How will millions be uplifted from poverty if money is being stolen by politicans? That is why the corrupt need to be prosecuted and convicted.
Well said Sir,
Most of the public exercise their franchise in favour of a particular political party with good hope that things will improve. (I am talking about the general public who voted without accepting any benefit for their vote).
But these Dravidian Parties once come to power, they start swindling the government, lured to corrupt practice, involve in all misdeeds and malpractices thus accumulate wealth. Interest of serving the general public is pushed to the back seat and personal interest is dominant.
Now most of the card holders are offered 20 kgs of rice at free of cost every month which indicate that there are still general public who are unable to offered to buy rice for their day-to-day living.
On the contrary, attractive revenue is earned through marketing IMFL Products through innumerable TASMAC outlets all over Tamil Nadu.
And the revenue spent on TASMAC by the Government, indirectly goes to those who owns these companies that supply their products to TASMAC.
Who are all these owners?
How are they connected with the Political parties?
What is the link, yardstick, norms, adopted to award the contract?
There are Government Hospitals functioning without Doctors, There are Government Hospitals without lifesaving medicines, (I read on the other day in one Hospital there is no medicine to treat rabies).
There are schools without Teachers.
There are general public without food!
There are Parties which don't have time to think about all these poor things but spend all the time mudslinging each other.
But there are theatres with ‘Houseful’ Show….
One should see that crowd that gathered at T.Nagar on the day of launching the first Jewelry Show Room by a reputed brand with their brand ambassadors, mega cine Stars drawn from different States. These fans assembled not to purchase their product, but to have a glimpse at their favorite Heroes/Heroines. It is reported in the news that these Cine Stars are over joyed looking out at the massive turn out!
In Tamil Nadu, Government will be ruled only by a Party leader who is well connected with Cinema field.
Just my two cents.