Unlike two generations ago, the number of children born and raised as TB in today's world may average 1 or 0.5
A culture survives if the average number of children born and raised in that culture is at a minimum of 2.3. In other words for every parent (2 people) there has to be 2.3 children on average for that culture to survive over time (with 0.3 more per couple to account for loss due to many circumstances).
Therefore it is a mathematical certainty that TB culture as understood today will be extinct in about 50 + years unless something changes. Nature is stubborn and its selection process is also stubborn.
Having said this, my personal opinion is that there is nothing to lament about this. I don't expect people to agree but I am not convinced that the most TB people living today regardless of the continent they live in represent anything special and sacrosanct except to themselves.
In any case from Varna point of view all of are born Sudras. The Varna description of Brahmana as in B.Gita is a rarely found characteristic in most TB people. What we have today is Kula (or Jati or caste) Brahmanas representing primarily cultural aspects.
By and large all cultures including the Brahmana Kula people are all 'body identified' people only, which by law of nature will evolve endlessly.
In terms of Varna Brahmanas, they continue to exist all the world over. Varna Brahmanas will never become extinct.
Having said all these, I still think it is desirable to marry within one's culture and kula when the character of the person being married to is acceptable. It is here that one can create systems to enable marriage within Brahmana Kula.
Unless Brahmana Kula people look towards having more than two children, the extinction of TB culture is a matter of time.
hi sir ,
i dont think so.....may some varies in TB culture.....here im giving 2 examples......which are mostly western culture influenced
TB /NB couples.....so just matter of convenience....nobody wants completely extinction.....our kids are more flexibles/adoptives..
i know one couple in USA....the TB gal and white boy.....both are doctors....they got one gal recently...they follow brahmin
rituals......like namakaranam/ next ayushya homam etc....like wise the TB boy married a white gal.....he follows TB rituals
properly.....even i attended all functions...even the white gal proper MADISAAR and he was in PANCCHAKACCHAM.....