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Think or sink!

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

228a. Ein Lamm zu Hause, ein Löwe beim Jagen.
228b. A lamb in the house, a lion during hunt.

Every person has two faces - the real face
and the other deceptive one he puts on at times.

A Top executive may be as gentle and a lamb in his house.
He may willingly allow his wife to dominate over him.
Yet, he may be a nightmare to his workers in the office.

Conversely the odd-jobs-man may be as gentle as a lamb
when he gets kicked around by everyone in the working hours.
Yet, he may terrorize his wife and children once he gets home.

Are these two faces Complimentary or Supplementary?

Ein = A
Lamm = lamb
zu Hause = at home
ein = a
Löwe = lion
beim = during
Jagen = hunt
I am an incorrigible optimist. I never seem to learn from the past events! :(

By wishing to share a pleasant surprise, I got myself neck deep into trouble!

No one could explain the origin of the thumb-sized-bumps which erupted all over my body, starting at the nape of the neck and spreading fast in every direction!

The itching was enough too drive anyone mad and that too so late at night!

The visit to the emergency room at the time of the COVID 19 season was scary.
But when both the options are evil, we have to select the lesser evil!

So after spending 4 hours in the emergency room after taking anti allergy medicines for 5 days, I finally look like my normal self [ from the bumpy caricature I had suddenly transformed into!]

Moral which I should remember in the future!

DO NOT expect that everyone will get a pleasant surprise - just because you did!

On the other hand some may cast an-affectionate-eye and give you a nasty surprise!

It is my guess that whoever caused the thumb-sized-bumps may be happy to hear this
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

229a. Vertrautheit erzeugt Verachtung.
229b. Familiarity breeds contempt.

If Distance can add enchantment to the view,
the familiarity must, most certainly, do the opposite.

A hedge in between does keep the friendship green.
A little distancing is needed to make people realize what you are and what you do!

Vertrautheit = Familiarity
erzeugt = breeds
Verachtung = contempt.

One will be surprised to see the number of German words starting with the prefix 'ver'
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

230a. Gut besucht in Wohlstand und ganz allein in Armut.
230b. Well attended in prosperity and all alone in poverty.

A person with a fat purse never lacks company!
It draws people to the person, as honey draws the flies!
Once the purse is empty, the person becomes all alone!

Gut = Well
besucht = visited / attended
in = in
Wohlstand = prosperity
und = and
ganz allein = all alone
in Armut = in poverty
Certain medicines are given in combination.
They must be taken together - as told by the doctor!
Doctoring the Doctor's orders brings nothing but additional woe!

Oh! How I wish I had realized this a little earlier!
Getting Scared by the number of pills to be taken
and leaving out one by one's own choice is NOT wisdom! :(
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Wer nicht wartet, bis der Brei abgekühlt ist, der ist wirklich der größte Narr.
He who does not wait till the porridge cools, he is really the greatest fool.

Wer = He who
nicht = does not
wartet = wait
bis = till
der = the
Brei = porridge
abgekühlt ist = has cooled down
der = he
ist = is
wirklich = really
der = the
größte = greatest
Narr = fool
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

232a. Wahre Liebe macht unmögliche Dinge möglich
232b. True love makes impossible things possible.

Wahre = True
Liebe = love
macht = makes
unmögliche = impossible
Dinge = things
möglich = possible
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

233a. Alle guten Dinge im Leben kommen zu denen, die gelernt haben zu warten.
233b. All the good things in life come to those, who have learned to wait.

Time is the factor that decides everything for everyone.
Recently two families tried to celebrate the weddings of their daughters several times.

Every time the wedding got postponed for some reason or the other.
Now finally the wedding is over. What had caused the undue delay?

The absence of planet Guru's Grace (for those who believe in Astrology.
For the other it maybe Corona Virus / COVID 19 / Lock down etc.

Alle = All
guten = good
Dinge = things
im = in
Leben = life
kommen = come
zu = to
denen = those
die = they / (who)
haben = have
gelernt = learnt
zu = to
warten = wait.
The real life Mathemetics!

Joy, when shared with others, multiples many folds.
Sorrows when shared, dwindle down to a mere fraction.

In general we all believe that sharing increases
the Joy and decreases the Sorrow.
But not any more!

The shared joy causes sleepless nights and ulcer.
The shared sorrow creates a sadistic happiness!
The moral...????

Keep your achievements to yourself!
Keep all your sorrows to yourself!
Sole your problems by yourself.

The New Law prevailing on earth is
"Each one for himself and none for the others!"
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

234a. Die Gewinner geben niemals auf. Wer aufgibt, gewinnt nie.
234b. Winners never give up. Those who give up never win.

Die = The
Gewinner = winne
niemals = never
geben = give
auf = up.
Wer = He who
aufgibt = gives up
nie = never
gewinnt = wins
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Geben Sie einem Mann einen Fisch und Sie füttern ihn für einen Tag.
Bringe ihm das Fischen bei, du fütterst ihn jeden Tag.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for one day.
Teach him to fish, you feed him everyday.

Gift of Knowledge is superior to any other material gift.
Knowledge is power. It never diminishes with time and usage.
Knowledge equips a person with the power to survive against all odds.

Sie = You
Geben = Give
einem Mann = a man
einen Fisch = a fish
und = and
Sie = you
füttern = feed
ihn = him
für = for
einen Tag = one day.
Bringe bei = Teach
ihm = him
das Fischen = to catch the fish
du = you
fütterst = feed
ihn = him
jeden Tag = everyday
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Verbreiten Sie auf alle Fälle nützliches Wissen. Wenn Sie nicht können, verbreiten Sie Verwirrung, was viel einfacher ist.

236b. Spread useful knowledge by all means. If you can't, spread confusion, which is far more easier.

Some people have to spread something during their life time - good, bad or ugly.
So if they can't spread useful knowledge, they choose to spread confusion and doubts!

Sie = You
Verbreiten = spread
auf alle Fälle = by all mean
nützliches = useful
Wissen = Knowledge.
Wenn = If
Sie = You
nicht können = cannot
verbreiten = spread
Verwirrung = confusion
was ist = which is
viel = much
einfacher = easier
The number as well as the variety of vaccines given to children and adults in USA is mind blowing.

YET the number of children physically and verbally abused and the number of children who could have easily avoided the dangers and accidental death is not less mind blowing!

What a contrast between the the Lofty Goals and the failed achievements.

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Lernen Sie, mit Ihrem Reichtum zu leben.
Armut wird lehren, wie man damit lebt.

Learn to live with your wealth.
Poverty will teach you how to live with it.

It is the new found wealth that makes man go mad with pride and money-power!

As the saying goes in Tamil, such a man will hold up an umbrella at midnight
- when there is neither Sunshine nor Pouring rain!

Poverty on the other hand makes a man prudent, thrifty and level headed.
Poverty teaches him the art of surviving and living against all odds!

Sie = You
Lernen = learn
zu leben = to live
mit = with
Ihrem = your
Reichtum = wealth.
Armut = Poverty
wird = will
lehren = teach (you)
wie = how
man = one
lebt = lives
damit = with it.
Words form the basic tools for any writer.

Words convey meanings as well as emotions.

Words are borrowed as well lent by languages.

Words often fuse together to form new words.

Words have interesting tales hidden behind them.

Words can be picturesque, descriptive, rhyming or poetic.

The components of some words appear to be contradicting.

Some words appear to be the wrong names for the right things.

We shall explore the wonderful world of words now.

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

238a. Ist es Weisheit, Feuer in der einen und Wasser in der anderen Hand zu tragen?
238b. Is it wisdom to carry fire in one hand and water in the other?

Ist = Is
es = it
Weisheit = Wisdom
zu = to
tragen = carry
Feuer = fire
in = in
der einen Hand = in one hand
und = and
Wasser = Water
in der anderen = in the other ?
A proverb a day to brighten the day

239a. Die Gewohnheit beginnt als Spinnennetz und verwandelt sich bald in ein Eisenkabel
239b. Habit begins as a cobweb and soon transforms into an iron cable.

Habits die hard but Habits are so easy to form.
That makes Habits doubly dangerous - since we can get into them easily but hardly ever can get out of them.

Die = The
Gewohnheit = Habit
beginnt = begins
als = as
Spinnennetz = cobweb
und = and
verwandelt = transforms
sich = itself
bald = soon
in = into
ein = an
Eisenkabel = iron cable
காலம் மாறிவிட்டது - உபயம் : கோவிட் 19

குனிந்த தலை நிமிராமல் நடந்த பெண்கள்,
தனியே சென்று பிரசவிக்கின்றார்கள் இன்று!

ரோடு, ரோடாக சென்று சைட் அடித்த விடலைகள்,
வீடே கதி என்று ஆனதும் படித்துத் தேறுகின்றனர்.

"அண்ணாசாமி வீட்டுக் கல்யாணம் - ஆனால்
அவரவர் வீட்டில் கல்யாண விருந்து" என்போம்.

அன்று கேலி செய்யும் பழமொழியாக இருந்த இது
இன்று மெய்யாகி விட்டது - வையகம் முழுவதிலும்!

பந்தல் இல்லை! பந்தி இல்லை! வாத்தியம் இல்லை!
பந்தம் ஏற்படுத்த இவை தேவை இல்லை அல்லவா?

வாண வேடிக்கைகள் இல்லை! பங்கரா நடனம் இல்லை!
வாண்டுப் பயல்கள் செய்யும் வம்புகள் இல்லவே இல்லை!

பெற்றோர்கள் உண்டு! மற்றோர்கள் தேவை இல்லை!
பற்றோடு வாழ்த்துவோம் வெகு தொலைவில் இருந்து!

பழையன கழிதலும், புதியன புகுதலும் உலக இயற்கை!
பழையன கழிந்திட ஒரு நூதன வியாதியும் உதவிடலாமே!

கோவிட் 19, கொரோனா செய்வது நன்மையா? தீமையா?
உண்டோ உலகில் கலப்படமற்ற நன்மை அல்லது தீமை?
A proverb a day to brighten the day

240a. Sie schätzen nie, was Sie im Leben haben, bis Sie es verlieren.
240b. You never appreciate what you have in life, until you lose it.

We take for granted too many good things in life. We scarcely acknowledge the services rendered by the other family members. One is ever more ready to complain and find fault with everyone else - than appreciate the others for all the things they do.

Sie = You
nie = never
schätzen = appreciate
was = what
Sie = you
haben = have
im Leben = in life
bis = until
Sie = you
verlieren = lose
es = it
Good fortune, a Good sleep and a Good feast must get disturbed often -
just to make those people realize how lucky they really are!

One needs yOgam to be able to eat / sleep and enjoy life. It is not in everybody's yOgam to enjoy these - irrespective of the wealth and free time they may possess.
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A proverb a day to brighten the day

241a. Sie können einem alten Hund keinen neuen Trick beibringen
241b. You can teach an old dog no new trick.

Old dogs, like some old people, do not want to learn anything new.
It is NOT that they are incapable of learning anything new
but rather they do not want to learn anything new.

Sie = You
können = can
beibringen = teach
einem = an
alten Hund = old dog
keinen = no
neuen = new
Trick = trick

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

242a. Die Regeln der Natur: Ein Feuer muss brennen;
Die Erde muss sich drehen; Ein Mann muss kämpfen.

242b. The rules of nature: A fire must burn;
The earth must revolve; A Man must struggle.

The unwritten rules of Nature:
A fire remains a fire ....only as long as it can burn.
The earth remains a living planet .... only as long as it rotates.
A man remains alive (kicking and ticking) .... only as long as he is willing to struggle.

Life is a constant struggle for survival.
For the poor, it is a struggle to make the ends meet.
For the rich, it is a struggle to protect their wealth from the others!

Die = The
Regeln = Rules
der Natur : = of Nature :
Ein = A
Feuer = fire
muss = must
brennen = burn.
Die = The
Erde = Earth
muss = must
sich drehen = revolve around itself.
Ein = A
Mann = man
muss = must
kämpfen = struggle /fight for survival
திருவைந்தெழுத்து மந்திரம்

"எத்தைத் தின்றால் பித்தம் தீரும்?" என்று
பித்தனைப் போலச் சித்தம் கலங்காதீர்!

அத்தனுக்கு அர்ப்பணியுங்கள் கர்மங்களை;
அத்தனையும் நீங்கிவிடும் அவன் அருளால்!

செய்விப்பவனும் அவனே - கர்மங்களைச்
செய்பவனும் அவனே - அந்தர்யாமியாக!

அனுபவிப்பவனும் அவனே கர்மங்களை!
அணுவளவும் பற்றாது அவை அவனை!

திரு ஐந்தெழுத்து வெறும் ஐந்தெழுத்து அல்ல.
பொருந்தியவை விதியை மாற்றும் வல்லமை. 🙏

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