Dont feel hurt. But your answer lacks clarity. This is what I often said earlier, 99% doesnt know any thing about Hinduism. When debated/Check mated, rush to take shelter under 'Way of Life'.. This is where rest of the religions, including Buddhists excel.
Hinduism is a great philosophy!! A general statement. But when questioned logically about philosophical aspects of 'Karma', I havent still got a convincing answer..But if you google modern philosophers debate, they are so higly developed. And these kind of confusion/dilemma, makes hindus to shift towards other religion..
If you are interested to debate on the 4 points, we can give it a try.
Unholy acts of gods: I think you mistook the point.. What others refering Krishna Leela/gods doing rape/cutting nose/etc etc.
Regarding rituals...Yes I agree with you..Rituals too can be a mode of worshipping God.. May be hinduism is too much in to that..Thats what the converts say.
Regarding caste, its not right to blame it on politicians. Its was a 2 millenia issue, and I agree there was never an issue in the ancient society, cos, the sutras accepted the dicrimination as a sanctified curse of KARMA, and top varna enjoyed is as a privilege granted by his good Karma of past... Sutras also believed strongly in hiduism, and accepted it humbly as a part of their life. But now, they realised and want liberation.. In this context also, I can say, KARMA concept could be wrong!!
Reading b/w the lines in your above post, i have a strange feeling that you too speak like a missionary....the idea that Karma "violates the nature of God's Absolute Justice" is a very christian idea. May i know what is "God's Absolute Justice" ?
I believe if a small negligible minority of various communities choose to follow a heartless kind of the concept of karma, then the christian church has entirely murdered "karma".
And how wud anyone say 99% hindus do not know about hindusim. Has hindu faith been surviving on 1% practioners then? :hand:
Again reg Karma, if there is one aspect of hindu faith where i have no doubts upon then it is this part. I have met monks for whom karma over births has come to fructition. My previous guru took jeeva samadhi just like Shri Raghavendra Swamy.
I wud find it very amusing if someone were to convert, he wud do so because he cannot find answers for things like karma within the hindu schools of thot.
And what are the unholy acts of Gods? How aby unholy acts of prophets, both in christian and the islamic schools of thot? They say making comparisons is bad....but if i were to take a chance and make one single comparison, then i'd say hinduism is the
better of other religions, both as a faith and as a doctrinal religion.
Reg rituals, people always have a choice - take it or leave it. I do not relate to it so i leave it. My family members relate to it, so much that it works for them, so they continue to follow it. Its each one's wish.
Reg caste, i find it very right to blame politicians. Am curious, why do you say its a 2 millenia issue? Do you think the current caste system existed 2000 years ago? If yes, then am very sorry, you do not know hindu history.
Let me give you just one example: Valmiki was a sage. His clansmen came to be known as the Valmiki tribe. Valmiki literally means an anthill, but in the older caste system, a gothra was a famous ancestor, or something that wud help identify a person. An entire group wud be tutored or guided by one spiritual perceptor and in time that group wud follow the same customs / teachings and become a caste of sorts with sub-divisions often based on an occupation group with a common guru as their identity / gothra and / or their occupation as their identity / gothra as well. But now these 'castes" are considered tribes or part of the 'tribal system' not 'caste system'..
Bharadwaja was Valmiki's student. It is very much possible that Bharadwaja was also from the same Valmiki tribe. But in the present time, those of Bharadwaja gotra are considered upper castes and those of Valmiki tribe are considered low caste. How did that happen? Did this diff exist since 2000 years? Are you going to blame brahmins for it? the kshatriyas? or dalits? Are they self appointed dalits, kshatriyas and brahmins? I used to wonder how come kapus have bharadwaja gothra, until i was told that it might just mean a valmiki tribe input...
And finally may i ask what is this "liberation" that anyone wants when everyone is already living in a liberated world ? The only liberation i want is from the current breed of politicians. As for the spiritual side of life, again, i'd rather be content with what i can find and cannot find, within and without...