1. That is your view and many here may not agree with that. I do n ot agree with that. I dont think the situation is so bad.
2. Money and economics are not everything. There are other important factors too in a marriage.
3. Let every one come up. We too keep moving up. We are not stagnating anywhere.
4. Again you are speaking about affluence. Brahmins do not attach such an all consuming value to riches. When I fixed up the marriage of my daughter, I engaged a detective agency to get me info only three aspects (i) whether the boy smokes (ii) whether he drinks (iii) whether he is in love with any other girl. That was done keeping in mind my daughter's preferences. Education and financial background are assessed much earlier in the process. The oppressive patriarchal order you speak about is a gorgotten thing of the last generation. Parents too have evolved just as children have. It is not as if they remain frozen fossils of an earlier era.
5. I do not agree with you on many things you have said in this point no.5. But to discuss it will be opening up the discussion once again from square one. So I give up. Thanks. Take care.
!. vgane sir is collecting some random data on IR/IC marriages.
It is varying from 10-30 % in brahmin families.In addition For vaishnavites who are small in number most are inter mixing with saivite and telugu brahmins in larger numbers.
Most families accept saying atleast a brahmin pitying the person who has accepted such alliances. Where is vaishnavite purity?. I do not think the trend is essentially
bad per se for vaishnavite, The population for making a choice gets bigger with more suitable persons.
2 and3.Economics is very important. Would any working girl accept a boy earning as much or less than her if both are of almost the same age or minor difference.I know
girls who have backed out after engagement if they get a wage hike overtaking boys income.Also most girls would prefer boys from same economic status of parents
or better than theirs. Hardly any girl would accept a boy from economically poor family by choice.
When lower income BCs catch up with brahmin counterparts due to better education and job , they also aspire to marry brahmin girls whatever be the terms of the girl
and her parents. Girls are unable to put up with dictation of boys parents of their high caste besides accepting an inferior second class status in marriage with gender inequality and gender
injustice practised in families of high caste boys and opt for NBs who accept girls terms willingly
4. I beg to disagree that brahmin girls do not care about affluence.They would happily marry a NB with education and from affluent families in preferance to equally
educated from poor brahmin family.All girls [more than them ,her parents] talk formally about disliking smoking and drinking and all boys say equally that they are
teetotallers. Both think their duty is over with that and care the least if the declaration is untrue. It is stupid to think either boy or girl are virgin pure if they are past 28
plus. If they are , then need to investigate what is wrong.Most marry based on education,job,place of work ,perhaps language,age difference. Others are only
5. both can maintain a diplomatic hands off on item 5.