Dear Friends, They were umpteen high thinking personalities, before independence, among them Brahmins were the lot who sacrificed many things for the sake of the country & came out in the open , joined satyagraha & supported Gandhi/ Ghokala etc. & paved way for democracy. It is difficult to belittle them, just like that. Please read some Biographies/ Auto biographies of such personalities, and you will find that Brahmins are selfless & go al,l out to help the Dalits , even to day. It is easy to condemn such veterans, but difficult to follow even one act of theirs, because in this modern , computer age, we enjoy all the conveniences life can provide , yet criticise those who were selfless in those most difficult periods. Let us turn our attention to the reality of to-day, wherein we have get unites to serve the less ptivileged Brahmin families & bring them up to the required level to which we all have reached. Please be practical & help.
A.Srinivasan (rishikesan )
A.Srinivasan (rishikesan )