The desire to love some one and be loved by that some one is a natural instict. Once a pair truely started loving each other, than there should not be a thought of second or multiple love, just to enjoy the feel of love making with many.
Love is not just a physical attraction/attachement but more meaningfully a emotional attachment and commitment by each other.
A love between husband and wife may have many minute details that, the couples in question can only realize and judge each other.
A wife may forgive the accidental sex of her husband, with other lady with mutual consent. But that husband will for sure have a wound in him till his death.
A husband may forgive the accidental sex of his wife, with other man with mutal consent. But that wife will for sure have a guilt consciousness till her death.
Both may forgive each other and still live together. But there may just exist a sense of higher level of love just similar to a love with God, owing to strong emotional attachement and commitment that the couples in question once had for a long time.
There are couples who have extramarital affairs for their different needs, both know as what the other is doing outside and still continue to live together with the same level of physical and emotional love. May be they are endorsed with a status of high level, elevated, eternal loving couples.
We have many a choise to live our life with our spouse. We can be considerate to our spouse and never cheat her/him, we can be having secret extra marital affairs and still love our spouse, we can be having a new love affair and leave the old one etc..etc..
In all, in my opinion, if love making is combined with emotional attachment and commitment, than one neither need to find onself guilty nor need to lead the rest of the life by killing once's true self just for a reason of one's great love and forgiveness towards the erring spouse.
Dear C Ravi,
I liked what you wrote but your thinking about Love is too ideal and its very difficult to find such kind of love in this Yug.
Brahin Brahmanisth