Dear VR ji,
Its always better to be mysterious so that you keep people guessing.
Yes dear, You are right! But most people make only one guess that
whoever stays at home spends the entire day sleeping!

Dear VR ji,
Its always better to be mysterious so that you keep people guessing.
Dhenuka is a name of an Asura but its also a name for a Raaga.
I have seen a person named Lenuka.
VR sons name is Varun.
When he was some aged 9 he met another persons with the same name but out here in Msia people follow numerology like crazy and the other Varuns's name was spelled as Vaarroon.
So my son came home very angry and told me that he told the boy to change his name.
I asked my son "how could you say that..poor boy"
My son said "I don't like anyone killing my name with wrong spelling"!LOL
Sex and examination results are related.
If you practise brahmacharya and abstain from sex , the result is you will do well in exam.
If you examine the other sex closely, the result is you may not desire
Written only to confuse you for the day
Sex and examination results are related.
If you practise brahmacharya and abstain from sex , the result is you will do well in exam.
Only for males..females multitask well.