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Thought of the day

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One honest doubt after reading # 200.

யார் நாம் இல்லாமல் வாழ மாட்டார்களோ அவர்களுடன் நாம் வாழும்போது, அவர்கள் தாங்கள் விரும்பியவர்களுடன் வாழுவார்களே!

அதற்கு என்ன செய்யலாம் சொல்லுங்கள்! :)
If Necessity is the father of Invention, Modesty is its mother.


Rome was not built in a day.

matha pitha athithi guru deivam.is what was taught to us.mother has been an exalted person in our culture as well many world cultures.one can become a mother ie biological mother,only from the species called man and he too becomes a father,only because what a woman has.both complement each other.

chennai is also not being built in a day .:) only hope the sea does not come closer to shore and engulf more area.

some thoughts to ponder.
Necessity inspires people to discover new things.

Modesty makes them adaptable for everyone.


No city can be built in a day but sure enough any city can be destroyed in one day.
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The remembrance of God and repetition of His Name is the only means of liberation that is easily accessible to all. People tend to treat the Name of the Lord casually, not realizing its potency. The power of the entire cosmos is contained in it. You must understand the significance of the Name properly and use it in the right way. Bhajan is an effective activity by which Kama (desire) and Krodha (anger) can be kept away.-SAI BABA
If you can't "grin and bear it" at least "skin it like a bear!"


There is goodness and badness in everyone...only the percentage varies from

person to person.
the seven spirits,the seven angels have risen.guru brahma guru vishnu guru devo maheshwaraha ,tasmai shri guruvay namaha.
A pure mind keeps its doors open for knowledge.

A foul mind bars its doors to the approaching knowledge.


A man is as old as he feels and a woman as old as she looks.
Devil has enough number of devoted and desperate disciples,
to spread his gospels.

The last thing he needs is an assembly of accomplished advocates
to argue his case.


Don't let the small spark inside you-called conscience-be put out!
Lesson 192 from Living with Siva

A Story of Heartbreak

Here is a letter a discouraged Malaysian Hindu girl wrote to her parents just before she attempted to end her life at age eighteen. One of the main reasons she cited for this attempt was too much pressure coming from her parents. It was published in the Malaysia edition of Hinduism Today.

"Dear Mom and Dad: You'll never understand why I did this. Never. In your opinion, you always did what was best for me. You always knew what was best for me. You always believed I was your naive, irresponsible little girl who always needed your hand to hold on to. You thought it was necessary to use the sharp edge of your tongue to keep me on the right track.

"But that was the biggest problem--you were the ones who chose that track for me. I never had any say in my own life. Did you realize that that right track became a psychological prison for me? That your leading hand became a set of chains for me? That the sharp side of your tongue got to be a barbed wire that was continuously lashing out at me? No, you never did.

"You have said many things to me when you were angry, and you always excused yourself by saying that you weren't in your senses when you said them. But did you realize how much those things could have hurt me? No. You never even thought about it. How about if I called you a b . . . . when I was angry? Would you excuse that with the same reasoning? I think not.

"Didn't you ever stop to think that maybe I should have some say in what I wanted to do with my life? You decided which college would be the right one for me to attend and what academic field I should go into. The college, of course, had to be the most prestigious and elite one, so you could brag to your friends about it. You never thought that maybe I wanted something more than school and books, but that was never important to you. You only wanted me to achieve academically so your friends would be duly impressed. That was the same reason that you wanted me to become a doctor. I didn't want anything to do with it.

"You never realized that maybe I had wanted a social life, to make real friends for once in my life. When I told you that, you scoffed at me and told me that we Indians were so much superior that we didn't need to deal with them. There was never anything in my life that you let me have any control over. When I finally met someone who meant something to me, you two couldn't handle the fact that maybe someday I would learn to control my own life and rid myself of your manipulations. So, then you decided who it was that I was going to see and who it was that I didn't. You forced me to break the first real relationship that I ever had in my life. I was constantly harassed by you about him. You told me that I was disgracing the family name. '...what would everyone say?' You destroyed everything for me. This 'relationship' between us is nothing but a farce. And there is no reason to continue it. I have searched for some way to escape you, but I have come up empty handed. And now, unable to do anything else, I want you to understand the meaning of 'empty handed.' Always remember that you can only control someone for so long. Now you must live with this guilt. I hope you will never be able to forgive yourself."

Isn't that sad? Yes, very sad. Fortunately, the young woman lived through this ordeal. In contacting the editors, knowing her letter would strike a chord in many youth, she cautioned that she now knows suicide is not the way out. She firmly believes that all things, no matter how bad they seem at the time, can be lived through. She allowed the publication of this very personal letter in the hope that her battle with suicide would help others--parents and children--deal better with problems before they reach hopelessness.
Subject: {Daily Sutra} Subject: Criticism
In life we don’t want anyone to think badly about us. We don’t like if a few people say bad things about us. Do you also do same with people? Of course, you can't always say that all the apples in the basket are good. Sometimes you have to criticize. But when you criticize, let it come from your lips only and not from your heart. Don’t hold on to it in the mind. Don't hate anyone. It harms only you and no one else. -sri sri sri ravi shankar guru ji
Eyes and ears that seek evil, tongue that craves to malign, nose that enjoys the foul, and hands that delight in wickedness—these must be totally avoided. Whoever has any of these must correct them immediately. Or else, one’s future is bound to be disastrous. The wrongs of the five indriyas (senses) will result in the destruction of the five pranas (vital energies) and the killing of the five koshas (sheaths of existence). Of course, the senses yield momentary pleasure and joy but, as the saying goes, “senility lies in wait.” Sensual pleasures bring about great grief quite soon.

-Vidya Vahini, Ch 27.

Be Good, See Good and Do Good. This is the way to God. - Baba
The medicine of Grace to wipe out our sorrows is to develop unshakable faith in God and tolerance is the medicine of Grace to wipe out our sorrows. Bhakti alone can give us the capacity to put up with sorrows. Temples are the agencies for developing that Bhakti. Hence, the need for temples at all places. All offerings to the deities in the temples are tokens of our gratitude to God.- bhagavan chandrasekerendrar saraswathi
we should realize the great opportunity we have as human beings to cultivate inner beauty, offer ourselves in service to the entire universe, and ultimately attain spiritual liberation.-matha karunamayi
Love and Faith
Light the lamp of love within you and move forward. When we take each step with good thoughts and a smiling face, all the goodness will come to us and fill our being. Then God cannot possibly stay away from us. He will embrace us. - matha amrithanandamayi

--Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
Fortune favors those, who remain awake when it knocks their doors.


A lay man approaches a problem with an open mind, a politician with an open mouth.
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