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Think or sink!

The smart wife of a very generous man got worried at his generosity and tried save money without his knowledge and with the help of her brother - whom she trusted and loved more than anyone else in this world.

Her money did not grow since it was side tracked to help the other siblings of the brother and sister who were not very well off. Of course this was done by the trusted brother unknown to the trusting sister.

She never found out out the truth as long as she lived. But my point is just this.

The brother could have helped his other siblings with his own money ( just as the generous husband was doing). Or he could have taken the consent of his trusting sister.

But he posed off as if he was helping from his own resources - which reflects very badly on him - despite his love and care for his poor siblings.

The good and generous husband would have never even dreamed that his smart wife was capable of such secrecy and was being looted by her brother.

At least he remained transparent till the very end and never did anything without his wife's consent.

1. A child prodigy

A smart child whose parents have fertile imagination running riot!

#117. The Wonder Kid!

A for ஆய்!
B for பாய்!
C for காய்!
D for டாய்!

என்று பேசும் குழந்தையின் அம்மா சொன்னாள்,
“என்ன கேட்டாலும் சரியாகச் சொல்லுவான்!”

அவன் அப்பா கேள்விக் கணைகளைத் தொடுத்தார்.
“இது என்ன மாசம் கண்ணா?”
“பாத்தேளா மார்ச்ன்னு எத்தனை அழகா சொல்றான் கொழந்தை!”

“மாடு எப்படிக் கத்தும் கண்ணா?”
“பாத்தேளா மாடு மாதிரியே மான்னு சொல்றான்!”

இது யாரு கண்ணா?”
“பாத்தேளா அம்மான்னு சரியாச் சொல்றான்!”

அந்தக் குழந்தைக்குத் தெரிந்த ஒரே சொல் (எழுத்து?) மா!
அதற்குத் தகுந்தவாறு கேள்விகள் கேட்டு
அவனை ஒரு ஜீனியஸ் போல் project செய்வார்கள்!

Deft Definitions with a Difference!!!


A body from which the person has been removed!


The wild animals lurking in a person making sheet music.


A warm garment the child is made to wear when its mom feels cold.


A useful replacement when we can't spell the actual word.

A store gazer

A window shopper who does not buy anything


A huge ball rotating on its taxes paid by the earthlings.
Nothing is impossible really!

The day is auspicious as it is the wedding day on my elder son and D.I.L.

I wanted to perform archanai in their at any cost in any temple.

The priest in out colony temple is a maayaavi mama.

No one knows when he will come and when he will leave!

But I spotted him at the last lap of my morning walk.

Surely he agreed to perform the archanais for me.

I had all the things required as well as two jasmine garlands which I had made yesterday

So the archanai was done to all the gods in the temple.

If the priest has arrived a little later or

if I had would up the walking with the previous lap itself (as I originally intended to do) or

if I did not have the required things at home or

if the priest had refused to oblige since he had an appointment at 7 A.M.

this could not have taken place at all.

So never ever think anything to be impossible.

If God wishes it to happen it will surely happen. :thumb:

21. முடியாததில்லை.

நூதன நோயால் துன்புற்ற மகனின்
வேதனை தாள இயலாத தந்தை,
வியாதிக்கு ஒரு மருந்தைக் கேட்டு
வியப்பிலே ஆழ்ந்து போய்விட்டான்.

மனிதனின் மண்டை ஓடு ஒன்றிலே,
மழை நீரும், நாகப் பாம்பின் விஷமும்,
சுவாதி நட்சத்திரத்தின் உச்சத்தில்
சேகரித்துக் கொடுக்க வேண்டுமாம்!

யாரால் செய்ய இயலும் இவைகள்,
பாரில் அந்தப் பரந்தாமனைத் தவிர?
“சிறுவனைக் காக்க நீதான் எனக்கு
ஒரு வழி காட்ட வேண்டும் ஐயனே!”

மறுநாள் காலையில் உச்சத்தை
சுவாதி நட்சத்திரம் அடையுமாம்.
மற்றவற்றுக்கும் அந்த மாலவனே
சுலப வழிகளைக் காட்ட வேண்டும்!

காலையிலே பிரார்த்தனைகளுடன்
சென்றவன் கண்டான் மண்டையோடு;
காலத்துக்குத் தேடினாலுமே எளிதில்
சென்ற இடத்தில் கிடைக்காத ஒன்று!

மேலும் பிரார்த்திக்கையில் அங்கே
மழை பெய்யத் தொடங்கியது பாரீர்!
“தேவை இன்னும் ஒன்றே ஒன்றுதான்;
தேவன் அதுவும் எனக்கு அருளுவான்!”

மழையில் நனைய வெளியே வந்தது
மண்டூகம் ஒன்று, சப்தமிட்டபடியே.
பாம்பு அதைக் கவ்வ முயன்றபோது,
பாம்பிடம் மாட்டாது, தாவியது தவளை.

விஷம் விழுந்தது, மண்டை ஓட்டில்
விழுந்து கொண்டிருந்த மழை நீரிலே!
“இறைவா! உன் கருணையே கருணை!”
இறையருளால் சிறு மகன் பிழைத்தான்.

முடியுமா, நடக்குமா என்றெல்லாம்,
மனத்தைக் குழப்பிக் கொள்ளற்க!
முயற்சி, நம்பிக்கை ஒன்றானால்,
முடியாதது எது? நடக்காதது எது ?

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.


A man’s son suffered from a strange disease. The only medicine was the rain water and cobra poison collected in a human skull when the star Swathi was at its uchcham.

The man had staunch faith in God and prayed to Him. The next morning the star swathi would be at its uchcham. He set out to the woods and found a human skull – something which is very weird and rare to locate !

It stared raining. A frog came out to play in the rain and a cobra tried to catch it. The frog escaped but the venom of the snake fell in the skull in which the rain water was falling.

God was truly great. He had fulfilled all the four difficult conditions! The man thanked His grace and rushed home to his son. The medicine saved his son’s life.

Never doubt the immense power of God. Nothing is impossible for Him. With an unshakable faith and a sincere effort from our side we can achieve the nearly impossible miracles also.


சிரிக்க! :decision: சிந்திக்க!!

#1. ஆதவன் எத்தனை ஆதவனடி!

1. புத்தியில்லாதவன்= புத்தியில் + ஆதவன்.

2. சக்தியில்லாதவன் = சக்தியில் + ஆதவன்.

3. பொறுப்பில்லாதவன் = பொறுப்பில் + ஆதவன்.

4. சகிப்பில்லாதவன் = சகிப்பில் + ஆதவன்.

5. அறிவில்லாதவன் = அறிவில் + ஆதவன்.

6. செறிவில்லாதவன் = செறிவில் + ஆதவன்.

7. நிறைவில்லாதவன் = நிறைவில் + ஆதவன்.

8. போக்கில்லாதவன் = போக்கில் + ஆதவன்.

9. தெளிவில்லாதவன் = தெளிவில் + ஆதவன்.

10. வலிவில்லாதவன் = வலிவில் + ஆதவன்.

11. குறைவில்லாதவன் = குறைவு + இல் + ஆதவன்.

12. அழிவில்லாதவன் = அழிவு + இல் + ஆதவன்.

த்வாதச ஆதித்யர்கள் என்பவர் இவர்கள் தானோ? :rolleyes:
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The Protocol may sound very official and have diplomatic connections. But unknown to us we follow that in our everyday life - with people we associate or interact with.

Just consider how often you telephone to a particular person and how often he/ she does?

How often you visit someone and how often he/she visits you.

It is the same with sharing information giving gifts, taking along on visits and even talking to each other.

The whole thing is so subtle that we never realize that. But it becomes very clear and obvious the moment we stop doing what we have been doing all along.

Then everything comes to a grinding halt.

It is a rude awakening that what we had considered as a two way traffic had all along been a one way traffic and we have been holding to the elusive person like ink onto their dress of oil on to their fingers!

"veNdaatha mashi maathiri eeshik kondu irunthuLLOm!" :(
My belief in the effects of evil is becoming stronger and stronger all the time!

Last week a lady came here to share some sweets and take my blessings on her wedding day.

Apparently she was duly impressed by 'my energy even as this age!'

Believe it or not my B.P rose like a heated thermometer and

I had to skip my morning walk for three days of the week.

Now I try not to be seen by her often but

it is difficult since she lives in such a close proximity!
I wished my son and DIL "Happy wedding day!" yesterday
and little Varun did not understand what it actually meant.

My son told him with twinkle in his eyes that he won't explain it.
So I did the explaining to the satisfaction of the little chap.

He said without batting an eyelid or pausing for a moment
"The we must be having a big vegan cake on the table right now!" :party:
சிரிக்க! :decision: சிந்திக்க!!

ஏணியும், தோணியும்.

ஏணி மற்றவர்களை மேலே ஏற்றி விடும்.
ஏணியால் மேலேறிச் செல்ல முடியாது!

தோணி மற்றவர்களைக் கரைசேர்க்கும்
தோணி மிதப்பதோ என்றும் நீரிலேயே!

நாம் சேர்க்கலாம் இவ்வரிசையில்
நம் ஆசிரியப் பெருமக்களையும் கூட!.

எண்ணும் எழுத்தும் கற்பித்தவர்
என்றும் இருப்பார் ஆசிரியராகவே!

அக்கறை கொண்ட மாணவனோ
அக்கரைச் சீமையில் பணிபுரிவான்.

என்றாவது ஒருநாள் அவரை நினைத்தால்
குன்றாத மதிப்பு வைத்துள்ளவன் ஆவான்.
One easy way of identifying a stroke victim is to make him/her repeat a tongue twister.

So we will learn some tongue twisters to be able handle such emergencies (God forbid!)

1. How many bagels can a beagle bake if a beagle can bake bagels?

2. Each Easter Eddie Eats Eighty Easter Eggs.

3. Seventy Sailors Sailed in Seven Swift Ships.

4. Billy Bunny Burst his Big Beautiful Blue Balloon.

5. Little Lind lamb Licks her Lovely Lips.

6. Sheep Should not Sleep in the Shaky Shacks.
One easy way of identifying a stroke victim is to make him/her repeat a tongue twister.

So we will learn some tongue twisters to be able handle such emergencies (God forbid!)

1. How many bagels can a beagle bake if a beagle can bake bagels?

2. Each Easter Eddie Eats Eighty Easter Eggs.

3. Seventy Sailors Sailed in Seven Swift Ships.

4. Billy Bunny Burst his Big Beautiful Blue Balloon.

5. Little Lind lamb Licks her Lovely Lips.

6. Sheep Should not Sleep in the Shaky Shacks.

Dear VR ji,

Its too complicated to make a person repeat all these tongue twisters...Punjabi Gaaliyans are a better option.
I wished my son and DIL "Happy wedding day!" yesterday
and little Varun did not understand what it actually meant.

My son told him with twinkle in his eyes that he won't explain it.
So I did the explaining to the satisfaction of the little chap.

He said without batting an eyelid or pausing for a moment
"The we must be having a big vegan cake on the table right now!" :party:

Dear VR ji,

When my son Varun aged some 5 back then saw my wedding album...he got quite upset.

He said.."how could you both not invite me? I dont see my pics anywhere?"
Dear VR ji,

Its too complicated to make a person repeat all these tongue twisters...Punjabi Gaaliyans are a better option.

Dear Renu! :rofl:
I am sure you are right! :thumb:
A person can repeat just any one of these tongue twisters.
Repeating all of them will twist the tongues and minds of even perfectly normal persons! :loco:
How about sharing some harmless tongue twisting Punjabi Gaaliyaan -
with or without their meaning??? :ear:
Some languages have built in moods and modes.

Malayalam is satvic and even 'gaaliaan' won't sound harsh! :yawn:

Tamil is OK with neither too much harshness nor too much softness in its 'gaaliyaan.

In Telugu even respectful words would sound like 'gaaliyaan' since they use the

'ka', 'cha' , 'ta' /'da', 'tha', pa', 'ra/Ra' known as 'vallinam ' alphabets too much.

thandri ( father), koduku (son), Kodalu (D.I.L), Vadina, maradalu,

aadapodusi (S.I.L ), alludu ( son in law), thammmudu (younger brother)

are all made up of the 'vallinam alpahbets.

So even normal talking sounds harsh. So need to elaborate on the scolding

worlds. In addition to all these they have fiery temperament - thanks to all

the red hot chillies they consume with their boat shaped and boat sized

aavakkaai pickles! :)

Often I wonder why Bharatiyar referred to it as Sundarath thelungu!
Dear VR ji,

When my son Varun aged some 5 back then saw my wedding album...he got quite upset.

He said.."how could you both not invite me? I dont see my pics anywhere?"

That is why people perform the Sashtiabda poorthi so that their children can their marriage

and sadaabhishekham so that their grand children may watch their marriage! :)

In many parts of the world children attending the wedding of their parents is very common

since they keep changing their life partners all during their lives.

My yoga master used to say that "An average American changes his house 6 times,

his wife eight times and his car ten times during his life time! " :bump2:

Malayalam is satvic and even 'gaaliaan' won't sound harsh! :yawn:

Really? I guess you have never really heard fights in Malayalam!LOL

Malayalam sounds too tongue twisting and over all not too sweet to the ears.It sounds continuous without a comma or a full stop.

Tamil spoken well sounds nice and sweet and classy.

Kannada sounds much nicer than Malayalam.

Telugu sound has too many U's at its end.

The One and Only Sattvic sounding language is Sanskrit...even scolding someone in Sanskrit sounds like some mantra recital.

Hindi has a total universal appeal esp with Urdu words it can sound very soothing to the ears of everyone who hears it including those who do not understand it.

That is why Hindi songs are so popular Universally.
Really? I guess you have never really heard fights in Malayalam!LOL

Malayalam sounds too tongue twisting and over all not too sweet to the ears.It sounds continuous without a comma or a full stop.

Tamil spoken well sounds nice and sweet and classy.

Kannada sounds much nicer than Malayalam.

Telugu sound has too many U's at its end.

The One and Only Sattvic sounding language is Sanskrit...even scolding someone in Sanskrit sounds like some mantra recital.

Hindi has a total universal appeal esp with Urdu words it can sound very soothing to the ears of everyone who hears it including those who do not understand it.

That is why Hindi songs are so popular Universally.

Wow Renu!

You have done research on all the languages - including Sanskrit. :thumb:

I understand why some people resist the use and spreading of Sanskrit. :hand:

They can't scold in it - even if they are well versed in that ancient language!:rolleyes:

Even Malay seems to go on and on without any comma, semicolon or full stop! :bowl:

When my D.I.L speaks it to her family, it sounds as continuous as a song to me! :sing:


One of my friends used to say that to get the Malayalam accent correctly, one has to keep a small pebble inside the mouth tucked near the cheek. :kev:

If Telugu goes da, daa, di, dee,..... Kannada goes ha, haa, hi, hee,........! :)
Occupation not only have hazards but also their own vocabularies.

Enjoy these occupation-related-replies!!!

Q: "How is business?"

Doctor :" Very dull! My business is falling sick!"

Elevator boy: "Good! Mine is going up!"

Pickle maker: " Don't ask me! It is turning sour!"

Deep sea diver: "It is sinking to a new low!"

Turtle trader: "Slow as usual of course!"

Baker: "Swell! It is rolling in dough!"

Garbageman: "It is down in the dumps!"

Ophthalmologist: "It had never looked better!"

Shoe maker: "It is hurting me badly!"

Building Contractor: "It is suddenly collapsing!"

Tailor: "It is in shreds and pieces!"

Pet trainer: "It is going to the dogs!"

சிரிக்க! :decision: சிந்திக்க!!

தொட்டாச்சிணுங்கியும் கொட்டாப்புளியும்.

நாம் காணும் மனிதர்கள் இருவகை.
ஆம், இரண்டும் என்றும் எதிர்மறை

சுட்டு விரல் படும் முன்பே சுருண்டுவிடும்
தொட்டாச் சிணுங்கி அதில் ஒன்று, மற்றது

கொட்டியால் அடித்தாலும் பதறாமல்
கெட்டியாக இருக்கும் கொட்டாப் புளி.

தொட்டாச் சிணுங்கி சாதித்தது என்று
எட்டும் அறிவுக்கு ஏதும் புலப்படவில்லை.

கொட்டாப்புளி விடாக்கண்டன் போல்
கொடாக் கண்டனையும் சமாளிக்கும்!

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