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america today

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Sow.Viasalakshi Ramani and Sow.Raji Ram,

Respectable ladies, Greetings. I think, Sri.tbs sir could have eloberated his post a little bit more. I share his views in part too. For me, my wife in 'madisar' was the most sexy looking at anytime. My wife knows that too. Juat as sri.tbs mentioned, I don't even pay a second glance to girls in bikinis or skimpy dresses. Where I live, we come across plenty of them too.Sri.tbs mentioned about his grand ma to show respect to madisar. My grand ma, my ma wore madisar too; but, when I see my wife in madisar, it's always like extra voltage passing through.

Madisar demands respect; at the same time, madisar is the sexiest dress. It works both ways. (I humbly request you to consult your respective husbands, please).

Sow.Viasalakshi Ramani and Sow.Raji Ram,

Respectable ladies, Greetings. I think, Sri.tbs sir could have eloberated his post a little bit more. I share his views in part too. For me, my wife in 'madisar' was the most sexy looking at anytime. My wife knows that too. Juat as sri.tbs mentioned, I don't even pay a second glance to girls in bikinis or skimpy dresses. Where I live, we come across plenty of them too.Sri.tbs mentioned about his grand ma to show respect to madisar. My grand ma, my ma wore madisar too; but, when I see my wife in madisar, it's always like extra voltage passing through.

Madisar demands respect; at the same time, madisar is the sexiest dress. It works both ways. (I humbly request you to consult your respective husbands, please).

hi Raghy sir,
u have explained very welll.....its same with me......u have eloberated more than me......i can say little more.....madisar with wife is more

sexy with low hip settings....always like extra voltage.......

O God!

Till now, I was under the impression that a s--y dress means that it creates ---- feelings in all the persons of the opposite s--!!!

A new explanation given here!:doh:
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Dear Mr. Raghy,

I once asked my guru why the South Indian temples are so dark and the

God is also made of black stones. We have to struggle to get a glimpse of

the god in the dim light of the deepams lit inside the garbagruham.

He said that the more we hide the more interest and curiosity we evoke.

If we keep the God's moorthy made of marble stones, under bright tube

lights all the charm will be lost!

I think the male psychology works in the very same way!

Strangely in the same countries where women have to cover from their

head to foot, the women folk get raped by the father-in-law and the

other senior male members of the family.

Sadly, this also seems to support your theory.

Mercifully i am not forced to wear the 9 yards for all festivals!

For me it is as an A.S A.P dress (a dress from which we want to change to

normal clothes 'A's 'S'oon 'A's 'P'ossible).

Hope better dress sense dawns of the young mod (mad?) girls and they

start covering their body parts properly- at least to create more interest

and curiosity-even if not out of modesty!

with warm regards and cheers,
To me, no dress or undress makes a person 'sexy'. I think this word perhaps is used in a wrong connotation here, especially to describe the attire of ladis other than one's own spouse/love.

When my love is wearing anything that is attractive to me. But what other women wear or not wear that does not evoke any feelings in me other than appreciating any natural beauty there. To me, 'sexy' is different from 'beautiful'. I guess I am one of those who look at ladies wearing madisars (even with lowest hanging from the back) and do not feel any 'electricity'! God forbid, if I get those types of feelings, I will immediately go to a therapist, to straighten out my marriage!

I am still unable to imagine how that long and winding 'madisar' dress can ever give an electric shock!

Is it the effect of old Tamil movies? :noidea:
Beautiful people have always been different from sexy people.

Beauty pleases the eyes and does not corrupt the mind.

But a sexy person manages to bring out the beast hidden in a human being -

especially when she is not the lawfully wedded wife.

Beauty can be seen in the toothless smile of a baby and also in the toothless

smile of a white haired old lady!
I am still unable to imagine how that long and winding 'madisar' dress can ever give an electric shock!


Only my wife knows. Other women do not even suppose to know. I am the least surprised. I shall give a hint though; it is not the 'madisar' saree material per se, but it is the person wrapped inside that saree. I am not embaressed in saying this. என் பெண்டாட்டி பவர்! Only I and she can complete the circuit!

எந்தன் வாயினிலே அமுதூறுதே கண்ணம்மா
என்ற பேர் சொல்லும் போதிலே...

உன் கண்ணில் நீர் வழிந்தால்
என் நெஞ்சில் உதிரம் கொட்டுதடி!
என் கண்ணின் பாவை அன்றோ, கண்ணம்மா,
என் உயிர் நிந்தன் அன்றோ!

என்றெல்லாம் பாடினால், அது ஊரிலிருக்கும் கண்ணம்மா எல்லோரையும் குறிக்காது! கண்ணம்மா ஒரே ஒருத்திதான்!
எனக்கு, இன்றைக்கும் என் துணைவியை மடிசாரில் காணும்போது, நெஞ்சில் பட்டாம்பூச்சி பறக்கும்!

Other ladies don't exicite me in anyway.

"Of all the dresses my wife wear, madisar is the most sexisiest for me"..... Where is the debate in this?

To me, no dress or undress makes a person 'sexy'. I think this word perhaps is used in a wrong connotation here, especially to describe the attire of ladis other than one's own spouse/love.

When my love is wearing anything that is attractive to me. But what other women wear or not wear that does not evoke any feelings in me other than appreciating any natural beauty there. To me, 'sexy' is different from 'beautiful'. I guess I am one of those who look at ladies wearing madisars (even with lowest hanging from the back) and do not feel any 'electricity'! God forbid, if I get those types of feelings, I will immediately go to a therapist, to straighten out my marriage!


Sri. KRS Sir,

Greetings. Kindly read the whole message written by me & Sri.tbs before indirectly suggesting therapies!

Sow. Visalakshi Ramani,

When my wife wears madisar saree, for me it is like lighting up with flood light! What can I do? I don't care what you or other ladies think of me; I love her and she is charged. Period! I welcome all your comments with a smile. But all those comments are like 'water on duck's back' for me! I am not going to change my mind in a hurry though. Once again I repeat
when I see my wife in madisar, it's always like extra voltage passing through.

dear Mr. Raghy,

I just made a few general observations. I did not even suggest that you should

change your mind or opinion!

Great to know a person who adores his wife as Bharathi did his kannammaa!

I have read about such sincere admiration and adoration in stories and seen in

reel-lives but never in real life so far.

Touch wood!

I feel like wishing you the best blessing I can think of.

"may your love for each other grow with each passing year!"

with warm regards,
To Nobody,


At the college, male & female students were told to individually write a sentence using the words 'sex' and 'love.'

Females wrote : When two mature people are passionately and deeply in love with one another to a high degree and that they respect each other very much, then, it is spiritually and morally acceptable to the society that they both engage themselves in the act of physical sex with one another.

Men wrote : 'I love sex.'

Sow.Visalakshi Ramani,

Greetings. Thank you very much for your blessings. I am very happy about those blessings and would pass them to my wife. We constantly fight:boxing:everyday; sometimes we even forget when a particular fight started.....it could go for weeks at a time! But, still we love each other!

Dear Mr. Raghy,

Without occasional differences of opinions wedded life will be very dull indeed!

Every ones knows this I am sure.

துனியும் புலவியும் இல்லாயின் காமம்

கனியும் கருக்காயும் அற்று.
(குறள் 131 - 6 )

with regards and cheers,
எனக்கு, இன்றைக்கும் என் துணைவியை மடிசாரில் காணும்போது, நெஞ்சில் பட்டாம்பூச்சி பறக்கும்!

Other ladies don't exicite me in anyway.

You are 100% right sir!

It is not the dress that matters! It is the person who wears it!

My question is "How can you brand the 'Madisar' as a s--y dress?"

பட்டாம்பூச்சிகள் தொடரட்டும்!
Raji Ram
Dear sister,

Refer to your post # 33 in this thread.

The fully covered women being molested by men folk in their own family is not because of their dress!

And this view may misguide the youngsters!

They will roam around in 'showy' dress, thinking that it might protect them from harm! :decision:

Don't you think so?

Raji Ram :confused:
dear sister Raji Ram,
One section of the girls seems to invite trouble by self exhibition.
The other section gets into trouble in spite of not exhibiting their beauty!
What else can i say?
with best wishes and regards,
I dont know why everybody is so obsessed with discussing about sexy dresses in america today thread.
anyhow during school days esp in winter time the girls deliberately used to wear short skirts that too without the long brown color socks to protect their legs from freezing cold coz if they wear one no one will even blink at them/raise eyeballs.
I personally feel every sex(boy or girl wants to be noticed). They would specially wax the legs for this.
More so the girls. They will go mad if nobody notices them.
One girl in the science stream who studied with me in KV till 10th, she was average girl in studies, but in 12th she got 3rd rank leaving behind the usual guy who used to make the cut.
May be the usual guy was distracted.
dear sister Raji Ram,
One section of the girls seems to invite trouble by self exhibition.
The other section gets into trouble in spite of not exhibiting their beauty!
What else can i say?
with best wishes and regards,

Smt. Visalakshi Ramani,

That is an interesting observation. But I think it also depends on the context and situation.


we did have an interesting thread on madisar 2008/9. sad to say i think only nara & pann are still with us from that crowd. i have forgotten how eclectic we were.

btw i think there is also reference in one of jayakanthan's short stories, about a writer unable to produce any new work because of a block. one evening he was in meenambakkam airport, and he saw a sendoff of a young brahmin couple, the bride still in her madisar, and all of a sudden his mental block cleared, and he became productive once more.

a very fun thread ... please peruse. thanks.
(reply to # 42 and 48)

At least we are discussing about a decent dress called the 9 yards sari.

We are NOT dwelling in how a boy and a girl expressed their physical needs in different words


how girls are ready to face frost bites just to make some one's eye balls roll or eye brows rise!

Who was the avenging angel and what did she actually do ?

Your story is incomplete!
Dear Shree. Nara,

I am yet to read the thread you are referring to.

(my P.C was down from dawn to dusk today!)

But I can very well imagine how the Nakkeerar Nara would have taken to task the

week-end- brahmins (weakened brahmins?)

More after I read the thread!

with warm regards,
(reply to #49).

dear Mr. Brahmanyan,

Yes Sir! Everything loses its meaning when taken out of context.

It was about the modern girls who dare to bare everything on one hand and about the women compelled to cover themselves from head to foot, in some countries, on the other hand.

Both the groups seem to run the same risk!


That was the question!

with warm regards,

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