Secular india haters who want india to lose! Reason - india is trying to assert its hindu identity.
Ashis Nandy is a nut. ignore him; ignoring him is the best punishment - srinivasan
Secular india haters who want india to lose! Reason - india is trying to assert its hindu identity.
Ashis Nandy is a nut. ignore him; ignoring him is the best punishment - srinivasan
Ashis Nandy is a nut. ignore him; ignoring him is the best punishment - srinivasan
well, it was very fortunate I am in Melbourne and attended India/South Africa match on sunday. I must say it was the Indian crowd pushed Dhawan and other Indian players to win the match. It looked as if MCG has been taken over Indian crowd. now only Melbourne Indian crowd attended but also from Sydney, Canbarra, Brisbane and Adelide. y see one enterprising Indian travel agent organised tour to take Indian crowd to the cities wherever India played/playing. This is within Australia but I havent checked about New Zealand sites. but believe me, the scene in Melbourne on Sunday was to be seen to be believed. really I enjoyed. in fact, we as a group of 30/35 people attended. If India maintains this trend and strength, I am sure they can make it to WC - srinivasan
Great going Sudeshwarji! Watching a World Cup match live in front of a maddening Indian crowd should be exhilarating!
In today's (24th Feb) The Australian newspaper, Sunday's MCG Indian crowd has been described as 'Swamy Army'. I dont
understand the meaning. I wud have shooted a letter to the paper but I refrained just to avoid unpeasantness. The commenater is Andrew Faulkner; if I am not wrong he is one of the Australian WC team member I expect some comments on this from our team members - srinivasan
What is happening..Australia has folded for 151 against New Zealand..Boult is a Bolt from the blue...Amazing 27-5 one of best bowling figures!