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Think or sink!

"If you could achieve detailed thinking considering various dimensions, no one can succeed in sinking you. The only thing is they can drive you away BUT can not take you away from yourself." - The above one is a very good one to have a clarity in thinking.

To put it in a nut shell ...."THINK lest you SINK!!!"
Of course many people (both in my real life and this virtual life)
have tried their best to SINK me and failed miserably!!!
Thank God for the pink matter working in good condition! :hail:
Understanding the 'Misunderstanding!'

"You are NOT what you think you are.

You are NOT what I think you are.

You are What you think I think you are!" :spy:

Projection of oneself onto the others is
the root cause of most misunderstandings. :laser:

Each action is NOT what is being done ...
but what we think is being done!!! :confused:

Each sentence is NOT what is being spoken...
but what we think is being spoken!!! :confused:

Unless people stop adding shades of their own-selves
into the words and actions of others.........:gossip:

misunderstandings can never be ruled out!
Don't look at the world through tinted glasses! :cool:
Numbers matter ONLY when

Nothing else matters!!!

Age is NOT a virtue unless

Wisdom goes hand in hand with it!

Aging is JUST a natural process!

Gathering wisdom should also be

a natural process - but often it is not!
How much land does a person need???

100 sq. feet???

1000 sq.feet ???

10, 000 sq feet???

Is there a limiting value which will be agreeable to

our ex-leaders and ex-rulers???

I have never felt more comfortable than in the 400 sq feet room now I live in! :thumb:
Happiness is a state of mind independent of our possessions.

A lady can wear a fancy priced dress and go around looking like this! :(

Another lady can wear a simple dress and go around beaming like this! :)
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From வண்ண வண்ண மனிதர்கள்! ( post# 438)

அடுத்தாத்தில் வாங்கியாச்சே!!

சில பெண்மணிகளின் மிக முக்கியமான வேலையே, அடுத்த வீட்டில் என்னென்ன வாங்கி வைக்கின்றார்கள்

என்று 'அப்டேட்' செய்து கொள்வதுதான்! அவர்கள் ஏதேனும் புதிதாக வாங்கினால், உடனே தானும் அதை வாங்கி

வீட்டில் வைக்க வேண்டும் என்று, தன் மணாளனைத் தொந்தரவு செய்ய ஆரம்பித்து, வாங்கிவிடுவார்கள். நான்

இது போன்ற பல பெண்மணிகளைப் பார்த்திருக்கிறேன். இவர்களை சந்தித்தால் பேசுவதற்கு வேறு விஷயமே

கிடைக்காது. தன் வீட்டில் உள்ளவை நம்மிடம் இருக்கின்றதா என்பதைச் 'செக்' செய்தே நம்மை ஒரு வழி


ஒரு முறை இது போன்ற அவதார புருஷியை ஒரு திருமண வரவேற்பில் சந்தித்தேன். எப்பொழுதும் போல தன்

'அப்டேட்டிங்'கை ஆரம்பித்தாள். இதோ எங்கள் உரையாடல்:

'ராஜி, உங்க ஆத்தில ரைஸ் குக்கர்ல சமைப்பியா?'

'எங்கிட்ட பிரஷர் குக்கர்தான் இருக்கு!'

'ஆடோமெடிக் வாஷிங் மெஷின் வச்சிருக்கயோ?'

'அதுல நிறையத் தண்ணி வீணாகுமே; அதனால, எனக்கு 'செமி ஆடோமெடிக் மெஷின்'தான் பிடிக்கும்!'

'ரெண்டு பேர் சமையலுக்கு தினம் தினம் சமைக்கத் தேவையே இல்லை! நிறைய சமைச்சு வச்சுட்டு, அப்பப்போ

'மைக்ரோ வேவ்'ல சூடு பண்ணிச் சாப்பிடலாம்! அப்படித்தானே?'

'மைக்ரோ வேவ் வாங்கலை! அப்பப்போ ஃப்ரெஷ் சமையல்தான்!'

'இன்டக்ஷன் ஸ்டவ் இல்லாம இந்தக் காலத்தில மேனேஜ் பண்ணவே முடியலைம்மா!'

'அதுவும் எங்கிட்ட இல்லை! காஸ் சிலின்டர் ரெண்டு இருக்கும்போது அது தேவையில்லை!'

'அப்போ ஒங்க ஆத்தில ஒண்ணுமே இல்லையா?'

இதற்கு மேல் என்னால் பொறுமையாக பதில் சொல்ல முடியவில்லை! ஒரு சின்னச் சிரிப்புடன் சொன்னேன்,

'ஆமாம்! கரெக்டாச் சொன்னேள்! எங்காத்துல ஒண்ணுமே இல்லாததால், ரொம்ப ஃப்ரீயா வீடு முழுக்கக் காலை

வீசி நடக்கலாம்! ஒரு தடவை வந்து பாருங்களேன்!'

மக்கு எது தேவையோ அதை மட்டும் வாங்கினால் போதாதோ? எதற்கு வரட்டு கௌரவம்? :horn:
I went through all the pages of that thread, just to 'see' what was going on in those days! :ranger:
Wow! Read many interesting dialogues with friends in our dear forum. :clap2:

But felt sad because many of them are NOT writing any more, here! :bolt:
I went through all the pages of that thread, just to 'see' what was going on in those days! :ranger:
Wow! Read many interesting dialogues with friends in our dear forum. :clap2:

But felt sad because many of them are NOT writing any more, here! :bolt:

Some old friends have quit/ disappeared/ disguised/ became

disinterested to interact/ do ignore/ become indifferent.

It is all common in the game called LIFE!

Do not ruminate on the past...... it is history.

Do not dream about the future....it is a mystery.


That is why today is called as present.

Everyday is a wonderful present we get but mostly we

always forget to thank God for that lovely gift! :hail:
Actually the (set of 13) vessels sold here are more than adequate for the traditional Indian cooking!

Two sauce pans (2.5 l and 1.5 l capacity) with glass lids, two frying pans with 600 ml and 2400 ml capacity with glass lids and one wide bottomed vessel 5l capacity with lid serve for cooking for the entire family.

A pressure cooker is a must for those who prefer S.S vessel to the rice cooker with aluminium vessel. The three ladles (one for serving noodles, one for deep frying and one for mixing) and the collapsible steamer is all we really need.

All the other things are extra gathering dust, rust and occupying the precious space in the house.

I got a small blending jar and a small spice grinding jar. My cooking now is 100% traditional with no compromises!

I am lucky that my to sons cater to our two different needs.

The elder son provides us with the 'cabbage' and the younger one with the 'roses'!

'Cabbage' stands for the essentials in life like house, food, medicines etc. :thumb:

Roses are the exotic sweet little things adding beauty to one's life. :love:
It is easy to forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. :baby:
Real tragedy is when man is afraid of the light.


Mind is as difficult to control as the air.

But we have air conditioners to that job for us!

We have mind conditioners too to control our minds.

But the pity is they can't be bought in a shop and installed for immediate use!

Mind conditioner must be developed by oneself in a long, laborious process called Ashtaanga Yoga.

It costs not a pie but demands Determination, Discipline, Dedication and Devotion! :laser:
Many smilies are disabled!!
I could NOT see a few this morning but now all of them are back!! :thumb:

Must have been some problem with my internet connection. :spy:

First line made me happy since I thought you were talking about all the 'missing friends' of the forum!

Second line made me realize that you were talking about the 'missing smilies'!
1. Human body is given by God- to realize Him.

Do not develop complexes based on your body, mind or intellect.

2. Unless the object of desire in known to us, we can't desire it.

3. Learn to trace everything back to it source, namely God.

4. Disappearance of Delusion is the beginning of Self realization.

5. God removes all our doubts only when we are

'ripe enough' to get them removed.

6. A pure heart begets all good things in life, as gifts of God.

7. To become serene, we must learn to ignore the petty things around us.

8.We must learn to become indifferent to everything that disturbs us.

9.Never compromise on your inner peace and equanimity.

10. Sun does not care about the dogs barking at it.

Become majestic like the Sun.

(Heard during Geetha elaboration by our Guru).
For those who have too much to do and too little time to do them in!

There is often virtue in calculated deafness.

(Refuse to listen when such a course
will save the unpleasant situation) :sleep:

Let us not waste a minute thinking about those
who do not like us /whom we do not like!

When the children are young and make a lot of noise we wish for some peace and quiet in the house.

But when they grow up and leave home under different pretexts we wish for some noise and disturbances since the house so peaceful and quiet! :(

Why do some people get the boost :thumb:
while some others the boot?:whip:
Because they put out the wrong foot first
and say the wrong words too!

I am not happy with the existing notation of Sasnkrit letter in English.

ta can be either ட / த
tha can be either ட 2 /த 2

da can be either ட 3/ த 3
dha can be either ட 4 / த 4

sa can be ச ' /ஸ
na can be ந / ன / ண

'deva' can be read as anything but the intended 'dhEva'.

So I am going to follow these notation to put an end to the ambiguity

in the letter/ words/ sounds and length of the vowels used!

a, A, i, ee, u, oo, e, E,
ai, o, O, ou, am, ah

ka, kha, ga, gha, nga,

cha ccha, ja, jha, jna,

ta, tta, da, dda, Na,

tha , ttha, dha, ddha, na,

pa, pha, ba, bha, ma,

ya, ra, la, va, s'a, sha,

sa, ha, ksha, thra, kjna

There is always scope for improvement! :thumb:

The above notations work O.K. but the words 'sidhddhi' 'budhddhi', 'r'udhddhi' look so harsh with so many 'd's occurring in them!

So I got a fresh brain wave to combine and use the Capital letters T and D along with the small ones to represent the 'ta' varga and 'tha' varga - without seeming to break the jaws of the readers or attack them visually /verbally!

So the new notations used will be

a, A, i, ee, u, oo, e, E, r'u, r'oo

l'u, l'oo, ai, o, O, ou, am, ah

The Other alphabets:-
ka, kha, ga, gha, nga,
cha Cha, ja, jha, jna ,
ta, Ta, da, Da, Na,
tha , Tha, dha, Dha, na,

pa, pha, ba, bha, ma,
ya, ra, la, va, s'a, sha,
sa, ha, ksha, thra, j~na

I will have to correct all the posts prepared by me for the 15 sahasra nAma AvaLis typed so far!

I do not look at as a waste of time or a punishment.

Actually it will give me another chance to make any other corrections which need to be made in those posts. :pray2:

The sahasra nAmas to posted in future will follow this system!

I will make these changes in my WordPress blogs also!
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The more we have ... the more we want!

True with regards from drugs to deep sleep.

I think the policy can apply to every possession a man / woman can have.

Does one have some money... he will try to amass more!

Does one have a few sarees...she will try to buy a dozen more!

Does one have a few jewels... she will try to get the latest designs!

Does one have a house... he will try to buy one more - preferably a farm house.

The list is endless :bump2:

I think Man will have difficulty in exceeding his limits and his capacity

only in two things.

They are ... satisfying the appetites of his stomach and body!

Thank God for setting these limitations! :hail:

But for these, the crime against women will multiply manifold :scared:

and the world will be filled with XX large men and women!:fear:
Learn to Act! Cease and Desist from reacting!!

Every Action causes an equal and opposite reaction.

Reaction often gets the person into trouble.

A person may prick with a pin a huge balloon

and hide himself quickly.

When the balloon bursts, people get annoyed with the balloon and

not with the person who has pricked it in the first place.

The best way to deal with an unpleasant action is not to react to it

but to respond to it with dignity, composure and determination.

Only experience CAN teach us how to respond and not react.
A Bully bullies more when the victim reacts! :boink:

So the best way to curb bullying is to :whistle:

neither react nor respond but to ignore! :yawn:

When two crooks lock horns even God can't separate them!

The reason...
Mudhalaiyum moorkkanum koNdathu vida! :croc:

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