
How very lovely!

We have a saying in Tamil "chummaa iruppathE sukham!"
One can be " chumma" only when one has nothing to do.

Translated into German it become the cutest, shortest, sweetest
and the most beautiful Formal Closed Couplet known to me!

Nichts = Nothing
zu = to
tun? = do?
Wie = How
sehr = very
schön! = lovely!
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

484a. Eine Nation ohne Herrscher ist ein Streitwagen ohne Achse.
484b. A nation without a ruler is a chariot without axle.

Eine = A
Nation = nation
ohne = without
Herrscher = a ruler
ist = is
ein = a
Streitwagen =
ohne = without
Achse = axle.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

485a. Die Augen sind Fenster zur Seele
485b. The eyes are the window to the soul.

Die = The
Augen = eyes
sind = are
Fenster = windows
zur = to the
Seele = Soul


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