It is becoming more and more clear that a large number of folks from other religions are coming in to our religion. There are very educated (in our religion) folks such as Sri Elst, Sri Frawley, Sri Morales (all western) who got initiations to Hinduism (Sri Morales even recently was apponted the Acharya at the Nebraska Hindu Temple, located in Omaha).
And then we hear about a recent story where a young couple in TN, one muslim and one christian, eloped and got married according to Hindu rituals. Please refer:
Of course, in this other Forum, when I mentioned that this is one of the reasons we need to keep our tradition of being tolerant, I was attacked. By a person, who said that 'they are welcoming and rejoicing that the converts have come Home (meaning Hinduism)' and made other remarks that are quite silly (of course, I am warning our Forumites to not to venture out in the midday sun in India, lest your mind gets scrambled like this. Especially not when the Englishmen are out. He also thinks that I am a moon).
Anyways, it just occurred to me that these folks who are railing against other religions and posting the stories of welcoming other folks in to 'our fold', also believe in the caste by birth theory.
So, my honest question to our friends here: What castes these folks belong to? Some, because they have academic Ph.D's attached to them, would be Brahmins? Some, like the hapless couple mentioned in the elopement story (I say hapless, because unfortunately they are going to come acroos a whole lot of hardship in their lives), will become Sudhras? Or may be Vaishyas?
Sri Morales defines a Hindu not by birth, family, country, but belief in the Vedas as the authority (he includes both the Strutis and Smritis as well as the Puranas and Itihasas as 'Vedas').
So, what gives?
How does one determine?
It is becoming more and more clear that a large number of folks from other religions are coming in to our religion. There are very educated (in our religion) folks such as Sri Elst, Sri Frawley, Sri Morales (all western) who got initiations to Hinduism (Sri Morales even recently was apponted the Acharya at the Nebraska Hindu Temple, located in Omaha).
And then we hear about a recent story where a young couple in TN, one muslim and one christian, eloped and got married according to Hindu rituals. Please refer:
Of course, in this other Forum, when I mentioned that this is one of the reasons we need to keep our tradition of being tolerant, I was attacked. By a person, who said that 'they are welcoming and rejoicing that the converts have come Home (meaning Hinduism)' and made other remarks that are quite silly (of course, I am warning our Forumites to not to venture out in the midday sun in India, lest your mind gets scrambled like this. Especially not when the Englishmen are out. He also thinks that I am a moon).
Anyways, it just occurred to me that these folks who are railing against other religions and posting the stories of welcoming other folks in to 'our fold', also believe in the caste by birth theory.
So, my honest question to our friends here: What castes these folks belong to? Some, because they have academic Ph.D's attached to them, would be Brahmins? Some, like the hapless couple mentioned in the elopement story (I say hapless, because unfortunately they are going to come acroos a whole lot of hardship in their lives), will become Sudhras? Or may be Vaishyas?
Sri Morales defines a Hindu not by birth, family, country, but belief in the Vedas as the authority (he includes both the Strutis and Smritis as well as the Puranas and Itihasas as 'Vedas').
So, what gives?
How does one determine?