pandavas did establish their own kingdom,which usurped by kauravas on a game of rigged dice.
if my sis likes something i bought and does not give me a chance to say anything, and instead she says she likes it and so she takes it is equivalent to usurping for me (i seek my sister's forgiveness if she reads this
). shd i fight with her to seize it back or shd i simply go back to the shop and buy an other piece ? the pandavas cud very well have still established their own kingdom, far away from the territories that lay in the vicinity of hastinapur. And avoided the "proximity" to duryodhana's areas, which he "perceived" as a threat...
krishna allowed duryodhana and yudishtrar to choose,either him or his military.since duryodhana sat strategically so that krishnas eyes falls on him after he awakes from his sleep,duryodhana wanted the military not krishna.
its one of the reasons given. if krishna had judged, he wud have fought himself. if he had judged, he cud have stopped the war instead. if he had judged, he need not have allowed the vrishnis to fight on the side of the kauravas (since he knew they will be loosing the war) short, krishna did not Him, not judging was dharma (righteousness)..and hence the gita explanation of doing duty without the intension of expecting its fruits..
mohd is the most used and abused proph right now in the world,unfortunately.
to you. to the hindus. to the christians. to the sunnis, muhammad is the only last prophet and it is their dharma to spread his word, his law, his teachings..
rama avatared for a purpose,to show the world as a role model for humanaity.its all bhagavans leelas,which is portrayed for us humans to be a saathvic person and attain moksham.
this is beside the discussion of dharma.
ravana did his dharma as much as ram. both fought to protect what each had to. both played their designated role. both fought their own dharmic war.
as an aside, are you a saathvic person? you pray to ram, but have you learnt from the role modelling? if yes (to you), others cud "perceive" it as no. if no (to you), then why pray to ram at all...
krishna urges arjuna to pick up his arms and fight for are purely putting'perception' as check mate for s s.
again, i too can say "it is your perception that i am putting 'perception' as a check-mate for anything" does merely reducing everything to perception solve everything..