Malarum ninaivugaL!
Samashti Upanayanam.
Once I attended for the first time in my life a samashti upanayanam.
Some 60 boys and lads became brahmachaaris officially. :thumb:
The youngest might have bee 5 years or 7 years old
and the oldest on the wrong side of 20s.
Beards, whiskers and other forms of hair arts were seen on them
but no one had the traditional sikhai (kudumi).
Some of the boys were taller than their dads.
Some of the dads had problem sitting on the floor.
Some moms had problem standing behind their masters
and also while sitting on the floor! :tsk:
When the father had to embrace the CHILD (?)
it was a challenge to many a father there –
due to the size of the over grown CHILD and
the size of his own overgrown belly!
It was good fun watching the proceedings.
The priests were shouting in the mike and :kev:
the others were shouting in the hall. :blah:
Indians can never remain silent unless you tie up their hands.
No need to tape their mouths, since they can’t speak :tape:
without the liberal use of the hand gestures!