Meghavarshini,This post is very specific- I talk of changing rituals, so as to suit today's climate and preserve Hinduism(yes, the show is necessary!)
How will you preserve hinduism by changing rituals ? Do you think tribals all across the country will be willing to give up their rituals?
Please note, the most feared part of our existence is death. Appeasing spirits of dead ancestors is an integral core ritualistic theme in every tribe.
Even if you want tribals to convert to vegetarianism, they will still offer a goat, or a hen to their dead ancestors, because of fear that their dead ancestors will not be appeased if such customs are not followed.
I know of a family which claims to belong to a certain caste, but they actually follow the mala-madiga custom of offering karuvadu kulambu to dead ancestors. Quite apparently they must have been madigas just 150 years back.
So you see people tend to retain some core customs pertaining to dead ancestors even if they change caste. Obviously fear plays a big role here.
There is this fear that ancestors will not be appeased if some customs are given up. So even when families convert to other religions, they still tend to follow some such customs.
And considering the sheer variety, types and number of rituals, customs, etc followed by myriad tribes of india, how many rituals do you propose to change? Is it practically possible ?