okay folks,
let me please, present another view of moderation.
this is in no way reflecting of moderation in this forum, which i abide by and basically work with. for that matter, the moderation here is no different in its execution than any other forum that i know.
but then, maybe and just maybe, we should strive to be a little better than gravel banging judgements in bright red colours?
let me explain.. if i were a forum owner and i see a valuable collection of diverse participants, i would cherish them. whether these bicker or break each other skulls, indulge in love fest or just quote after quote their erudition, these are the crown jewels, on whose presence, a forum is valued, and word spreadaround.
legally we may all be equal, but come off it, each of us is gifted with certain talents, and i would be wrong, if i dont say, that we are proud as a peacock to strut around these threads, showing off what we know. it is exciting to know, that various corners of the earth, are brought together instantaneously here in this cyber page, something that even we could not have dreamt 20 years ago.
if a certain group leaves, there is a vacuum in the forum, for that niche knowledge and excitement. not easily or quickly or may be never refilled. it takes after all two hands to clap, and a moderator, should ensure that 'like the gates to russia as napoleon found', goes only one way. no exit
so what is to me an ideal moderator (IM)? again i wish to reiterate, this is not a judgement call on KRS or praveen, but my vision.
an IM is a teacher. should be good enough, with a lot of patience, to guide the participants to expressing their views, directly at each other's views, and not persons. where topics or posts get excited, call a 24 hour or such truce period, and let the involved parties have time to think and reflect, before rejoining the fray. peacekeeping is, i think, a key skillset, and not easily achieved.
most of the time, we respond, in the heat of the moment, to posts, with the anger boiling inside us, and once the 'enter' button is tapped, we are but trapped in the adversity generated by our finger tips, passions, though not necessarily our common sense.
'time out' is a great disarming tool. does not poke anyone's egoes, and gives time for people to give second thoughts. atleast i think so.
the skillset of the moderator, should also be a passion for the membership, and ensure clarifications, as many a folks here, use the english language, with a gusto, not quite aware of some of the nuances, which though may be acceptable in one culture, is found gross in another. after all, inspite of our common background, we are separated by nationalities and civilizations, and the fact, is much as we try to deny it, traces of where we abode does smear the fingerprints that we leave here.
many of us, may have experienced, more than once, of being misunderstood, or misunderstanding a post, simply because, english is after all alien to us, and on top of that, we present it in a passive written form, void of human interaction. i may read angry, what you intended as a mild comment. and vice versa.
to sum up, a moderator, is an educator, english language teacher, peace keeper, who through his behaviour earns the trust of the members so that an appeal, they know, will be considered only a last resort, and the decision will be willingly accepted by all; and seldom, very seldom, a judge. all this takes a special type of maturity and care, for the person, and for the forum.
a good facilitating skillset, to handle the various viewpoints, ensure that each is fairly and rightly presented and members of extreme views accept and like each other, though not each other's views - all this are the job qualifications of an ideal moderator.
all this for nothing? no rewards?
no surprise, the general feeling here, is that it is a thankless job
thank you folks, for letting me say my bit.
as typical in this type of postings, i have said all that i can say, and is more a wishful thinking on my part, along the terms of 'what would have I have done in such circumstances' scenario. not inclined for arguements or any serious further discussions from me, re this one.