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Think or sink!

1(a). அக்கம் பக்கம் பார்த்துப் பேசு.

1(b). Walls have ears.

Walls have ears during the day. They have ears and EYES during the night.

No one can say who has been watching whom, from where and for how long.

It is sad that the bride (Nandini) had to go to the ATM to draw cash late at night.

Were there no menfolk in the household - at least to accompany her?

Stunts looks good on the silver screen but not in real life.

Chase scenes push the audience toe edge of their seats.

But real life any chase -more often than not- proves to be fatal.

As if all these are not wild enough an unrelated elderly man

who happened to be on the road at that time also got killed!

Who/What brought all these people together in the same place at same time and WHY??? :(
Food for thought quotes by Bernard Shaw

Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.
(Censorship ending in extermination!):scared:

The churches must learn humility as well as teach it.
(Start teaching self before teaching the others.) :blah:

Every man over forty is a scoundrel.
(Men at forty become very naughty!) :rolleyes:

(orvar sollak kEttavai ivai) :ear:

Naarpathu vayathil naai guNam! :wof:

Arubathu vayathil pei guNam! :scared:
சிரிக்க! :decision: சிந்திக்க!

இது எப்படி இருக்கு?

அப்பா தினமும் கோவிலுக்குப் போகச் சொல்கின்றார் என்று

வேறு மதப் பெண்ணை காதல் கல்யாணம் செய்துகொண்டான்!

அங்கோ நாளைக்கு ஐந்து முறை தொழுகைக்கு

அழைப்பு வந்த வண்ணம் இருந்தது!

From the frying pan into the fire

என்ற பழமொழி நினைவுக்கு வருகின்றதா???
Modern philosophy cum Psychology!

I learned to my utter shock that present day eligible brides want a ‘swayambu’ boy – not attached to anyone and not responsible for anyone.

The parents of the boy are fondly called ‘Rahu and Ketu’
(What an impressive symbolism???)

The unwed sisters and brothers are the ‘attachments’.

Any other aunt, uncle, or grand parent are the ‘free-editions’.
(like ‘buy one take home three’ etc!)

If these are the pearls of wisdom from the village belles,

what will be the words of metropolitan girls???:faint:
சிரிக்க! :decision: சிந்திக்க!

“அப்படி என்னதான் செய்கின்றாய் நீ?”

“அப்படி என்ன தான் செய்கின்றாய் நீ?!

சமையல் வேலை கூட முடிந்து விட்டதே!

இனி ஹாயாக சீரியல் சம்மேளனம் தானே?” :rolleyes:

இது தினசரி டயலாக் ஒவ்வொரு வீட்டிலும்!

கேட்டுக் கேட்டுக் காது புளித்து போயிற்று! :yuck:

அன்று நிஜமாகவே சீரியல் சம்மேளனம்! :ranger:

அன்று மாலை வீடுதிரும்பிய கணவன்

பயந்து வியந்து போய்க் கேட்டான், :shocked:

“என்ன ஆயிற்று இன்று நம் வீட்டுக்கு?

சுனாமி அடித்ததுபோல இருக்கின்றதே?”என :wacko:

“என்ன வேலை செய்கின்றேன் என்று காட்ட

எந்த வேலையையும் செய்யவில்லை இன்று!

இது போல வீடு இல்லாமல் பார்த்துக் கொள்ளுவதே

தினமும் நான் செய்யும் ஒரே வேலை!” என்றாள்.

இந்த நெத்தியடி எப்படி இருக்கு??? :moony:
Money Matters!

A man came home huffing and puffing but apparently very happy.

His wife asked him the reason for both of these.

He said, ” I ran behind my bus and saved ten rupees today!”

His wife retorted,

“If you had run behind a taxi you could have saved 200 rupees!” :rolleyes:
Doubting Thomas?

I know of some persons who can be classified under the category of the perpetual “Doubting Thomas.”

They would send an e mail. They would immediately go to the sent mail and check up whether it has really been sent.

Then they would ring up the person to whom it was sent informing him about the e mail and its contents.

If the telephone call was already in their agenda…
why take the trouble of sending an e mail
and chasing it all over the place??? :der:
Food for thoughts quotes by Bernard Shaw

The golden rule is that there are no golden rules!
(THIS is the ONLY truly golden rule!)

He who can does; he who can't teaches.
(Small wonder we have many 'guruvukku minjina sishyargaL'!)

In Heaven an angel is nobody in particular.
(Is that why angels descend to the earth to feel distinguished?)

For most people Sunday is a dull day with nil activity. :yawn:

Today we went to condole the death of the 102 years old granny- who passed away last Sunday.

Her D.I.L had several stories about the nurses who were engaged to care for the paatti.

I have heard many stories already from other sources.

A doubt cropped up in my mind.

Does the agency which helps us to find the nurses and

helps the nurse to find the family of suckers like us

also teach them how to develop the attitude as if

these nurse own the patient, house and the householders??? :dizzy:
That paatti became secular (not by choice but by force) towards the end.

The nurses never stayed for more than a month utmost.

She had had Hindu/ Muslim/ Christian nurses caring for her.

A word of caution to all the madi-mamas and madi-mamis.

Relax your strict rules and become realistic.

No one knows who might pour the last spoon of milk/ water down the throats

of these men and women who always feel one-up-above-the-rest-of-the-population!!
... If the telephone call was already in their agenda…
why take the trouble of sending an e mail and chasing it all over the place??? ....
Dear Sis,

E-mail has two advantages.

1. It is in black white - if color font is not used! ;)

2. It can be read repeatedly to understand what is said! :blah:

Phone call as notification is essential because some persons don't care
to check the inbox every day and glance a greeting card after many days! :ranger:

Advantage of a phone call is that the person can say, 'OMG! I never told like that!' :nono:
Dear Sis,

E-mail has two advantages.

1. It is in black white - if color font is not used! ;)

2. It can be read repeatedly to understand what is said! :blah:

Phone call as notification is essential because some persons don't care
to check the inbox every day and glance a greeting card after many days! :ranger:

Advantage of a phone call is that the person can say, 'OMG! I never told like that!' :nono:

Dear Raji,

You are right-as always!:)
Different modes of correspondence for different folks. :decision:

For those who keep forgetting the important info, e mail is best. :ranger:
For those who contradict themselves phone call is the best! :phone:
Added advantage... e mails can be ignored easily :yawn:

whereas phone calls can't be avoided for a long time! :nono:
The line of demarcation between a thatha and patti disappears as they advance in age.

Today I saw a face in the balcony of one of the flats.

It looked like a thatha but I knew there was no thatha in the house and only a paatti lives in it.

It so happened that it was indeed the paatti since she smiled at me and spoke to me.

I remember a smart observant child asking its grandfather very seriously,

" Please tell me this! Are you my thatha or my patti?' "

His observation is not without valid reasons!

Pattis become bald.

Some of them grow thin mustache and even scanty beards.

Their voice becomes lower in pitch and gruff.

They become more aggressive in their behavior.

Thathas on the other hand develop busts ( breasts?)

but do not seem to mind walking around topless.

They become meek, mild, silent and docile.

Whether it is due to the hormones or something else only

experienced medical doctors can tell! :)
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Naari Shakti has left for Bombay with her hubby and MIL.

Believe it or not there is an old lady in the family of the tenants.

She seems to have replaced the original patti (the MIL)

by her looks, movements, activities and attitude.

ONLY difference is that she prays five times a day. :hail:

It is true that nature abhors vacuum! :thumb:
Food for thoughts quotes by Bernard Shaw.

Lack of money is the root of all evil.
(So also too much of money is, dear sir!) ::popcorn:

The most anxious person in the prison is the warden.
(All wardens are anxious people - whether that of a prison or a hostel!) :suspicious:

Obscenity can be found in every book, except the telephone directory!
(Some of the names found there may still be obscene!) :yuck:
சிரிக்க! :decision: சிந்திக்க!

கதை சொல்லும் பாட்டியின் குறும்பு!

பாட்டி கதையில் கெட்டி & படு சுட்டி(!!)

பாட்டி கணக்கில் மட்டும் ரொம்ப வீக் (?!)

கதை சொல்லும் போது அவள்

“பஞ்ச பாண்டவர்கள்

கட்டில் கால் போல

மூன்று பேர்கள்!”

என்று சொல்லி,

கையில் இரண்டு விரல்களைக் காட்டி,

தரையில் 1 என்று எழுதி

அதையும் அழித்து விடுவாளாம்!

பஞ்சபாண்டவர்கள் உண்மையில்

ஐவரா? நால்வரா? மூவரா?

இருவரா? ஒருவரா? பூஜ்யமா ?

இந்தக் கேள்வி மனதை விட்டு மறையாதாம்.

எப்படி லூட்டிப் பாட்டியின் naughty கணக்கு!!! :rolleyes:
Noting is absolute in itself.
Everything is relative to a frame work!
A story related to the Theory of Relativity!!! :)

The king and the grandma.

The King of a country had an emergency to tackle with. He raised a donation from the general public. Each one was asked to donate as much as he /she could! Money started pouring in.

An old woman who made a living by selling leafy vegetables donated a quarter. The man collecting the money got wild and started scolding her for the paltry donation.

The king happened to be sitting near by and told the man in charge of the collection.

“I feel this is the best and most cherished donation. She had earned just a quarter during the day and gave it away. She has go hungry till tomorrow evening.

Rich men parting with a heavy sum of money is nothing compared to this wholehearted donation by this old woman, sacrificing her own needs for an entire day.”

The money-collector hung down his head in shame for his insensitivity and thoughtlessness.
சிரிக்க! :decision: சிந்திக்க!

அனைத்திலுமே ஆத்மா!

உள்ளது ஆத்மா அனைத்திலும் என்பர்.
உயிரற்ற பொருட்களிலும் கூடவா?

ஆமாம், உயிர் உள்ளவை மட்டுமன்றி
உயிர் அற்றவைகளிலும் உண்டு ஆத்மா!

நம்புவதற்குக் கடினமாக இருந்தாலும்,
நான் இப்போதெல்லாம் நம்புகிறேன்!

என்னுடைய கம்ப்யூடர் முடிவு செய்கிறது,

எவற்றைப் போஸ்ட் செய்யவேண்டும்,
எவற்றைச் செய்யக்கூடாது என்பதை.

சில போஸ்டுகள் போஸ்ட் ஆகா!
மூன்று, நான்கு முறை முயன்ற போதிலும்!

பிறகு தோன்றும்,”நல்லவேளை நான்
அதைப் போஸ்ட் செய்யவில்லை” என்று!

தலைவலியைப் பொருட்படுத்தாமல்
Type செய்தால் இன்டர்நெட் இருக்காது.

Enforced rest period தரும் எனக்கு!
பிறகு தானாகவே கனெக்ட் ஆகும்!

இப்போது நம்பித் தான் தீர வேண்டும்
இப்போது என்னுடைய P.C. is

an extension of my personality,
my Conscience and my thought process.

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