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Think or sink!

We think we all have two options....
to do something or not to do that something!

We are completely wrong!
We actually have three choices.

To discontinue doing something in addition
the two choices given above makes it three!

That is what is happening with the lock down for Corona virus control.
A thing half done = A thing not done ( or undone)!
Is it still surprising why the new cases are soaring to sky???
One day the Sanskrit Teacher posed an interesting question.
"Why is an infant called as "S'is'u" in Sanskrit.
The answer is very simple.
Infants keep doing 'shee' and 'shu' all the time! :)
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Lachen ist die beste Medizin.
Lache und die Welt lacht mit dir.
Weinen und die Welt lacht dich aus

Laughter is the best medicine.
Laugh and the world laughs with you.
Cry and the world laughs at you

Lachen = Laughter
ist = is
die = the
beste = best
Medizin = medicine.
Lache = Laugh
und = and
die = the
Welt = world
lacht = laughs
mit = with
dir = you.
Weinen = Cry
und = and
die = the
Welt = world
lacht = laughs
dich aus = at you
Shopping has become an expedition these days.
To avoid frequent outing and exposure to COVID 19 risks,
shopping is done once a month.
The time needed is more than two hours and the car trunk gets packed full!
This will be one of the many permanent changes caused by COVID 19.
No need to talk about hugging grand kids and visiting friends and family!
#245a. Jeder Arzt schafft Arbeit für einen anderen.
#245b. Every doctor creates work for another.

Taking care of one's Health has become so complex these days that
one ailment leads to another and one doctor sends us to another doctor.

Jeder = Every
Arzt = doctor
schafft = creates
Arbeit = work
für = for
einen anderen = another.
For some strange reasons, I am not able to enter the Forum sometimes these days.
If I can enter, I will be posting as usual.
Otherwise please know that I was blocked by the non-cooperating i cloud!
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

246a. Menschen, die in einem Glashaus leben, sollten keine Steine auf andere werfen
246b. People who live in a glass house, should not throw stones at others

It is good to remember one's weaknesses and shortcomings before pointing to another person. Nothing like self awareness to make a person live life as it should be lived.

These days - more than ever before - the things we give out to the others, are returned to us with compound interest...before you can drop a hat!

Menschen = People
die = who
leben = live
in = in
einem = a
Glashaus = glasshouse
sollten = should
warfen = throw
keine = no
Steine = stones
auf = on
andere = the others
The perpetual threat of Corona Virus affects different people differently.

Some people become pious and chant mantras to protect them from the disease.

Others become a little more kinder to the fellow human beings.

A few become all the more morose, rude and indifferent to the others.

We humans are used to worshiping everything that scares us out of out wits.

I know of a big temple devoted to The Plague Maariyamman in Coimbatore.

May be it is time to start worshiping Corona Devi seeking Her protection from Herself!

Men either obey or disobey the safety regulations put forth by the Government, but

when they become sick everyone wants to be nursed and brought back to good

health by the same Government, which they did not obey or respect!

People want to live a life demanding their Rights, but neglecting their Responsibilities!
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

247a. Gewinner betrügen nie. Betrüger gewinnen nie.

247b. Winners never cheat. Cheaters never win.

Satyam Eva jayathE = Only Truth wins.
Lies may manage to pull wool over the eyes of everyone but eventually
Truth will emerge like the Golden Sun dispelling the darkest lies.

Gewinner = Winner
betrügen = cheats
nie = never.
Betrüger = Cheater
gewinnen = wins
nie = never
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

248a. Was ist die Sauce für die Gans ist die Sauce für den Betrachter auch
248b. What is the sauce for the goose is the sauce for the gander also

It is male dominated world. It is a Man's world.
A world for the Man, by the Man, and to the Man.

Men have special powers / liberties / allowances which the women could not even dream of possessing - in the past. Now the story may be different. But as proverbs describe and refer to the distant past, there is merit and truth in this statement.

Was = What
ist = is
die = the
Sauce = sauce
für = for
die = the
Gans =goose
ist = is
die = the
Sauce = sauce
für = for
den = the
Betrachter = gander
auch = also
To the attention of those who are striving for Herd immunity!

Hope you will still have something left alive which can be called as a "Herd"

before you can lecture about the immunity of that ever-dwindling-herd!
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

249a. Essen Sie, wenn Sie hungrig sind. Trinken Sie, wenn Sie trocken sind.
249b. Eat when you are hungry. Drink when you are dry.

The food served by the Airlines has reduced in size over the past 20 years.
Now we are served only a portion of what we used to be served earlier.

But surprisingly that amount is just enough to keep off the edge of hunger.
It also reduces the length of the queue in front of the restrooms during the flights.

It made me realize how much extra food man is consumes
just because he can afford it - and not because he need it.

When the line of demarcation between the Greed for food and the Need for food vanishes, there will be over eating leading to obesity and to practically all the killer diseases.

Comfort eating is another dangerous zone in which man fills his emotional needs with food. Food is just to nourish the body and to keep the body and soul together.

Anything eaten more is an injustice to the food and to the millions of people who starve and suffer from malnutrition.

Sie = You
essen = eat
wenn = when
Sie = you
sind = are
hungrig = hungry.
Sie = You
trinken = drink
wenn = when
Sie = you
sind = are
trocken = dry.

Overeating is the excess food consumed in relation to the energy that an organism expends, leading to weight gaining and often obesity. It may be regarded as an eating disorder. This term may also be used to refer to specific episodes of over-consumption. Wikipedia

Emotional Eating: 9 Ways to Stop It and Lose Weight - Psycom
www.psycom.net › stop-emotional-eating

Sep 4, 2019 - A registered dietitian explains how to identify emotional triggers that may be causing you to overeat and shares her tips to help you correct the ...

And the song that goes with this image!

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kalyana samayal saadham
It is saddening to watch some parents encourage their kids to over eat

to compensate forth quality time they are willing to / able to spend with the children.

This problem will become life long problem - unless it is rectified ASAP!
It is saddening to watch some parents encourage their kids to overeat, just to

compensate FOR THE quality time they are unwilling to / unable to spend with their

children. This problem will become life long problem - unless it is rectified ASAP!
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

250a. Jede Regel muss eine Ausnahme haben oder es ist keine Regel.
250b. Every rule must have an exception or it is not a rule.

Every loop has a loophole and every rule an exception ( aka another loophole?)
In fact it is the exception that proves the rule and makes it valid for everyone else.
No exception to the rule means, it is not a real rule!

Jede = Every
Regel = rule
muss = must
haben = have
eine = one / an
Ausnahme = exception
oder = or
es = it
ist = is
keine = not a
Regel = rule
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

251a. Es ist traurig zu sehen, dass die jungen grünen Blätter zusammen mit den alten braunen Blättern auch von einem Baum fallen.

251b. It is sad to see that the young Green leaves also fall off from a tree along with the old brown leaves.

The ONLY certainty in Life is that NOTHING in Life is certain.
Life is ephemeral, elusive, transient like a soap bubble or a water bubble.

Yet Man thinks that he is invincible and is at the helm controlling everything else.
If only we look at, listen to and understand the proof Nature keeps giving us!

Es = It
ist = is
traurig = sad
zu = to
sehen = see
dass = that
die = the
jungen = young
grünen = green
Blätter = leaves
auch = also
fallen = fall
zusammen = together
mit = with
den = the
alten = old
braunen = brown
Blättern = leaves
von = from
einem = a
Baum = tree
Hope which emerged from the Pandora's box last, keeps Man going against all odds.

How else can we explain the irresponsible behavior of the thousands of people

who hope against hope that they are not vulnerable to the risk of COVID 19?
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

252a. Die Hölle hat keine Wut wie eine verachtete Frau.
252b. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

A Woman is believed to be the better half of a man.
She is capable of more sympathy and empathy.

She is capable of showering selfless love.
She is also capable of hating endlessly - if she were scorned.

A Woman is capable of multiplying and a magnifying.
Give her a sperm and she gives back to you a baby.

Give her a House and she gives back to you a Home.
Give her a pound of shit and she will download on you tons of it.

A Woman is meant to be loved and not to be understood.
A Woman is to be handled with care - to get the best out of her.

Die = The
Hölle = Hell
hat = has
keine = no
Wut = fury
wie = like
eine = a
verachtete = scorned
Frau = woman
தாய் உள்ள பிள்ளை சுகப்படும்
தாய் அற்ற பிள்ளை துன்பப்படும்.

தாயின் இடத்துக்கு ஒரு பேய் வரும்!
நாயின் குணம் அங்கு வெளிப்படும்!

பெற்ற அப்பன் சிற்றப்பன் ஆவான்...
சிற்றன்னையின் கணவன் ஆனவுடன்!

கதைகள் எல்லாம் 'கதை'க்கின்றனவா?
பெண்மனத்தை பிரதிபலிக்கின்றனவா?
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

253a. Wer von einem Schwert lebt, wird durch ein Schwert sterben.
253b. He who lives by a sword, will die by a sword.

Is The Future is the repetition of The Past?
Do we always reap what we sow?

Does everything given out by us in the past
eventually come back to us in the future?

Wer = He who
lebt = lives
von = by
einem = a
Schwert = sword
wird = will
sterben = die
durch = by
ein = a
Schwert = sword

Talking about the past, the present and the future made me remember this.
A Time Traveler came from the Future and asked the first man he met,

"Will you be kind enough to tell me which year this one is"?
The man replied " This is the year 2020!

The Time Traveler replied."OH! The first year of Quarantine!"
If smart the man would have asked him "How long will the Quarantine last?"

Obviously he did not! So we know not! :(
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Wenn Sie zuerst keinen Erfolg haben, versuchen Sie es weiter, bis Sie Erfolg haben.

254b. If at first you don't succeed, keep trying until you succeed.

A child will never learn to walk is it refuses to get up and try to walk again.
A cyclist can never master the skill, if he refuses to try after an unfortunate fall from it.

No one can master anything at the first attempt.
Success comes when one is willing to try, try and try again.

Wenn = If
Sie = you
zuerst = at first
hben = have
keinen = no
Erfolg = success
Sie = you
versuchen = try
es = it
weiter = further
bis = till
Sie = you
haben = have
Erfolg = success.
காலம் செய்யும் மாயா ஜாலம்!

டும் டும் டும் கல்யாணம்!
இப்போ இங்கே மாறியது...
ஃ ஜூம் ஃ ஜூம் ஃ ஜூம் கல்யாணம்!

எங்களுக்குக் கொண்டாட்டம்!
உங்களுக்குத் திண்டாட்டம் !
டாம் டாம் டாம்! டாம் டாம் டாம்!

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Preview YouTube video Mayabazar Tamil Video Songs | Dum Dum En Kalyanam Video Song | NTR | Savitri

Mayabazar Tamil Video Songs | Dum Dum En Kalyanam Video Song | NTR | Savitri


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