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Cry the Beloved Country

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Dear Yamaka,

Your rhetoric question in post # 19 and your answer to that question:

Who were the Architects of the Oppressive Caste Hierarchy in India?
The answer is crystal clear - the Vedam reading Sanskrit speaking Brahimins of the past!

From your earlier posts I understand that you may be a member of the dalit community. Please go and tell the above rhetorical question and answer to the dalits who were shot dead in your native district recently in the caste conflicts or the tribals who were raped in Vachathi (just 2 places as sample. Not a big tour which will be needed if you have to know the true dimensions of the feeling in Tamilnadu/India, my beloved country). Please come back and explain the treatment you were given for that--that is if you are able to come back as the same Yamaka unshaken and unaffected.
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என்ன கொடுமை!!

Enna Kodumai.webp
chitra subramaniam

i was away from india then, and no internet to read the hindu electronic edition.

so i had never heard of chitra subramaniam till today and that too by chance, if i will explain at the bottom of this post.

Chitra Subramaniam

a tambram by birth, chitra single handedly unearthed the bofors scandal. olaf palme the respected swedish ex PM was also supposed to have a hand in offering the bribes, because the indian contract was a big money and employment spinner for the swedes.

chitra was a correspondent for the hindu at geneva at that time (a plum job at a young age of 26) after a degree from delhi. she came across bofors documents by accident, pursued the story for a year and withstood threats, firing by the hindu and lived.

her best quote, 'Nobody lets India down more than Indians.' comes close to home, i think.

actually i came to know of chitra, through her daughter, through the link below. famous mother. maybe even more famous daughter?


stroll down to the very last pix. :) cheesecake !!
Post #20:

An agrarian feudal system built upon the nexus among just a few privileged groups prevailed up until about 40 years ago. Brahmins provided religious and intellectual justification for this system and in turn benefited enormously. That system is undergoing seismic change. A system built over millennia is unraveling. Change can be painful, especially for those whose privilege is being taken away.

The system as a whole and its members, majority of who were powerful middle castes, did not need any intellectual justification to enforce their dictat because the people at the receiving end-the dalits- in any case did not have the wherewithal to acquire the knowledge necessary to even understand the intellectual justification. So brahmins being the brains of the crafty casteist set up is so much non-sense, a handed down 'wisdom' by people who never bothered to understand the Indian society. Our 'intellectuals' with their bookish half-baked understanding keep parroting this handed down wisdom because it is catchy and because it is binary logic and hence is understood easily by the downtrodden. கிடப்பது கிடக்கட்டும். கிழவியை த் தூக்கி மணையில் வை என்ற கதை தான் இது. The system is not undergoing any seismic change. Rather brahmins would like to have that tremor/tsunami at the earliest so that the true tormentors would stand exposed and brought to kneel.

It is not surprising that the first to be toppled is the one who occupied the top spot. But the rest of the edifice will also come down, we can be certain of that just as sun rising in the east. Feudalism is the petrol on which this caste system runs. As the Indian economy becomes more industrialized and therefore more urbanized, feudalism will slowly fade away and with it caste will lose its significance. ICM is the vehicle through which this change will manifest

Even for an argument if we are to accept that the brahmins were at the top and being there were the first to fall, Why all this flaying of the dead snake? Politicians still vie to grab the headlines by bashing brahmins and if the theory that they are a fallen lot that would not be happening. The truth is that brahmins were made the scapegoat in the altar of expediency and in order to avoid the attention turning to other real tormentors all this rhetoric of politicians as well as intellectuals became necessary. It is a question of survival. As the Indian economy becomes more urbanised, brahmins are happily moving ahead enjoying the anonimity that a urban life gives and the attached security in a society in which they are singled out for all evils. It is only the other communities which are not able to forget anything.

Now, how all Indians and Tamils manage this change and adapt is the question. Urging people to see this as warfare and to accuse and to denounce any attempt to reform as hateful bashing is a disservice to humanity in general and in particular to the very Brahmins they purport to stand up for.

It would be nice to watch the scenario as it evolves than to keep bashing brahmins and egging them on to give more and more space. It would be even nice if these intellectuals talk to the dalits about the true color of these middle caste aggregate. Tell them how sweet their opiate of hatred is and how dangerous it is at the same time. But they wont do it because they have already had their own high with the same opiate.

Further, the same Dalits who are violently clashing with Vanniyars and other dominant NB castes routinely join hands with each other and criticize what Brahminism stands for and those who practice it. Why is this so? When Agnivesh wants to criticize Team Anna all he had to say is "Brahmanvad" and that finds resonance with the Dalits, why is this so? To say they are brainwashed by crafty politicians is a serious miscalculation.

That is the power of money and hatred. It is a deadly combination when political power is added to this combination. The mind space is totally occupied by hatred opiate. Even if you are temporarily weaned, you return to it with a vengeance. There is no miscalculation here. It is the truth.

Those of us who raise these questions are not automatically brahmin bashers finding common cause with NB FCs. This may make you feel good, as though you have scored a KO punch, but, the reality is, to accuse us of brahmin bashing is a disservice, and a tactic to conflate and misdirect ordinary Brahmins.

When you bash brahmins you become a brahmin basher. You become devil's advocate without a brief. Brahmins only react when bashed and so there is no preplanned tactics or strategy to conflate and misdirect.

I say to all, we all are in it together, this is not warfare, this is social change coming in waves and soon it will gain tsunami strength. We can deal with it together and come out the better for it, or fight it and get drowned.

That is something really. You have come a long way. Welcome. Brahmins do not want soothsayers who forecast a doomsday scenario of tsunami. They want to live in peace with every one else in the society by giving what they can and taking what they need from the society's commonwealth, without any one sitting on their neck.

love and peace to all ....

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Dear Raju & Other Traditionalists:

Just a small piece of history in my life - When I came to Chicago in Sep 1979 it was a weekend.. I was received by my Professor and taken to dinner.. the next noon, some of the post docs in the Dept took me for a lunch, where the discussion meandered to the ancient nature of Indian Civilization etc... the group had post docs from Australia, Britain, Germany and France.

All of a sudden the Australian asked me, "Are you a Brahmin?... if not where are you in the Pyramidal Hierarchy?"

I answered, "I am neither a Brahmin, nor a Dalit, but somewhere near the bottom".. and the French post doc intervened, "C'mon guys, what are you talking about!".

The British guy drew the perfect Pyramid and marked Brahmin at the very top and the Dalit at the very bottom, and said "Probably, Y is somewhere near the bottom... this is how Indian Society is segregated... by the Original Architects, the Brahmins".

You see Raju, the whole world knows the great Majestic Pyramidal Structure of India... and about their Original Architects.

No point in running away from the known History....nor trying to re-write the History. Accept it, and move on.

Brahminism: This is the idea or the concept that Brahmins are Superior people created by God to subjugate other people in the Society.

The Brahminists are Brahmin Supremacists, like my fil is...with whom I have philosophical war ragging, as we speak!

More later....

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Dear Yamaka,

Just a small piece of history in my life - When I came to Chicago in Sep 1979 it was a weekend.. I was received by my Professor and taken to dinner.. the next noon, some of the post docs in the Dept took me for a lunch, where the discussion meander to the ancient nature of Indian Civilization etc... the group had post docs from Australia, Britain, Germany and France.
All of a sudden the Australian asked me, "Are you a Brahmin?... if not where are you in the Pyramidal Hierarchy?"
I answered, "I am neither a Brahmin, nor a Dalit, but somewhere near the bottom".. and the French post doc intervened, "C'mon guys, what are you talking about!".
The British guy drew the perfect Pyramid and marked Brahmin at the very top and the Dalit at the very bottom, and said "Probably, Y is somewhere near the bottom... this is how Indian Society is segregated... by the Original Architects, the Brahmins".
You see Raju, the whole world knows the great Mejestic Pyramidal Structure of India... and about their Original Architects.
No point in running away from the known History....nor trying to re-write the History. Accept it, and move on.
Brahminism: This is the idea or the concept that Brahmins are Superior people created by God to subjugate other people in the Society.
The Brahminists are Brahmin Supremacists, like my fil...

There is no need to look anywhere else. It is enough to read this to understand what a member here frequently refers to as 'handed down wisdom'.
Hello ALL:

I was using the word "warfare" before in a philosophical sense.. for in my mind Reformists have to wage this war against the traditionalists/orthodoxy to save the religion or the culture from their death grips in order to sustain it long term..

This is what's happening among Muslims, Christians, Jews etc.

So, this struggle between Reformists and the Orthodoxy among Brahmins/Hindus is but very natural...

Beware... the Orthodoxy will call Reformists all sorts of names... before they loosen their grip they will revolt to the hilt..

Finally, they will relent... they must... they will...that's the known history..

Oh Reformists, keep fighting the good war, and the victory is yours, believe me.

Dear Yamaka,

There is no need to look anywhere else. It is enough to read this to understand what a member here frequently refers to as 'handed down wisdom'.

What's "handed down" is what the Traditionalists follow.

What I am writing is the known History, as the non-partisan academic historians wrote...

Wait & watch.
hello all:
I was using the word "warfare" before in a philosophical sense.. For in my mind reformists have to wage this war against the traditionalists/orthodoxy to save the religion or the culture from their death grips in order to sustain it long term..
This is what's happening among muslims, christians, jews etc.
So, this struggle between reformists and the orthodoxy among brahmins/hindus is but very natural...
Beware... The orthodoxy will call reformists all sorts of names... Before they loosen their grip they will revolt to the hilt..
Finally, they will relent... They must... They will...that's the known history..
Oh reformists, keep fighting the good war, and the victory is yours, believe me.

Dear Yamaka,

Brahminism: This is the idea or the concept that Brahmins are Superior people created by God to subjugate other people in the Society.

Please tell me now:

1. who is the author of this definition and what is the proof.

2. by what name do you call what happened in Vachathi ( I am mentioning only vachathi here because it would be in your recent memory because of a thread here in this forum). Is it brahminism or someother ism and if not brahminism what other ism is it?

More later.

Dear Yamaka,

Please tell me now:

1. who is the author of this definition and what is the proof.

2. by what name do you call what happened in Vachathi ( I am mentioning only vachathi here because it would be in your recent memory because of a thread here in this forum). Is it brahminism or someother ism and if not brahminism what other ism is it?

More later.


Dear Raju:

When we pursue this line of questioning, some of the members feel "Why do you talk about the same old things of the past... it's sickening.... leave the past alone"

1. Who is the author of this definition and what's the proof?:

The authors are Brahmins themselves, when things were going very well for them, till 1947, when the Independent India and its Constitution later recognized vile and venality of Casteism.

Again, I am repeating once more:

Hinduism was conceived by the Vedic People - the Brahmins about 3000 year ago.

Brahimins constructed the Pyramidal Caste Structure, and they kept themselves as Holy Priests at the top of the Pyramid. They said, "We are the chosen People by God.. We speak Sanskrit.. the language of the Gods!"

Yes, this is the known Old History.... I want the Traditionalists acknowledge this basic FACT... then move on.. to write the new future!

2. Your reference to the atrocities of Middle Castes is very well taken.

Dear Yamaka,

Your post #39:

When we pursue this line of questioning, some of the members feel "Why do you talk about the same old things of the past... it's sickening.... leave the past alone"

I don't agree with this. Your friends should have given you this advice before you came with your acidic doses of anti-brahmin rhetoric. Now also, you have chosen to reiterate whatever you have said in your earlier posts. So you are clever by half. I use my right to reply.

1. Who is the author of this definition and what's the proof?:

The authors are Brahmins themselves, when things were going very well for them, till 1947, when the Independent India and its Constitution later recognized vile and venality of Casteism.

What a naivety!! I declare myself the emperor of India and viola! every one come and pay their salaam to me. This is what I call the cock and bull story spun by the politicians and prejudiced intellectuals in India and abroad.

Hinduism was conceived by the Vedic People - the Brahmins about 3000 year ago.

Brahimins constructed the Pyramidal Caste Structure, and they kept themselves as Holy Priests at the top of the Pyramid. They said, "We are the chosen People by God.. We speak Sanskrit.. the language of the Gods!"

Please read my comments above once again. They apply eminently to this spin also. Please come with some proof, either internal or external which is at least 500 year old. I find it strange that I have to tell this to a research scholar with projects in hand funded by US Universities/Govt. Lol.

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Sanatana dharma has been challenged from buddha's time, perhaps earlier too. Our dharma welcomes opposition and dissent and respects their karma to do so. Even with mass murder of brahmins and hindus by muslim invaders and christians, hinduism has withstood the onslaught and will survive for ever till pralayam, or in modern parlance, till the end of the world.

Hello ALL:
Oh Reformists, keep fighting the good war, and the victory is yours, believe me.
I do not mind the constant brahmin bashing that goes on here by few brahmin haters. They think that it is smart to carry on this Vedanta against all brahmins because of the injustice done to them by a Brahmin in the past. That brahmin is not a representative of all born brahmins.
But it is sad that they disparage the country, culture, religion in front of foreigners, because of their ignorance.
"Janani janmabhoomishcha swargadapi gariyasi’’, well illustrates this sentiment. Janani (mother) and janmabhoomi (motherland) are more exalted than even swarg (heaven).

Oh I am sorry they do not believe in them too.
Sanatana dharma has been challenged from buddha's time, perhaps earlier too. Our dharma welcomes opposition and dissent and respects their karma to do so. Even with mass murder of brahmins and hindus by muslim invaders and christians, hinduism has withstood the onslaught and will survive for ever till pralayam, or in modern parlance, till the end of the world.

i do not know if this is a smug attitude based on confidence or ignorance. a confidence based on knowledge that i dont know. if so, i would be grateful if it is shared. or, if it is based on history? if it is the latter, i think, times have changed so much, that we cannot afford to blindly look back and predict the future based on the past.

In no other time in the history of mankind has the world faced so much turmoil, kindled by facilities of rapid movement of ideas and peoples. Over 50 years the face of Europe and north America has changed, from pristine white societies to the hues of rainbow, bringing in ideas and need for accommodations.

So too, india has changed since independence. The old values of caste practised till independence, already on rocky foundations have withered away. So it comes now as to who is the upholder of Hinduism. It is no longer, and highly unlikely will be the State. The State through kings, who revived Hinduism from buddhims and Jainism, but were unable to withstand the onslaught of islam and later European mercantile Christianity and liberalism later.

Akhand bharat has been shrinking, and signs portent to faster shrinking. May not be geographically, but in terms of hindu practises. A secularization of our lives is happening, whether we like it or not. Even diwali is more an occasion for merry making and jollity, than any seriuous contemplation of the victory of good over evil.

So, I think one cannot hark back to good ole days or the fact that Hinduism withstood previous attacks against its existence, good enough prediction for the future.

Here is why:

- even 100 years ago, our tambram society was stable and centred around agraharams. Today the world is the limit, which even perhaps 25 years ago, most of us would not have envisaged. While the distances of increased, so too have been the ideas. We have conveniently and comfortably dropped off rituals which we have found cumbersome, irrelevant or plainly inconvenient.

- Ic and ir marriages, unheard of almost in my youth, in tambram society, today if not the norm, atleast does not raise eyebrows or opposition to the extent it did in those days. There is no fear of banishment from the community, as young people are self sustaining and do not need the community or family network for survival, jobs or favours.

- The easy availability of alternate lifestyles and values, more in tune, with the individual’s temperament and comfort. this perhaps is the biggest threat to the ancien regime of manu and his smriti. Each one of us has diluted the practises to our own comfort level. Whereas on one hand, we tend to despise those whose values are more loose than ours (we call these Brahmin haters or self hating Brahmins), we are equally angry at those who are more traditional than us (no one’s daughter wants to marry a priest or with inlaws who practise madi and suddham concepts)

- The low birth rate among tambrams, which appear to be irreversible atleast at the present, means that we have increasingly less presence in our tamil heartland. Along with the less numbers, come also decreasing ability to pull in social structures and support for what we consider a Brahmin lead Hinduism. Yes, the iyer will be called to officiate a function, but the iyer is powerless to set the tone or value of the community. He is a puppet for rituals, but not societal values based on a Brahmin atthetop hierarchy.

- The above is also an incidental result of the bloc voting strength realized by caste groups. Right now, the dalits are not directly anti Brahmin, but the middle castes, more numerous than us are, and we have very little leverage by way of offering to the community. So we end up sulking over ‘reservations’ which is a legacy of the previous generation in their inability to see what was coming, and how position the community such that our interests were protected. A good example of how this was done on a community scale is the Christians, though equal in number, appear to have friends in all political camps. This, I think, is the ultimate failure of Brahmin leadership – secular and religious. Both.

There will be more temples build. What is happening in Toronto may be an example. Hindu temples are mushrooming thanks to sri lankan patronage. But these are temples where the Brahmin is only the priest, and as long as he is pleasant and in no way antagonizes the large numbers of bhaktas, who are non Brahmin he is allowed to live. Without that patronage, he will in the streets.

The challenge to the traditionalists here, is not to berate the Brahmin haters. I am with nara, that no one in the forum hates tambrams. Many of us, look forwards, look at ourselves now, and what we were. And perhaps try to reinvent ourselves, to a more positive sounding community, something that goes hand in hand, with our increasing material prosperity.

For we find, that money alone does not bring happiness. There appears to be a need to nourish the soul too, something most of us, including yours truly needs. What it is, and how we can approach it, and in doing so, provide a viable and attractive alternative to fellow hindus of other castes – this is the challenge. A challenge, which neither the religious or the secular leaders of the community appear unable to rise upto the level demanded by the situation.

For without such a new imaging, we will continue to go in the mode that we are currently, ie further watering down our rituals and practises, absolutely no depth of conviction for no one in his right mind, can ever support manu – for people will throw back in your face manu’s views on women and shudras. In a world populated mostly by women and shudras, I think, a starting point for resurgence may be, to bid adieu to manu and old style values as practised by kanchi mutt.

We need a reformation.

Here is a challenge to the traditionalists of all hues. Instead of berating the Brahmin haters, why don’t you come up with solid ideas for popularizing the practises. Instead of lamenting that no one practises rituals any more, come up with ideas and more contemprory rituals to replace the ones that appear not to be popular. Instead of negativity based on fear of defeat, come back with ideas. For nothing is better a combating tool, than new ideas.

Maybe that is what is missing in all these debates – new ideas for a modern updating of our traditions, to be in tune with the times of today – a today which has never been seen in history before, and which appears to be changing even as it is happening.

Thank you.
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I have been a silent spectator of all these pro/anti-Brahmins debates since I honestly didn’t think any of these debates added any value to my well-being or existence!!

But I thought I would pass my 2 cents since I very much liked with both Mr. Prasad’s 42 and Mr. K’s 43.

To me, the purpose of any religion is not only to teach morals and offer guidelines to follow through one’s lifetime, but more importantly to teach hope for the future. I sincerely believe all religions do that and Hinduism is definitely not an exception. Sadly, all the conflicts between the religions arise only when each religion tries to ‘absolutize’ the truth within their religion. As Gandhi said, there is only one truth and that is the absolute truth. To me, that absolute truth is God, my Supreme Being and religion, and I can idolize it in anyway or shape I want and it dictates to me what is wrong or right in whatever I do. To follow my worship I can follow any number of rituals, but even after I strip all those rituals, I still have what is left of my religion, its pure Goodness, the absolute truth or my consciousness, to teach me the morals and disseminate between what is good and evil and do the right thing. Unfortunately, if I believe only my religion offers the ‘absolute’ truth and if you belong to a different religion whatever truth you claim you offer, is not truth to me, then I don’t have any respect for your religion. This I detest.

Still my belief that only my religion alone offers the absolute truth and I am a staunch follower of that religion is MY PERSONAL BELIEF as long as I don’t belittle your religion and openly question its integrity. This takes me to Mr. Prasad’s post 42 where he says that because of few of my ancestors may have done harm to belittle my religion; it gives no right to anyone to continue to question its validity or goodness.

I couldn’t have put it better than Mr. K’s 43. I belong to the human race and believe it or not, the times are different now. I am part of a race which is made up of people with different shapes, beliefs, ideologies, faiths that are very different from mine; and I need to co-exist with them. For those that idolize EVR let me also tell you what I have seen with my own eyes in my grand father's village. EVRwould come for meetings, sit in the mandhakarai, instal Rama’s picture and allow his clan to put a garland of cheppals around the picture and have heard him calling the brahmins, ‘senappanni paappan’!! To me, as a very young boy when I heard it he sounded like a very bitter and disrespectful man, even though he may have been rightfully the father of the self-respect movement and brought about the ‘intellectual empowerment’ to those that needed it.

I am a Brahmin to the core, none of my elders in my family ever told me that what they followed as religion was better than any other religion, they encouraged me to go to church with my Christian friends, and I enjoy each and every ritual and function I still perform in my household. Some religions may offer sets of rules to follow through in life, may be I need more rules to organize my life differently from yours, then I expect you to understand that I have certain rules that don’t hurt you in anyway, the rituals and festivals that I enjoy is my business and not anyone’s, and I want to enjoy the diversity in religion freedom.

I agree with what Prasad said, yes, some of the habits my grand mother followed was funny, for e.g. when she took money from anyone other than Brahmin (sorry I don’t want to use the term non-brahmin since I never thought they were any inferior to me anytime in my life), if it was coins, she would sprinkle water on it and take it, if it was rupee note it was exempted as she claimed rupee note had no ‘dhosham’!!!!! yes it may have hurt their feelings. In my grand father’s village I have seen with my own eyes that on some of the streets some of the iyers were so adamant that the dalits could not walk with their slippers in the agraharam and they were expected to carry cheppals in their hands and they better tied their thundu around their waist when they crossed any of those iyers. But my grand father would offer the same man a seat whenever he needed to talk to him and would gladly buy him each time his favourite ‘goli soda’!! So should I say all brahmins were responsible to treat those dalits that way, absolutely not.

I have been away from India 38 years now, and I am not any less Brahmin or any less Hindu and this belief to me is very personal and I don’t like anyone to tell me that all Brahmins out there are hypocrites!!!

Have a good day.
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Dear Yamaka,

Your post #39:

I don't agree with this. Your friends should have given you this advice before you came with your acidic doses of anti-brahmin rhetoric. Now also, you have chosen to reiterate whatever you have said in your earlier posts. So you are clever by half. I use my right to reply.

What a naivety!! I declare myself the emperor of India and viola! every one come and pay their salaam to me. This is what I call the cock and bull story spun by the politicians and prejudiced intellectuals in India and abroad.

Please read my comments above once again. They apply eminently to this spin also. Please come with some proof, either internal or external which is at least 500 year old. I find it strange that I have to tell this to a research scholar with projects in hand funded by US Universities/Govt. Lol.


Dear Raju & Co:

Fine.. you have decided to pretend that you are all sleeping...you want me to wake you all up! It won't work...You all have decided to re-write known History.

Let's try some reverse-engineering -

Many of you have cried for several decades now about the Reservation policy of India - Constitution has given orders to implement it to "set the playing fields right".


If Brahmins were not the perpetrators of the Caste Hierarchy, why Brahmins feel "punished" by the Quota/Reservation in colleges & jobs in the Gov't?

Why some of you ask, "Well our forefathers did all this... why do you want to punish us today?"

Clearly, here I am going over things that most people in the Forum don't like because of the "unpleasant past"... I am forced to do this - at the risk of being called as Brahmin Basher, which I am not -because of the hell-bent nature of the Traditionalists who want to rewrite the History.

My personal view of the Reservation Policy is

It must be continued till the last of the Dalits and the Backward communities want a place in higher education and in Gov't jobs is given that opportunity.. However, I strongly oppose the "Creamy Layers" abusing this Policy.

This could take as long as 500 years... how could you bring parity sooner for a malpractice started at least 2000 years ago?

The upper castes need to wait that long to see the Reservation Policy to go.....

Simply, this Reservation Policy is the Constitutionally mandated antidote for the Casteism perpetrated by Brahmins of the past.

Wait & watch.
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I like Servall's post#45.
We have been out of TN for decades, and our of country for a long time. I do not follow most of the rituals, Just like Servell said we too follow our personal religion, no better or worse than anyone else. I do not have to barate anyone and I do not have to wait for anyone. We live in the present to the best of our ability, living within our limitations. We do not have to dominate anyone, but let me live my life.

Kunjuppu, I agree with your post in general, but I do not claim to be upholder of Hinduism, if one was appointed I would not follow him/her either. I follow my religion which happens to be a part of Sanatana Dharma, or Hinduism. I will explain my religion in diplomatic way to a foreigner. I will learn not to disparage the country, religions, cultures of my birth country.

I am not a fan of any organised religion. I have synthesized my views and my religion. All organised religions have a motive of getting more people in their fold. I do not subscribe to that. I admire Kabirpanthy in social settings, and feel comfortable in secular society.
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This could take maybe 500 years...

The upper castes need to wait that long to see the Reservation Policy to go.....

Wait & watch.

Yeah you can profess waiting and watching, because you are not the scape goat. You are not getting effected nor your children.

Beacuase all you believe with your practical life success is that, "The Fittest Survive" and the rest are crap. Even with your such propoganda, you should accept that, irrespective of any caste, the fittest person should have his/her share in a fair game play.

OR it must be clear that, you go in tango with Indian dirty politics and support them for their fittest performances as politicians, to be successful in their personal life, irrespective of what the fair and healthy society should be.

Yeah you can profess waiting and watching, because you are not the scape goat. You are not getting effected nor your children.

Beacuase all you believe with your practical life success is that, "The Fittest Survive" and the rest are crap. Even with your such propoganda, you should accept that, irrespective of any caste, the fittest person should have his/her share in a fair game play.

OR it must be clear that, you go in tango with Indian dirty politics and support them for their fittest performances as politicians, to be successful in their personal life, irrespective of what the fair and healthy society should be.

I have given the Ten Commandments for success in life that I followed elsewhere...

Even for the 8%-10% Brahmins in India, there is about 30% of the total seats available to compete to follow "the Survival of the Fittest" Theory!

Politics is dirty everywhere including Dubai and the US... but we need to follow certain legal principles like

"All Defendants are INNOCENT till proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt in a Court of Law"

"All Defendants are eligible for immediate BAIL, unless there is flight risk" etc.. that's what I have been writing about, which many of you think alien.

What can I do about it?
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