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Think or sink!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Wer den anderen keinen Respekt zollt,
bekommt auch keinen Respekt von den anderen.

He who doesn't pay respect to the others,
doesn't receive any respect from the others.

World is the most perfect mirror.
It gives back to you what you give out.

Wer = He who
zollt = pays
den anderen = the others
keinen = no
Respekt = respect
auch = also
bekommt = receives
keinen = no
Respekt = respect
von = from
den anderen = the others
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

544a. Es ist besser, allein zu sein, als in schlechter Gesellschaft.

544b. It is better to be alone than in bad company.

Es = It
ist = is
besser = better
zu = to
sein = be
allein = alone
als = than
in = in
schlechter = bad
Gesellschaft = company
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

545a. Wenn Sie anbieten, das Kalb zu tragen, müssen Sie stattdessen die Kuh tragen!

546a. If you offer to carry the calf, you will be made to carry the cow instead!

Human tendency is to expect (and extract) more than what has been offered.
Be it Space, Time, Money, Energy, Work, Assistance, Comfort, Food and Gifts!

Wenn = If
Sie = you
anbieten = offer
zu = to
tragen = carry
das = the
Kalb = calf
Sie = you
müssen = will have to
tragen = carry
die = the
Kuh = cow
stattdessen = instead!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Wenn du vor dem Frühstück lachst
du wirst vor dem Abendessen weinen.
Das Leben ist so!

If you laugh before breakfast
you will cry before supper.
Life is such!

LIfe is continuous wave of ups and downs ( = joys and sorrows).
Man jumps with joy when he is happy.
He crumbles to a dust when he is sad.
Treating these two opposite alike is the hardest task for mankind.

Wenn = If
du = you
lachst = laugh
vor = before
dem = the
Frühstück = breakfast
du = you
wirst = will
weinen = cry
vor = before
dem Abendessen = the dinner.
Das = The
Leben = Life
ist = is
so = such!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

547a. Gut! Wenn Sie möchten, dass etwas gut gemacht wird ... tun Sie es selbst!

547b. Well! If you want anything to be done well ...do it yourself!

"kAm chOr" is the loving name given to a person who does not do his work well.
"dhaNdam, waste, sOmberi, kadankAran" are some more words for the same person.

People work in two different styles ...
work for money and work for oneself.

In the former one gets paid, but does not do a perfect job.
In the latter one does not get paid, but does a perfect job.

Gut! = Well
Wenn = If
Sie = you
möchten = want
dass = that
etwas = something
wird = will be
gut gemacht = done well
Sie = you
tun = do
es = it
selbst = yourself.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

548a. Ein Kuckuck braucht keinen Musiklehrer und ein Pfau braucht keinen Tanzlehrer.

548b. A cuckoo needs no music tutor nor does a peacock a dance tutor.

True talent is inborn and is hard to contain or conceal!

Ein = A
Kuckuck = cuckoo
braucht = needs
keinen = no
Musiklehrer = music tutor
und = and
ein = a
Pfau = peacock
braucht = needs
keinen = no
Tanzlehrer = dance tutor
Something ...Something!

Some doctors have 'something' in them.
You feel better just by talking to them...
even before the treatment is started.

Some family members have 'something' in them
that makes you feel better just by taking to them.

Some doctors, friends and family members make you feel worse after your interaction.
They lack that magical 'something' in them but have 'something' else in them instead.

Ever thought about this...???
Our Friends are chosen by us.
Our Family is enforced on us.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Ein Baum, der bittere Früchte trägt, und ein Mann,
der seinen Reichtum verbirgt, nützt der Welt nichts.

549b. A tree bearing bitter fruits and a man
who hides his wealth are of no use to the world.

Money and Muck must be spread to become useful.
Love must be shown and not withheld in oneself.

A tree bearing bitter fruits will not be useful even if it is in the middle of a garden.
A man who sleeps on his money is like the proverbial 'Dog in the manger'.

'A Dog in the manger' is a person who has no need of, or ability to use, a possession
which would be of use or value to others and he prevents the others from having it.

Ein = A
Baum = tree
der = which
trägt = bears
bittere = bitter
Früchte = fruits
und = and
ein = a
Mann = man
der = who
verbirgt = hides
seinen = his
Reichtum = wealth
nichts nützt = are useless
der Welt = to the world
Something ...Something!

Children are angels when they are well-fed and well-rested.
We can see the other side of their moon face otherwise and at other times.

Kids need to be kept engaged usefully and playfully all the time.
Here in the hospitals where waiting is inevitable, the receptionist offers
printed pictures which can be coloured by children and also some crayons.

The children start painting and coloring - competing with one another.
So they remain civil and silent till the investigation / treatment is over.

We all need something to do, to think about or to talk about or to achieve.
Sometimes the lack of that 'something' makes everything else go wrong.

The major cause for depression and loneliness is 'not keeping this spark alive'!
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A proverb a day to brighten the day!

550a. Wiederholtes Schmelzen wandelt Eisen nicht in Gold um.

550b. Repeated melting does not convert iron into gold.

Hardships and problems make
the noble people nobler,
the strong people stronger and
the tolerant people more tolerant.

But the regular people and baser things
get destroyed by hardships and tests of time.

The same polishing which adds glitter to a diamond
will make the piece of charcoal crumble into dust.

Wiederholtes = Repeated
Schmelzen = melting
nicht = does not
wandelt = convert
Eisen = iron
in Gold um = into gold
Something ...Something!

Imagine a couple with these following traits!

He likes ONLY silly movies and
she likes ONLY heavy music.

He reads ONLY newspaper and
she wants to read ONLY literature.

He can sleep the whole day long.
She can work the whole day long.

He devours unlimited sugar and salt.
She is denied both these white poisons.

He likes to brood, worry and daydream.
She is down to earth and well engaged.

He is an introvert unwilling to mingle with people.
She is a sparking extrovert and the life of any party.

Opposites attract ONLY when they are magnetic poles.
Opposites repel when they are real people in real life.

Something must be common for any successful bonding.
Their tastes, likes, dislikes, hobbies, favorites anything at all.

How do these marriages work - when nothing is the same thing in between them?

There IS something which is the same thing that they both love and cherish so much.

It is the love of their children that binds them together - despite all their differences.

Something that binds them is someone they have brought into existence together!

Those who lack this something / someone as a binding factor may drift apart later.
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A proverb a day to brighten the day!

551a. Es gibt keine Schlösser, um die Lippen des Klatschers zu versiegeln.

551b. There are no locks to seal the lips of the gossiper.

Es gibt = There is
keine = no
Schlösser = lock
um zu = to
versiegeln = seal
die Lippen = the lips
des Klatschers = of the gossiper
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Das Glück ist launisch.
Armut ist nicht dauerhaft.
Geld kommt und geht die ganze Zeit

Fortune is fickle minded.
Poverty is not permanent.
Money comes and goes all the time

The mantra to accept the things that come to you in life is "This too will pass with Time!"
That way we remember that neither our riches nor our poverty is permanent in our life.

Das = The
Glück = Fortune
ist = is
launisch = fickle minded.
Armut = Poverty
ist = is
nicht = not
dauerhaft = permanent.
Geld = Money
kommt = comes
und = and
geht = goes
die ganze = all the
Zeit = time.

Everything is born out of something - small or big
just as
Everyone is born out of someone - ordinary or extraordinary.

Man just needs just a creative spark to create something grand and great.
The sculptor can see the statue hiding in every stone - awaiting his chisel.

The storyteller watches the people around him and
every spark is born out of him as a short story or a novel

The musician, the dancer, the poet, the painter...everybody can identify
a creative spark - which the lay man misses completely and miserably.

Nothing is unimportant in the creation.
No one is insignificant in the creation.

Trifles lay seeds for great revolutions
Tiny sparks lay seeds for great art.

So the something becomes everything to these artists.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

553a. Eine Zunge kann sich in jede Richtung biegen und jede Unwahrheit aussprechen.

553b. A tongue can bend in any direction and speak any falsehood.

Eine = A
Zunge = tongue
kann = can
biegen = bend
sich = itself
in = in
jede = every /any
Richtung = direction
und = and
aussprechen = speak out
jede = every / any
Unwahrheit = falsehood

Somethings can cause distress - even when they are tiny/ insignificant / powerless.
The damage they can cause depends on their location and the helplessness of their victims.

An elephant is mighty and weighs several tons and compared to it a mosquito weighs next to nothing. But if this insect manages to get into the gigantic ears, it may even drive the elephant mad!

Imagine the constant buzzing of an insect inside our ear.
We can put a drop of oil and take it out with a cotton bud.

But for the poor elephant!!!

Can it convey its plight to the mahot?
Will the mahot understand the cause of its temper tantrum and help it?

So the power of destruction is not dependent only on the size.
It also depends on the location of the insignificant trouble maker.

Something small can become something large -
if it has the advantage of the right location.

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Waffen haben eine begrenzte Reichweite.
Geld kann überall hinkommen, wo es will.
Weapons have a limited range.
Money can reach anywhere it wants to.

Is fighting with money more effective than fighting with weapons?
Why else will the richer nations punish the poorer ones
with financial sanctions against them?

Waffen = Weapons
haben = have
eine = a
begrenzte = limited
Reichweite = range.
Geld = Money
kann = can
hinkommen = reach
überall = everywhere
wo = where
es = it
will = wants to.

A disruption in the dainty daily routine by something is often beneficial.
When Life flows ever so smoothly, we take everything we have for granted.
We never stop to realise how very lucky we are to have such a blessed life.

We don't understand the plight of those less fortunate people with problems regarding money, health and other issues.

An occasional disturbance gives an unexpected jolt and wakes up people from their wanton slumber and supreme indifference.

A good life, a good health, a good feast, and a good relationship must all have something disturbing them for a short while, to make the people appreciate life better and understand the plights of the others better.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Verschiedene Schutzfunktionen für
verschiedene zerstörerische Kreaturen.

Different protective features for
different destructive creatures.

Nature has provided different protectie features for different creature.

Venom which can be injected into the victim.
Poison which can be released from the skin
Thorny and spiky Spines.
Superior Speed
Crafty Camouflage
Built in Armor.
Puffing and Bluffing
Make Startling Sounds

Man lacks all these but uses his brain better than all these put together

Verschiedene = Different
Schutzfunktionen = protective feature
für = for
verschiedene = different
zerstörerische = destructive
Kreaturen = creatures.
Something ....Something.

We all need something to look forward to/ something we like to do / something we want to do. It may even be watching a mega maha serial or discussing all the other people under the sun.

One day my father said when his first grandchild arrived in our family.

" We must have a child in the house to watch and admire how beautifully it grows up. If this is not possible we must have at least flowering plant in the garden - to enjoy the various stages of it growth".

Growth is an essential part of every living being - even if it is only growing older, weaker, sicker, heavier, fatter and shorter!

The body grows LESS strong with age, but we may grow more strong in our own chosen fields. One may grow more knowledgeable, more aware, more kind, more gentle and more affectionate.

Man need to do something all the time. One must make the right choice of what to do and how to do it to make one's life more meaningful and enjoyable.

Sometimes doing that Something can make Everything else appear so joyful in life.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Ein armer Mann ist allen ausgeliefert.
Die Frau eines Armen ist eine freie Dienerin für alle.

A poor man is at the mercy of all.
A poorman' wife is a free servant to all.

A poor man and his wife are NOT expected to have
or even allowed to have any personal dignity.

He is always at the mercy of everyone
and she is a free servant for everyone.

Money can buy many things - including
respect and a warm welcome everywhere.

Ein = A
armer = Poor
Mann = man
ist = is
ausgeliefert = at the mercy
allen = of everyone.
Die = The
Frau = wife
eines = of a
Armen = poor man
ist = is
eine = a
freie = free
Dienerin = servant
für = for
alle = everyone.

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