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Think or sink!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Zweimal falsch ergibt nicht einmal richtig.
Aber seltsamerweise machen drei Linke eine Rechte.

Two wrongs do not make a right.
But strangely three lefts make a right.

Zweimal = Two
falsch = wrongs
ergibt nicht = does not make
einmal = one
richtig = right.
Aber = But
seltsamer weise = strangely
drei = three
Linke = lefts
machen = make
eine = one
Rechte = right!

This tip is very useful while driving.
If right turn is forbidden, then keep turning left until
you have finally turned to your right - the right direction! :)
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

516a. Ein williges Herz funktioniert am besten.

516b. A willing heart performs best.

People reach the hard-to-attain-samAdhi-state so easily
when they do what they they like most to do.

People get completely lost to the external world while .....
watching movies, megA mahA serials, dramas, games and sports,
reading newspaper, novels, singing, dancing, painting to name a few!

Ein = A
williges = willing
Herz = heart
funktioniert = performs
am besten = the best.
I am NOT missing India in The USA at all!
Yesterday the power went off for 8 hours!

From 8 A.M to 4 P.M - the prime time when we need
power the most..... to work / to study from home.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Das Herz verliebt sich.
Der Kopf erinnert sich an die Liebe.
Damit die Liebe Erfolg hat, müssen sowohl
das Herz als auch der Kopf funktionieren.

The heart falls in love.
The head remembers the love.
For love to succeed both the heart and the head must function.

Man is nothing but a bundle of memories.
If the memory is lost (even temporarily) everything is forgotten
and every relative ( including lover / spouse) becomes a stranger.

But carrying on the memories to the next birth is also scary!
They are best forgotten at the beginning of another new birth!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

517a. Wenn Wein reinkommt, kommt der Witz raus.

517b. If the wine gets in, the wit gets out.

Wenn = If
Wein = wine
reinkommt = gets in
der = the
Witz = wit
kommt = comes
raus = out.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

518a. Wer keine Bitterkeit kennt, kennt auch keine Süße.

518b. He who knows not bitterness, knows not sweetness either.

He who never got hurt, will not know anything about pain.
He who never loved anyone, will know nothing about love.

Wer = He who
kennt = knows
keine = no
Bitterkeit = bitterness,
kennt = knows
auch = also
keine = no
Süße = sweetness.

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Eine gute Frau bekommt einen guten Ehemann.
Aber wenn ihr Mann auch gut ist, wird sie sicherlich immer gut bleiben.

A good wife gets a good husband.
But IF her husband is also good, she will surely remain always good.

Life is a continuous chains of many small actions and their due reactions.
Life is a continuous chain of evolutions. adjustments and compromises.

If 'all the young girls' are bewitching angels
how come many wives are 'shrews' and 'she-devils'???

Eine = A
gute = good
Frau = wife
bekommt = gets
einen = a
guten = good
Ehemann = husband.
Aber = But
wenn = if
ihr = her
Mann = husband
auch = also
gut ist = is good
sie = she
wird = will
sicherlich = surely
immer = always
bleiben = remain
gut = good

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Ein guter Amboss hat keine Angst vor dem Hammer.
Dinge können nur passieren, wenn diese beiden zusammenkommen.

A good anvil has no fear in front of the hammer.
Things can happen only if these two come together.

Ein = A
guter = good
Amboss = anvil
hat = has
keine = no
Angst = fear
vor = in front of
dem = the
Hammer = hammer.
Dinge = Things
können = can
passieren = happen
nur = only
wenn = if
diese = these
beiden = two
zusammenkommen = come together
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

பெண்ணின் கோணல் பொன்னில் நிமிரும்.

521a. Geld kann viele Fehler korrigieren.

521b. Money can set right many wrongs.

Geld = Money
kann = can
korrigieren = set right
viele = many
Fehler = wrongs.

Money-matters can make many-matters mini-matters! :)
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

523a. Die Zunge eines Narren läuft vor seinem Witz.

523b. A fool's tongue runs ahead of his wit.

Die = The
Zunge = tongue
eines Narren = of a fool
läuft = runs
vor = ahead of
seinem = his
Witz = wits.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Ein Witz gewinnt niemals einen Feind.
Ein Witz verliert immer einen Freund.

A joke never wins an enemy.
A joke always loses a friend.

Ein = A
Witz = joke
niemals = never
gewinnt = wins over
einen = an
Feind = enemy.
Ein = A
Witz = joke
immer = always
verliert = loses
einen = a
Freund = friend.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

525a. Wenn ein Narr schweigt, wird auch er zu den Weisen gezählt.
525b. When a fool is silent , he too is counted among the wise.

My father often used say these words.
He was a man of few words and extremely wise!

"It is better to remain silent and be mistaken for a fool,
than to open the mouth and remove all such doubts!"

Wenn = When
ein = a
Narr = fool
schweigt = keeps silent
er = he
wird = will be
auch = also
gezählt. = counted
zu den Weisen = among the wise.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

526a. Ein starker Geist ist notwendiger als ein starker Körper.

526b. A strong mind is more necessary than a strong body.

A weak mind in a strong boy is similar to an army of lions lead by a sheep.

A strong mind in a weak body is like an army of sheep led by a lion.

A strong mind in a strong body is like an army of lions lead by a lion!

Ein = A
starker = strong
Geist = mind
ist = is
notwendiger = more necessary
als = than
ein = a
starker = strog
Körper = body.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

527a. Alles ist schwierig, bevor es einfach wird.

527b. Everything is difficult before it will become easy.

Alles = Everything
ist = is
schwierig = difficult
bevor = before
es = it
wird = will become
einfach = easy.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

528a. Ein gutes Fest, ein guter Schlaf, eine gute Beziehung müssen häufig gestört werden, damit sie noch besser erscheinen!

528b. A good feast, a good sleep, a good relationship must have frequent disturbances to make them seem even better!

Ein = A
gutes = good
Fest = feast
ein = a
guter = good
Schlaf = sleep
eine = a
gute = good
Beziehung = relationship
müssen = must be
häufig = frequently
gestört werden = be disturbed
damit = so that
sie = they
erscheinen = seem
noch = even
besser = better.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!


Die Katze will den Goldfisch essen.
Aber es will ihre Pfoten nicht nass machen.
Menschen, die ebenso faul sind, werden als "Bananen-faul" bezeichnet.

The cat wants to eat the goldfish.
But it does not want to wet her paws.
Humans equally lazy are known as 'banana-lazy'

Die = The
Katze = cat
will = wants
essen = to eat
den Goldfisch = the goldfish.
Aber = But
es = it
will nicht = does not want to
machen = make
ihre = her
Pfoten = paws
nass = wet.
Menschen = Humans
die = who
sind = are
ebenso = equally
faul = lazy
werden = will be
bezeichnet = labeled
als = as
"Bananen-faul" = "Banana-lazy"!

பழம் நழுவி வாயில் விழ வேண்டும் ???!!!
"No it is a cat grey in a house big!"

Sounds very strange in English!

But this is a correct sentence in Spanish.

"No es un gato gris en una casa grande!"

The funny word order makes every sentence a word puzzle.

The funny order makes me for every sentence giggle.

Anything to be usefully engaged and become more eloquent.

After all the area where we live now used to be a Spanish colony.

Even now Spanish is given equal importance with English everywhere.

Knowledge of a new language can never really hurt anyone!

Among people who ask, "why should I learn another language?"

I keep asking "What other new language can I learn?"

Knowledge is a Power. Knowledge can Communicate and Protect!

All people like the outsiders taking in their mother tongue!

How crazy the crowd becomes when a NEtA or a Didi says 'vanakkam in T.N. :)
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Die Ironie eines Kerzenlicht?
Der dunkelste Ort ist unter dem Kerzenhalter!

The irony of a candle light?
The darkest place is under the candlestick!

Die = The
Ironie = irony
eines = of a
Kerzenlicht = candle light?
Der = The
dunkelste = darkest
Ort = spot
ist = is
unter = under
dem = the
Kerzenhalter = candlestick!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Die Ironie der Sprache?
Diejenigen, die am meisten reden, sind meistens diejenigen, die nichts zu vermitteln haben.

The irony of speech?
Those talk most are mostly those who have nothing to convey.

Die = The
Ironie = irony
der Sprache ? = of speech ?
Diejenigen = Those
die = who
reden = speak
am meisten = the most
sind = are
meistens = mostly
diejenige = those
die = who
haben = have
nichts = nothing
zu = to
vermitteln = convey.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

532a. Wir haben ein Gesetz für die Reichen und ein anderes für die Armen.
532b. We have one law for the rich and another for the poor.

Everything has two different sets to offer to the people.....
one to those who 'have' and the other to those who 'have not'.

Wir = We
haben = have
ein = one
Gesetz = law
für = for
die = the
Reichen = rich
und = and
ein anderes = another
für = for
die = the
Armen = poor.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

533a. Die Zunge eines müßigen Menschen ist nie müßig.
53b. The tongue of an idle person is never idle.

The tongue has two jobs - to eat and to talk.
Some people make sure that they make the best use of their tongue
either by eating or by talking or both, all the time they are wide wake.

Die = The
Zunge = tongue
eines = of an
müßigen = idle
Menschen = person
ist = is
nie = never
müßig = idle.

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