i know he is not staying in delhi.
what exactly do you mean to say? what is the need to hallucinate to speculate who is living where...nobody is bothered abt where u live or where anyone lives..
i know he is not staying in delhi.
Bala, what if I say, that,Im staying in Green Land or Arctic.. Your perception would be proved wrong right.. Anyways, lets not ponder on these personal issues... Lets stick to the discussion on this forum. Thanks in advance.
you are yet to answer why satya sai did not help his earnest devotee by preventing his daughter from being ruined....
these guys are loaded with perpetual perceptual error....hence those disconnected examples and explanations...all of this conversation was for a reason -- i request you not to base indian philosophies on "sense based perception" just bcoz a few of these guys will clean wash off everything under the carpet as "perception".....will talk more abt this later.
(ps: that's the prob with being followers, they probably are not inclined to forage to seek anything new on their own....just mimicry or spamming..no foundation, only fundamentals and that too of the pseudo-orthodox kind....am raining on them for a reason..)
what exactly do you mean to say? what is the need to hallucinate to speculate who is living where...nobody is bothered abt where u live or where anyone lives..
Bala, what if I say, that,Im staying in Green Land or Arctic.. Your perception would be proved wrong right.. Anyways, lets not ponder on these personal issues... Lets stick to the discussion on this forum. Thanks in advance.
so you say and write?why we shud believe you?
it appears to me ,you are far more concerned in what sappy thinks as he belongs to a different community,as per your inference to me thru private message:tape:
since you evinced an interest to discuss things face 2 face:hungry: maybe i shud have singapore rofl
I asked:
"you are yet to answer why satya sai did not help his earnest devotee by preventing his daughter from being ruined.... "
So you mean to say Satya Sai helps all devotees. Are all his devotees living in peace?
So why shd anyone beleive you also...that he is an avataram?
I asked "so what is the truth" after a sentence: i too can say you are manipulating the perception of dharma as contrary to the truth.
you have yet to answer that.
well you are a manushya living in bhu-loka and not an alien from outer space,cool!:hungry:
you really love hallucinating and assuming don't ya? shd i say you are from a junk yard certainly not on earth rofl![]()
err,i never said he is avataram.he declared this when he was fourteen years of age in 1940...so excuse me,if you have facts wrong and like a 'palli' you stick on the wall..what to do,but still you are one of us and hanging with us lol
sathya sai cannot take your karma,but can reduce the force of the karma by his powers...for good devotees who he thinks desrves his intervention...jai radhe jai radhe...bansidhar wallah...oh oh..:hungry:
you can have your private conflicts in person... (ie., if you dare to)your private message was also BCCed to other people, so it was not really private. why wud anyone trust guys like you..
i do not care what you think because you a junk spam guy. and its guys like you that convey a pic coloured with your junk "perception"
i do care what a non-hindu thinks, coz these guys try to find an excuse to convert. and i do not see a reason for them to have one.
i thought you had a brain and you will figure it out...i will not spoon feed you...go figure
well cant blame you to think about junk all the time as thats what junkies do..khe khe:hungry:
i hope you are not serious... sb has his own style of writing, but you have crossed the limit by commenting on the community as a whole... speaks of your bias and intent....junkies do not need any effort to be recognized...you guys are deleted off the inbox all the time, without a second glance....
so now you know why the tamil brahmin community has such a wonderful image, thanks to the likes of you who go around with your junk while calling yourself a brahmin...
and now i know why you got attacked (beaten up ? :lol: ) by the kazhagam goondas....bcoz you are a goonda porikkey yourself who calls others as porikkey...no diff b/w a self-designated 'brahmin' porikkey like you and a kazhagam porikkey. Its sad for the community you claim to represent. I hope Silverfox-ji is taking note.
i hope you are not serious... sb has his own style of writing, but you have crossed the limit by commenting on the community as a whole... speaks of your bias and intent....
you take your personal perception of bala elsewhere, and not on this forum... spare us the loony tunes...and its b/w me and bala. unless you want to perpetually offer explanations on Bala's behalf based on your "perception".
you take your personal perception of bala elsewhere, and not on this forum... spare us the loony tunes...
and btw, you sending an abuse msg to silverfox does not abrogate you of your actions as well...
hope silverfox/praveen/any other admin members take note of this....
neither do you own it...why shd i take my perception of bala elsewhere? does bala own this forum?
you think i shd be scared or something just because you allege...oh please
and am gonna get as immature as you and say this: i hope silverfox and praveen will take note of your actions too. your support for a self-proclaimed dingbat very well proves your intensions as well.. :lol: grow up cmon.
neither do you own it...
yeah... and this post proves your mental capacity... thanks for enlightening the readers...
again, you are name-calling here... shows how badly you want to let off yourself...again for you logic is perception...so your mental capacity makes for some enlightening exchange of this sort :lol: when did i say i own it..hmmm.. shows how badly you want to appoint yourself as his personal spokesman..all just to support a dingbat porrikey self-designating himself as a brahmin.