My father was always right. :thumb:
The more we have ...the more we want!
Today people keep changing jobs for some extra money.
(Gone are the days when people took pride in
working for one institution all their lives)
Rich people make money by subletting car parking areas,
selling home made food, jam, jelly, pickles and vatral
(even when their son draws a huge fat 6 figure salary p.m)
Those who have gold in kilograms,
buy more when the price plunges.
Those who have more dresses than
they can accommodate in their wardrobes,
are always on the look out more fancy clothes.
People with two bed rooms want three and
those with three bedrooms want four!!!
A person with an ordinary car wants an A.C car and
one with an A.C car wants an imported model.
Those who have servants to do everything in the house
complain of lack of time to do any useful work
and wish to have more helpers around.
Those who sleep two-thirds of the day feel jealous
of those who sleep for one-fourth of the day deeply.
As for me, I want to make more and more useful blogs.
I too fall in the same category - for a different reason though!
The more we have ... the more we want!!!
The less we need... more free we become!!!
The more we have ...the more we want!
Today people keep changing jobs for some extra money.
(Gone are the days when people took pride in
working for one institution all their lives)
Rich people make money by subletting car parking areas,
selling home made food, jam, jelly, pickles and vatral
(even when their son draws a huge fat 6 figure salary p.m)
Those who have gold in kilograms,
buy more when the price plunges.
Those who have more dresses than
they can accommodate in their wardrobes,
are always on the look out more fancy clothes.
People with two bed rooms want three and
those with three bedrooms want four!!!
A person with an ordinary car wants an A.C car and
one with an A.C car wants an imported model.
Those who have servants to do everything in the house
complain of lack of time to do any useful work
and wish to have more helpers around.
Those who sleep two-thirds of the day feel jealous
of those who sleep for one-fourth of the day deeply.
As for me, I want to make more and more useful blogs.
I too fall in the same category - for a different reason though!

The more we have ... the more we want!!!

The less we need... more free we become!!!