Dear HH,
Referring to your post #168.
It is indeed very intersting to get to know the historical evidences to say Atheism is the part and parcel of Hinduism. No doubt you have a thorough knowledge of such referrences (much appreciated as well) and they all truly makes sense to substantiate your claims - "Atheism have rightful place in Hinduism".
Folks born to Hindu families/Christian families/Muslim Families/Jain Families/Budhist families/Sikh families etc.etc., growing along with the community, turns out to be Atheists, at a cirtain point of time, out of some enlightment. These Atheist folks would than claim themselves having "rightful" place in their respective "ism", having their own "Atheism School of Thoughts" (focused in establishing invalidity of existence of GOD, against of, as how their respective religious doctrines explains) . Having elinghtment that GOD does not exists, they would turn out to be pakka Atheists OR having been confused and unable to conclude, would turn out to be Agnostics.
Hello Ravi,
Atheism has been a very valid path in what has come to be called "hinduism". Perhaps you have not understood the import of atheism in the vedic religion. Maybe you have not even read philosophical lines of enquiry in the atheist schools. Which is why you seem to trivialise atheism, as though people from various religions "become" atheists.
The mimansa and samkhya schools do not require theists to validate their means of knowledge. Please let me know on what basis do theists want to appoint themselves as the identifiers, approvers ??
My previous post was to highlight the fact that, what ever "Atheism School of Thoughts" exists, are all working against the "Theism School of Thoughts". Once they establish invalidity of existence of GOD and attest everything to Science and Technology (Science & Technology than got nothing to do with any religious association) than there is nothing sensible for me to accept that they still have a "rightful" place in their respective religion.
What is sensible to you is your own prerogative. I am most amazed to see how many people make claims or argue out of personal sensibilities without attempting to read relevant hindu scriptures.
I do not know which previous post you refer to. Please clarify.
On what basis do you claim that atheists schools are working against theist schools? On the contrary, theists on this forum seem to behave as though they own hinduism.
Sorry but i do not understand your claim that science / technology has nothing to do with religious association. Please clarify what does "Religious association" mean here?
When you say that you are athiest, don't say that you are Hindu/Muslim/Christican/Sickh/Jain etc..You can say that, you are adopting the life style of any of these religion (just because being brought up as such) excluding anything that got to do with GOD & Spiritualtiy.
Atheists around the world are just ONE community (irrepective of their birth religion) who all are rejected for their "Atheism" ideas by all the Theists of any religion, unanimously.
Are there Any Atheistic Religions? Can an Atheist Be Part of Any Religion?
Theists like me or any one would certainly claim validity to appoint ourself as the owners or authorities of any religion that we may belong to, as the identifiers and approvers, as a surviving humans of present era.
:loco: Are you joking please??????????
How well versed are you in the many paths that the vedic scriptures offer ? This is like saying i can read ABC so i want to appoint myself as the owner, authority and approver of english language.
Like wise Atheists like you
Sorry am not yet an atheist. I think about atheist arguements often but i pray. I keep all options and possibilities open.
and any one would for sure claim validity to oppoint yourselves as owners or authorities for social reformations in order to bail out the majority population from the clutches of GOD and Spirituality and make this world a fantasy world of pure sceince and technology, offering great safety, security, luxury, comfort and a sense of fulfillment (may be).
Quite a fantasy tale you spin Ravi. The atomist vaisheshika school did not make explorations for the sake of social reformations. Wonder what makes theists link atheism with any objective at all. As though there is no such thing as the pleasure of knowledge and getting to know different things...
Regarding my allegation on Athiesm (as questioned by you in your post #165)
Theists can not accept the Atheists blatant allegation that "Theism makes otherwise good people to act badly". Like wise Atheists may not accept the Theists allegation that "Atheism with Scientific oriantation can make otherwise good people to act badly and lead to destructions"
Neither Theists nor Atheist can ever succeed justifying the existence/non existence of God / Sprirituality, citing an example of group of other side people who all had/have created negative influences.
Whether Atheist and theists can expect themselves to get away with their allegation or not, the point is, none of them can calim their allegations 100% correct/justifiable.
Ravi, my questions to you are very clear. What is the connection between those 5 misused inventions and atheism? I do not see an answer here.
You say theism and atheism both cannot succeed in justifying the existence / non-existence of god. Which means theist do not have valid answers against atheism. Then on what basis theists like you want to appoint yourselves as the authority, identifiers, approvers, of any form of enquiry in the vedic religion???? Unfortunately we do not live in the smrithi period where brutes can use violence to enforce their way of thinking.
Anyways, please see this:
Indian Atheists