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Think or sink!

Morning Walking.

Morning Walk is the time I get to see people from a very safe distance ~ 30 feet!
Some men walk; some others run; some others do wight lifting with two water bottles as they walk along; some men walk their dogs and thankfully remove the poop when the dog does its business. :)

One man is unmistakable since he is very lean, tall and is topless! He would be dripping with streams of sweat, as he runs along quite fast, pushing his baby's perambulator. I wonder how much the baby enjoys the rough and fast ride and whether or not it looks forward to it.

Some ladies jog, some other run, some chat loudly on phone to a person, some old ladies plod along ( Doctor's orders?) and an ancient woman uses the walker with four wheels ( just as I do).

Many women monitor their movements with their smart watch and some listen to music. It is funny to see their eyes covered by huge goggles, nose and moth covered by a huge mask and ears plugged in with ear pods. Four out of the five sense organs under protection!

Everyone greets if there is an eye contact! Some sweet ladies greet - almost calling out loudly, even if there is no eye contact.

For me it is the time to do nAma Japam - synchronizing it with my breath and my steps. We can't walk while we meditate but we can meditate when we walk!
How very convenient to keep the mind focused and free from random thoughts.

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Alle guten Dinge kommen in drei.
So kommt auch das Unglück nie allein.
All good things come in three.
So also Misfortunes never come alone.

Our lives are ruled by The Time Factor.
The Time factor changes depending on many parameters.

Most of these parameters are not under our control.
So whatever comes, we have to 'grin and bear it' or 'growl and bear it'.

Alle = All
guten = good
Dinge = things
kommen = come
in = in
drei = three.
So = So
auch = also
kommt = comes
das = the
Unglück = bad luck / misfortune
nie = never
allein = alone.
What is indecent exposure? :unsure:

Indecent exposure is the deliberate exposure in public or in view of the general public by a person of a portion or portions of their body in circumstances where the exposure is contrary to local moral or other standards of appropriate behavior. The term indecent exposure is a legal expression.

Another interpretation!

A person commits indecent exposure if he or she exposes his or her genitals or anus or she exposes the areola or nipple of her breast or breasts and another person is present, and the defendant is reckless about whether the other person, as a reasonable person, would be offended or alarmed by the act.

Does THIS explain why a woman who sports strategically placed three triangles, cut from a palm sized piece of cloth :eek: never gets arrested for Indecent Exposure? o_O
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

312a. Geld macht viele unmögliche Dinge möglich!
312b. Money makes many impossible things possible!

Once upon a time cattle was considered as the measure of prosperity of the owner.
Later Gold/ Silver / Paper currency replaced the cows, goats, horses and elephants.
Ever since then Money rules the world - not just our world but all the three worlds!

As long as there are people who would do ANYTHING for earning money,
there will be the people who would get ANYTHING done by paying money!

Geld = Money
macht = makes
viele = many
unmögliche = impossible
Dinge = things
möglich = possible!
COVID confusions!

Even if one want to get admitted into a hospital for any health issues other than COVID 19, one needs a certificate to prove that one does not have COVID 19.

When a person is suffering from stroke or heart attack....
when a woman is bleeding heavily due to fibroid or an unfortunate abortion....
when a person is unable to run around to get the test done....
when a person has no time to wait for a certificate......
what happens to him or her or them???

Fate will decide it whether he/ she will get admitted in a hospital, get proper treatment, get well and get to go back home or get mass cremation done with hundreds of complete strangers.

Rules are there only to guide us under normal circumstances.
Rules can not rule over everything unforeseen or unfortunate.

Man must use his discretion and decide upon the course of action.
That is why he is gifted with a superior brain capable of making the right decisions.

If he wants to hide behind the rules and fails to make the right decision
then "Dear God! Please help us!"
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A proverb a day to brighten the day.
313a. Alleskönner und Meister von keinem von ihnen.
313b. Jack of all trades and master of none of them.

Alleskönner = One who can do everything
und = and
Meister = Master
von = of
keinem = none
von = of
ihnen = them.
அவன்...அவள்...அவர் !

அவன் பாடும் பாடல்....

வேண்டும் வேண்டும் தன் மாமியார், மாமனார்!
வேண்டும் வேண்டும் தன் மனைவி, தன் மக்கள்!
வேண்டும் வேண்டும் தன் மச்சினி, மச்சினன்!
வேண்டாம் வேண்டாம் தன் பெற்றோர்கள்!

அவள் பாடும் பாடல்....

வேண்டாம் வேண்டாம் தன் மாமியார் மாமனார்!
வேண்டாம் வேண்டாம் நாத்தனார் கொழுந்தனார்!
வேண்டும் வேண்டும் தன் கணவன், தன் மக்கள்!
வேண்டும் வேண்டும் தன் அருமைப் பெற்றோர்கள்!

என்ன காரணம் என்று தெரியுமா உங்களுக்கு?

முலை கொடுத்தவள் மூதேவி;

முத்தம் கொடுத்தவள் சீதேவி.

Mother is a burden while wife is a heaven.

கவிஞர் பாடும் பாடல்...

"நன்றி கெட்ட மகனை விட நாய்கள் மேலடா!"

[ குருட்டுக் கிழவியைத் தனிமையில் தள்ளிவிட்டுச்

சிரித்து மகிழ்ந்து வாழ முடியுமா என்று பார்க்கலாம்!]
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

314a. Gesegnet sind die Sanftmütigen. Sie werden die Erde erben.
314b. Blessed are the meek. They shall inherit the earth.

Gesegnet = Blessed
sind = are
die = the
Sanftmütigen = meek.
Sie = They
werden = will
erben = inherit
die = the
Erde = earth.
The Prodigal Son and his Poor Mother.

Life is strange. Human mind is complex. Neighbors and friends help when a person lives all alone. They all feel committed to help the helpless person and they go out of their way to offer their help.

But if there is someone who can and who must take care of the person, the friends and the well wishes take one step backwards. They do not feel bound to help any more. This need not be so but unfortunately it is so!

Does the prodigal son do more harm than help by coming back but keeping away from his poor mother?
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

315a. Kein Regen! Keine Körner!
315b. No rains! No grains!

Rain can make or mar human life.
It can provide for us or destroy us.
It can make man flourish or perish.

Kein = No
Regen! = rains!
Keine= No
Körner! = corns!
Adam had the good fortune that whatever he said and did were REALLY original.

Jupiter or Jove is the King of God of Rome and the god of the Sky and Thunder.

Pluto (Ploutōn) was a name for the ruler of the underworld.

Hades was the name of the god and the underworld itself.

Visalakshi Ramani

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Vorbeugung ist besser als Heilung.
Was nicht geheilt werden kann, muss ertragen werden.

Prevention is better than cure.
What can't be cured must be endured.

Vorbeugung = Prevention
ist = is
besser = better
als = than
Heilung = healing.
Was = What
kann nicht = cannot
werden = be
geheilt = healed,
muss = must
werden = be
ertragen = endured.
Remove the cause to remove the effect.

Everything we see obey the rules of "The Cause and The Effect" (aka kAraNa kAriyam).

The Cause produces the effect. Remove the cause and the effect will vanish.

Hard to believe right? But it is true all the same.

Most of man's problems are caused by his desire for Wealth, Women and Wine!

Remove these desire and the sufferings caused by these desires will also vanish.

யாதனின் யாதனின் நீங்கியான் நோதல்
அதனின் அதனின் இலன்

(அதிகாரம்:துறவு, குறள் எண்:341)
Reminds me of Swathi Thirunal's composition kAranam vinA kAryam. Here is a rendition of that song and the relevant lyrics

(P)कारनणम् विना कार्यम् नोत्पद्यते ।
किमपि काञ्जन नियतम् ॥
(C1)जनन कारणम् कर्म ज्ञानकारणम् विद्या
धनमाटोपकारणम् तरुणी मोहकारणम् ।
अनयो हानिकारणम् आधि रोगकारणम्
धनसमृद्धिकारणम् ननु धर्मो जगदीश ॥
Reminds me of Swathi Thirunal's composition kAranam vinA kAryam. Here is a rendition of that song and the relevant lyrics

(P)कारनणम् विना कार्यम् नोत्पद्यते ।
किमपि काञ्जन नियतम् ॥
(C1)जनन कारणम् कर्म ज्ञानकारणम् विद्या
धनमाटोपकारणम् तरुणी मोहकारणम् ।
अनयो हानिकारणम् आधि रोगकारणम्
धनसमृद्धिकारणम् ननु धर्मो जगदीश ॥

NamasthE! 🙏
SwAthi ThirunAl mahArAjA was not just a King and a composer of beautiful krithis in Sanskrit.
He must have been a great philosopher in addition to being a great scholar!
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

317a. Alle sind keine Heiligen, die in die Kirche gehen.
317b. All are not saints that go to church.

People (used to ) visit temples for various reasons.

Some go to show off their new sari or new jewelry.
Some to meet old friends and relatives in the temple.
Some go to chat and some others to eat the tasty prasAdhams..

People like me go to temple to sing the praise of God so that
the others will be unable to gossip and defile the sanctity of the temple.

Unless the visit to a temple energizes and recharges a person
and makes him better, the visit has been a total waste of time.

Alle = All
sind = are
keine = not
Heiligen = saints
die = who
gehen = go
in = in
die = the
Kirche = Church.

Swans and Humans

Swans are credited with this special talent.
They can separate pure milk from the mixture of milk with water.

Humans are blessed a big and very active brain.

But often they fail to separate the grain from the chaff or
the truth from the rumors or the worthwhile from the unworthy.

They fail to separate the Sath from the Asath.
They fail to separate the Sathyam from the Mithya.

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

318a. Weisheit ist Wissen überlegen.
318b. Wisdom is
superior to Knowledge.

Knowledge has never been so much and so easy to find at the same time.
But wisdom is the sublimation of the knowledge gathered by a person.

Wisdom is true to life and is very useful when handed over to you readily
by those who are truly both wise and nice.

If a person will not heed to words of wisdom born out of experience,
he/ she will have go through those experiences and gain the wisdom personally.

footnotes :-
Weisheit = Wisdom
ist = is
überlegen = superior to
Wissen = Knowledge.
God is a supreme engineer.

He has placed the right kind of joints in the right places - to enable us to function efficiently.

The toes and the fingers can just move like a hinge in one direction.

They can stretch out completely or curl back to close.

The ankles and the wrists can have two different movements.

They can act like hinges and can also rotate in complete circles.

The knee joints and elbow joints act just like smooth hinges.

The next joint at the hip and at the shoulder can rotate well - in perfect circles.

The hip and the neck joint can bend along two perpendicular axes and rotate half a circle.

But for these clever arrangements of the hinge like joints and the rotational joints alternately,

any smooth movements of a human body will be impossible and unthinkable. 🙏
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

319a. Ruhe vor dem Sturm ist wie das Hocken eines Tigers, bevor er sich stürzt.
319b. Calm before storm is like the crouching of a tiger before it pounces.

The bow bends before it shoots an arrow.
The tiger crouches before it pounces on its prey.
There is a deceptive calm before every violent storm.

footnotes :-
Ruhe = Calm
vor = before
dem Sturm = the storm
ist = is
wie = like
das = that
Hocken = crouching
eines Tigers = of a tiger
bevor = before
er sich = itself
stürzt = pounces.

sudden friendship of a known and sworn enemy must not be believed - since it means trickery and treachery are about to be unleashed upon the unsuspecting victim.
Budhdhim dEhi!

A prayer to Sarasawathi Devi goes like this. 🙏

"Budhdhim dhEhi yas'O dhEhi kavithvam dhEhi dhEhi mE |
Moodhathvam cha harE dhEvi thrAhi mAm s'araNAgatham ||"

Thoughts and Ideas are born in a person's budhdhi.
Then those thoughts become either words or actions.

The best way to guard oneself from speaking or doing anything bad is
to make sure that bad thoughts and ideas are not born in one's budhdhi.

Guard your budhdhi to guard your thoughts.
Guard your thoughts to guard your words.
Guard your words to guard your actions.

I say this prayer everyday NOT just for myself alone,
but for the entire family - praying for one person at a time.

The result shows in the interactions of the family members. :)
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Wenn Gott auf unserer Seite ist, kann uns niemand schaden.
Wenn Gott nicht auf unserer Seite ist, kann uns niemand helfen.

When God is on our side no one can harm us.
When God is not on our side no one can help us.

Wenn = When
Gott = God
ist = is
auf = on
unserer = our
Seite = side,
niemand = no one
kann = can
schaden = harm
uns = us.
Wenn = When
Gott = God
ist = is
nicht = not
auf = on
unserer = our
Seite = side,
niemand = no one
kann = can
helfen = help
uns = us.
Vaadham and Pidivaadham

The ailments of the seniors and super senior fall into two categories viz vaadham and pidivaadham.
Vaadham is age-related and we can help the sufferers - ONLY if they want to be helped...not otherwise.

No amount of explaining, arguing and even threatening (!) will have any effect.
They WILL do, what they WANT to do, WHEN they want to do and in the WAY they WISH to do!

A 90+ old thahtha may challenge a youngster for a jumping contest! ( Once I have been challenged for advising him to use a walking stick for stability)!

A 80+ old paatti may insist on using the Indian toilet and expect someone to help every time she wishes to use the bathroom, rather than use the Western toilet installed specially for her with the appropriate grab bars for extra safety and stability.

A 85+ paatti may insist on wearing a 9 yards sari ( which is scary enough) and insist on washing and drying the sari herself ( which is even scarier) because of her madi and aachaaram!

But if they suffer a bad fall, break a major joint and become bedridden for life, they WILL not mind being taken care of by a person of (God knows!) which caste and which religion! So much for their madi and aachaaram.

We can't protect people against their wishes! :(
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

321a. Wenn Liebe dünn ist, sind Fehler dick.
321b. When love is thin faults are thick.

Wenn = If / When
Liebe = love
ist = is
dünn = thin
Fehler = faults
sind = are
dick = thick.

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